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Тема: 1008х624 как стандарта для Win-игр

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    По умолчанию 1008х624 как стандарта для Win-игр

    Всего два дня прошло как нам в руки попал МV.
    В этой теме я хочу поразмыслить о разрешениях режима экрана мейкера.
    Начнем с того что 816х624 мне не нравится. Подробно объясню почему:
    Спойлер Смотри картинку:

    Так выглядит игра в оконном режиме:

    А вот так таже игра будет выглядеть в полноэкранном режиме без растяжки ф4:

    А вот таже самая игра с растяжкой ф3:

    Согласитесь что смотрится это хреново!!!
    А теперь посмотрим как эту хрень исправить.
    Возьмем модуль (плагин) я не люблю слово плагин по этому буду дальше использовать слово модуль.
    Спойлер модуль:
    // Yanfly Engine Plugins - Core Engine
    // YEP_CoreEngine.js
    var Imported = Imported || {};
    Imported.YEP_CoreEngine = true;
    var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
    Yanfly.Core = Yanfly.Core || {};
     * @plugindesc v1.02 Needed for the majority of Yanfly Engine Scripts. Also
     * contains bug fixes found inherently in RPG Maker.
     * @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
     * @param ---Screen---
     * @default
     * @param Screen Width
     * @desc Adjusts the width of the screen.
     * Default: 816
     * @default 816
     * @param Screen Height
     * @desc Adjusts the height of the screen.
     * Default: 624
     * @default 624
     * @param Open Console
     * @desc For testing and debug purposes, this opens up the console.
     * Don't Open - false     Open - true
     * @default false
     * @param Reposition Battlers
     * @desc Allow the plugin to reposition battlers to resolution?
     * NO - false     YES - true
     * @default true
     * @param ---Gold---
     * @desc
     * @param Gold Max
     * @desc The maximum amount of gold the player can have.
     * Default: 99999999
     * @default 99999999
     * @param Gold Font Size
     * @desc The font size used to display gold.
     * Default: 28
     * @default 20
     * @param Gold Icon
     * @desc This will be the icon used to represent gold in the gold
     * window. If left at 0, no icon will be displayed.
     * @default 313
     * @param Gold Overlap
     * @desc This will be what's displayed when the gold number
     * exceeds the allocated area's content size.
     * @default A lotta
     * @param ---Items---
     * @desc
     * @param Default Max
     * @desc This is the maximum number of items a player can hold.
     * Default: 99
     * @default 99
     * @param Quantity Text Size
     * @desc This is the text's font size used for the item quantity.
     * Default: 28
     * @default 20
     * @param ---Stats---
     * @default
     * @param Max Level
     * @desc Adjusts the maximum level limit for actors.
     * Default: 99
     * @default 99
     * @param Actor MaxHP
     * @desc Adjusts the maximum HP limit for actors.
     * Default: 9999
     * @default 9999
     * @param Actor MaxMP
     * @desc Adjusts the maximum MP limit for actors.
     * Default: 9999
     * @default 9999
     * @param Actor Parameter
     * @desc Adjusts the maximum parameter limit for actors.
     * Default: 999
     * @default 999
     * @param Enemy MaxHP
     * @desc Adjusts the maximum HP limit for enemies.
     * Default: 999999
     * @default 999999
     * @param Enemy MaxMP
     * @desc Adjusts the maximum MP limit for enemies.
     * Default: 9999
     * @default 9999
     * @param Enemy Parameter
     * @desc Adjusts the maximum parameter limit for enemies.
     * Default: 999
     * @default 999
     * @param ---Battle---
     * @desc
     * @param Animation Rate
     * @desc Adjusts the rate of battle animations. Lower for faster.
     * Default: 4
     * @default 4
     * @param Flash Target
     * @desc If an enemy is targeted, it flashes or it can whiten.
     * OFF - false     ON - true
     * @default false
     * @param ---Font---
     * @desc
     * @param Chinese Font
     * @desc Default font(s) used for a Chinese RPG.
     * Default: SimHei, Heiti TC, sans-serif
     * @default SimHei, Heiti TC, sans-serif
     * @param Korean Font
     * @desc Default font(s) used for a Korean RPG.
     * Default: Dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serif
     * @default Dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serif
     * @param Default Font
     * @desc Default font(s) used for everything else.
     * Default: GameFont
     * @default GameFont, Verdana, Arial, Courier New
     * @param Font Size
     * @desc Default font size used for windows.
     * Default: 28
     * @default 28
     * @param Text Align
     * @desc How to align the text for command windows.
     * left     center     right
     * @default left
     * @param ---Windows---
     * @default
     * @param Digit Grouping
     * @desc Groups together digits with a comma.
     * false - OFF     true - ON
     * @default true
     * @param Line Height
     * @desc Adjusts universal line height used in Windows.
     * Default: 36
     * @default 36
     * @param Icon Width
     * @desc Adjusts the width of your icons.
     * Default: 32
     * @default 32
     * @param Icon Height
     * @desc Adjusts the height of your icons.
     * Default: 32
     * @default 32
     * @param Face Width
