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    Местный Аватар для Limfoman
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    По умолчанию Ищу хорошего переводчика

    Всем привет.
    У меня немного нестандартная просьба: перевод в обмен на графику для вашего проекта.
    Мне заказали проиллюстрировать рассказ, но мой английский хуже, чем хотелось бы.
    Сам текст написан очень простым языком, на уровне фанфика, но достаточно объемный: 32 556 слов, 178 161 знаков с пробелами. Работать с таким массивом пусть даже простенького текста мне будет очень неудобно, придется всё время лезть в онлайн-переводчики.

    Я более чем уверен, что тут есть люди, чей английский намного выше моего и кто способен переводить подобные опусы на лету.

    Поскольку после праздников я конкретно поиздержался, то платить могу только графикой. Всё что угодно: тайлы, иконки, ассеты, элементы интерфейса, скетчи персонажей и локаций, доработка уже существующей графики и много чего ещё. Общий уровень качества можно оценить тут в галерее

    Такой вот бартер получается. Быстрый перевод в обмен на хорошую графику для вашего проекта. Насчёт её количества как-нибудь договоримся.
    Только прошу адекватно оценивать время и стоимость вашей работы. А то у меня уже попросили такой арт, за время рисования которого я сам бы перевел рассказ раз 5.

    Спойлер отрывок из рассказа:

    In a raging fire that stormed across the City of the Red Hawk, buildings fell, lives were lost, and all that could be heard was the screaming and suffering of many individuals who had no idea of what was happening. All they could hope for at this moment was survival. A little girl had wandered through the crowd of fleeing people, looking for her mother.p

    "Mommy!" she hollered. "Mommy, where are you!?" her desperate cry for her parent would be useless as she sat on her knees while a wall began to fall on her.

    The young girl looked back at the falling wall and turned back around, closed her eyes while covering her arms over herself, waiting for death.

    "Huh?" she was perplexed as to why she could not feel the gruesome weight of the wall slamming down onto her. She'd lean her head back, seeing a dark shadow cast over her in the figure of a man. "Who are you, mister?"

    The man smiled, grasping firmly onto the handle of his sword. He unsheathed it in an apace manner, vertically swinging up the blade toward the wall. It'd shatter into debris and dust, making both him and the little girl cough at it.

    "Son of a bitch..." he thinks to himself. After wiping the taste of dust out of his mouth he cleared his throat before addressing who he was. "I'm Sora." he boldly announced to the young girl. The aggressive rumbling in the floor and large shadow towering over him halted his show of bravado. He slowly turned around looking up at a monstrous sized demon.

    "Mortal! You dare interfere with my dinner!?" Its voice alone echoed around the city.

    While keeping his focus on the giant demon in front of him, Sora tilted his head enough for the little girl to hear him. "Hey, kid. What's your name?" he asked.

    "S-Sayu!" she answered as her voice trembled with a scared expression plastered onto her face.

    "I want you to get as far away from here as you can, Sayu. Your mother should be at the entrance to the city. That's where I last saw people heading for. Do you know where that is?" he'd ask her.

    "Yeah! I do!" she'd quickly answer.

    "Then get out of here as fast as you can..." he'd vaguely implore her. An army of demons slowly made their walk from the far distance behind the demon in front of them. "...you don't want to be around to see this."

    Sayu nodded in agreement and ran off as fast as she could. Before Sora could attack the demon, it swatted him through the concrete and glass of a building next to him.

    "Where are you going, pipsqueak!?" the enormous demon shouted. He'd throw his fist down at her in an attempt to kill Sayu before she could escape. "DIE BY THE HAND OF BALROG!" he yelled out.

    His fist was suddenly stopped by Sora, who'd keep it held back with just a hand. "Hey, buddy! Don't think I'd go down so easily!"

    "That's impossible! You should be dead!" the demon Balrog began to sweat. No one dead or alive who challenged him had ever been able to stop his punch with just their bare hands.

    With the grin of excitement on his face, the adrenaline rushing through Sora's body allowed him to get a firm grip on Balrog's long arms and toss him through the abandoned cars. It hadn't done much but annoy him. Balrog plucked off the pebbles on him and stood up, shrugging off the little bit of pain.

    "So you're strong. It matters not to me. My demon power still transcends that of a human's tenfold!" he boasts.

    "I don't give a damn about your power. If you have a complaint, you can tell it to the tip of my sword while I jam it through your heart." Sora replies,

    "INSOLENT MORTAL!" the demon yelled as he strides through the ground, throwing a punch at Sora.

    Before his fist reached Sora, something had happened that was too fast for him to anticipate. In the blink of an eye, his movement was suddenly stopped and Sora's blade was raised up vertically. With a grin stuck on his face, Sora held his sword over his shoulders while looking up at Balrog.

    "I think you should split," the young warrior willfully quips.

    A white line drew itself down the middle of Balrog's body. From head to toe, Balrog was split open, and his body parts fell to the floor, disappearing in black/purple flames. Sora spun his sword around and sheathed it while looking into the horizon, seeing the millions of demons make their way towards him.

    "Damn, there must be hundreds—no, thousands of them..., " he examines. " ...I guess I'll just start counting how many of these damn things I can slay before sunrise."