     * @desc Adjusts the width of actors' faces.
     * Default: 144
     * @default 144
     * @param Face Height
     * @desc Adjusts the height of actors' faces.
     * Default: 144
     * @default 144
     * @param Window Padding
     * @desc Adjusts the padding for all standard windows.
     * Default: 18
     * @default 18
     * @param Text Padding
     * @desc Adjusts the padding for text inside of windows.
     * Default: 6
     * @default 6
     * @param Window Opacity
     * @desc Adjusts the background opacity for windows.
     * Default: 192
     * @default 192
     * @param Gauge Outline
     * @desc Enable outlines for gauges.
     * false - OFF     true - ON
     * @default true
     * @param Gauge Height
     * @desc Sets the height for gauges.
     * Default: 6
     * @default 18
     * @param Menu TP Bar
     * @desc Draws a TP bar in the menu status for actors.
     * false - OFF     true - ON
     * @default true
     * @param ---Window Colors---
     * @default
     * @param Color: Normal
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 0
     * @default 0
     * @param Color: System
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 16
     * @default 16
     * @param Color: Crisis
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 17
     * @default 17
     * @param Color: Death
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 18
     * @default 18
     * @param Color: Gauge Back
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 19
     * @default 19
     * @param Color: HP Gauge 1
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 20
     * @default 20
     * @param Color: HP Gauge 2
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 21
     * @default 21
     * @param Color: MP Gauge 1
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 22
     * @default 22
     * @param Color: MP Gauge 2
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 23
     * @default 23
     * @param Color: MP Cost
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 23
     * @default 23
     * @param Color: Power Up
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 24
     * @default 24
     * @param Color: Power Down
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 25
     * @default 25
     * @param Color: TP Gauge 1
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 28
     * @default 28
     * @param Color: TP Gauge 2
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 29
     * @default 29
     * @param Color: TP Cost Color
     * @desc Changes the text color for Windows.
     * Default: 29
     * @default 29
     * @help
     * ============================================================================
     * Introduction and Instructions
     * ============================================================================
     * Yanfly Engine Plugins - Core Engine is made for RPG Maker MV. This plugin
     * functions primarily to fix bugs and to allow the user more control over RPG
     * Maker MV's various features, such as the screen resolution, font, window
     * colors, and more.
     * Just place this on top of all the other Yanfly Engine Plugins.
     * Adjust any parameters as you see fit.
     * ============================================================================
     * Bug Fixes
     * ============================================================================
     * This plugin fixes a few bugs found present within RPG Maker MV. Of them are
     * the following:
     * Animation Overlay
     *   When a skill/item that targets multiple enemies at once using a fullscreen
     *   animation, it will overlay multiple times causing the image to look
     *   distorted by a series of overlayed effects. The plugin fixes this issue by
     *   having only one animation played over the group instead of every one.
     * Event Updating
     *   By default, a moving event at Frequency 5 stops briefly for a frame
     *   instead of continuously moving. The plugin fixes this issue to match the
     *   previous iterations of RPG Maker XP, RPG Maker VX, and RPG Maker VX Ace
     *   where the event will move nonstop.
     * Event Movement Speed
     *   The movement speed of events are slightly slower than what they should be
     *   due a small error in the source code. The plugin fixes this issue and they
     *   move at the properly speed.
     * Event Movement Queue
     *   If an event were to move through an event command, changing a condition
     *   that would set the event to change to a different page would cause that
     *   event's move route to halt in its tracks. The plugin fixes this issue and
     *   the event's move route will finish.
     * Event Colliding
     *   Events cannot move over other events with a Below Player setting. This
     *   makes it difficult for certain types of puzzles or events to exist. This
     *   plugin fixes this issue by making the collision check only apply to events
     *   of "Same as Characters" priority. Any event that's above or below the
     *   characters will no longer collide with other events.
     * Screen Tearing
     *   When moving slowly, the tiles on the screen tear. While it's not
     *   noticeable on all systems, slower computers will definitely show it. The
     *   plugin will fix this issue and synch the tiles to keep up to pace with