    Many of the surviving civilians watched Sora from a big distance as he walked towards the demons so nonchalant as if the sight of danger hadn't crossed his mind. They all questioned in each other in silence who he was, however, nobody but Sayu knew his name. Her mother comforted her as they gazed at the army of demons destroying everything in their path, flooding the city like a tsunami. They'd surround Sora in a circular pattern, leaving him nowhere to escape to.

    "I love it when you guys pile up together... " he says to himself while a demon scratched at him. He'd stab it before its claws could dig into his skin. " ...It makes it so much easier to kill you!" he yells out, swinging the demon off his sword and into a random group of other demons.

    Sora's relentless swinging of his blade caused him to decimate through the demons like child's play. He easily made short work of them as the body counts kept increasing over time. The evacuated citizens were astonished by his swordsmanship and flexibility in battle. Sora left no openings for himself to be struck and quickly parried off any and every strike that came his way. The evacuation team of soldiers hurryingly moved the civilians into the helicopters. When the last person stepped inside the final helicopter, they immediately took off into the air. Everybody looked down, continuing to watch Sora cleanse the city of the demons until they were out of his line of sight. Sora smirked at the evacuated people then diverted his attention back to the demons.

    "Come on! I can't do this all day damn day!" he yells into the sky as the demons then all piled down at him one by one. He broke free of their grapple and cut through a demon's throat while yelling into the air like a madman.


    The sun finally rose and shined down through the city of the Red Hawk. Every last demon that Sora had slain was laid out across the city — some in piles and others scattered around like roaches. A couple of soldiers came on a recovery mission to find any of their injured comrades. Many were found with wounds but were helped into an ambulance.

    "What the hell happened? I've never seen so many demons in one place," a soldier said to his fellow member — who was bewildered at what he saw.

    "Some guy came here and killed them all..." the female soldier strained herself, trying to speak. " ...It was like he was some kind of one-man army," she says in amazement.

    The helping soldier looked around at the dead bodies of the demons and soldiers. "How many were there?" he asked.

    "One-million," she answered.


    Sora strut into his uncle Daro's old coffee shop with a lot of confidence. He was feeling bold about his recent accomplishment and decided to act even cockier than usual. He'd steal a cup of coffee from a customer who had been reading a newspaper and chugged it down.

    "You're acting more prideful than usual, Sora..." Daro says as he replaces the customer's coffee with another cup. " ...did something happen that I should be aware of?" he asks worriedly.

    "No," Sora looks away shamefaced.

    Daro could see him lying through his teeth and decided to call him out on it. "Don't lie to me, where did you go?" he asks again, but this time with more authority.

    Sora sighs after being deduced. "I went to the City of the Red Hawk to fight some demons," he answers. Daro keeps glaring at him in disappointment. "People were in trouble! I had no choice but to go! If you were in my shoes you'd do the same thing!"

    "I don't have a damn problem with you going out and saving people you fool! The problem is that I don't know where you are at all times and it worries me that if you're ever in danger, I won't be able to come to help you!" Daro shouts back furiously.

    The idea of needing to be saved angered Sora in little amounts. "I'm not a kid anymore, uncle...I can take of myself!" he yells back.

    A random stranger bursts through the shop door with armored clothes and the wind breezing through his hair. He carried a knife with a note attached to it and threw it at Sora who ducked down just in time before it could hit him.

    "Hey, what's the big idea, jackass!?" he shouts.

    "In that note is your thirty-day notice. The entire town of Evanem Bay will belong to the Three Kings after the thirty days are over. They'll have moved some of their resources into the town and claimed what is yours now as theirs," the stranger in armor answers.

    Sora bites down on his teeth and grinds them steadily. "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you can screw off. Tell your Three Jackasses that my home ain't theirs. Not now, not ever," he says while staring down the stranger.

    "If you do not wish to comply with our demands, then you'll be leaving me no choice," he slowly reaches for the handle of his sword. Sora responds by doing the same.

    The man who had been drinking his coffee in peace quietly stepped out unnoticed. Daro stepped in between the stranger and Sora to try and calm the tension between them.

    "Let's just calm it down, you two. Look, I'm sure this can all be talked out somehow. Just show us to these Three Kings and then maybe we can negotiate something," Daro asks of the stranger.

    The man in armor took a moment to think to himself while staring down Sora. "Very well..." he removed his hand from his sword. " ...I'll grant you that request."

    Sora keeps his eyes locked on the stranger but comes to an ease with himself. "Who even are you anyway?" he asks.

    "My name is Vlad Kassius, the loyal guardian of the Three Kings," Vlad responds.

    "Well, Vlad..." Sora quickly drew out his sword, placing the tip of it at Vlad's face, expecting a reaction from him — however, there had been none. " ...show us to your bosses."

    Требования к переводу: максимальная точность, никакой "локализации", русских мемчиков, отсебятины и литературщины. Не надо ничего улучшать в тексте, пусть он останется таким же, но только на русском.

    Личное сообщение.
    Discord: Limfoman#2713
    Почта: Limfoman@gmail com

    Спасибо за внимание. Надеюсь, мне повезет с переводчиком, а ему повезет со мной.
    Всем успешного предстоящего года!
    Последний раз редактировалось Limfoman; 07.01.2020 в 00:41.
    Получилось — не жил, но выжил!

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