     *   the screen's camera movement properly.
     * Sprite Distortion
     *   Because of JavaScript's strange mathematical behavior, sometimes values
     *   with decimal places cause spritesheets to end up looking distorted. The
     *   plugin will get rid of the decimal places and have sprite sheets take out
     *   frames properly by using integer values only.
     * ============================================================================
     * Gold
     * ============================================================================
     * You can use the plugin commands to add or remove gold more than the
     * editor's 9,999,999 limit. You can also place notetags into items, weapons,
     * and armors to over the 999,999 cost limit.
     * Plugin Command:
     *   GainGold 1234567890       # Party gains 1234567890 gold.
     *   LoseGold 9876543210       # Party loses 9876543210 gold.
     * Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
     *   <Price: x>
     *   Changes the price of the item to x. This notetag allows you to bypass the
     *   editor's 999,999 gold cost limit.
     * Enemy Notetag
     *   <Gold: x>
     *   Changes the gold drop value of enemies to x. This notetag allows you to
     *   bypass the editor's 9,999,999 gold drop limit.
     * ============================================================================
     * Items
     * ============================================================================
     * Change the parameters to reflect the maximum number of items a player can
     * hold per item. If you wish to make individual items have different max
     * values, use the following notetag:
     * Item, Weapon, Armor Notetag:
     *   <Max Item: x>
     *   This changes the maximum amount of the item to x.
     * ============================================================================
     * Stats
     * ============================================================================
     * Even with the parameter limits raised, the editor is still confined to RPG
     * Maker MV's default limits. To break past them, use the following notetags
     * to allow further control over the individual aspects for the parameters.
     * Actor Notetag
     *   <Initial Level: x>
     *   Changes the actor's initial level to x. This allows you to bypass the
     *   editor's level 99 limit.
     *   <Max Level: x>
     *   Changes the actor's max level to x. This allows you to bypass the editor's
     *   level 99 limit.
     * Class Skill Learn Notetag
     *   <Learn at Level: x>
     *   When placed inside a class's "Skills to Learn" notetag, this will cause
     *   the class to learn the skill at level x.
     * Weapon and Armor Notetags
     *   <stat: +x>
     *   <stat: -x>
     *   Allows the piece of weapon or armor to gain or lose x amount of stat.
     *   Replace "stat" with "hp", "mp", "atk", "def", "mat", "mdf", "agi", or
     *   "luk" to alter that specific stat. This allows the piece of equipment
     *   to go past the editor's default limitation so long as the maximum value
     *   allows for it.
     * Enemy Notetags
     *   <stat: x>
     *   This changes the enemy's stat to x amount. Replace "stat" with "hp",
     *   "mp", "atk", "def", "mat", "mdf", "agi", or "luk" to alter that
     *   specific stat. This allows the piece of equipment to go past the
     *   editor's default limitation.
     *   <exp: x>
     *   This changes the enemy's exp given out to x amount. This allows the
     *   enemy give out more exp than the editor's default 9,999,999 limit.
     * ============================================================================
     * Changelog
     * ============================================================================
     * Version 1.02:
     * - Fixed a bug that made screen fading on mobile devices work incorrectly.
     * Version 1.01:
     * - Fixed a bug that where if button sprites had different anchors, they would
     * not be properly clickable. *Fixed by Zalerinian*
     * Version 1.00:
     * - Finished plugin!
    // Parameter Variables
    Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_CoreEngine');
    Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {};
    Yanfly.Icon = Yanfly.Icon || {};
    Yanfly.Param.OpenConsole = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Open Console']);
    Yanfly.Param.DigitGroup = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Digit Grouping']);
    Yanfly.Param.MaxItem = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Default Max']);
    Yanfly.Param.MaxLevel = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Max Level']);
    Yanfly.Param.AnimationRate = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Animation Rate']);
    Yanfly.Param.FlashTarget = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Flash Target']);
    Yanfly.Param.ReposBattlers = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Reposition Battlers']);
    Yanfly.Param.EnemyMaxHp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Enemy MaxHP']);
    Yanfly.Param.EnemyMaxMp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Enemy MaxMP']);
    Yanfly.Param.EnemyParam = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Enemy Parameter']);
    Yanfly.Param.ActorMaxHp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Actor MaxHP']);
    Yanfly.Param.ActorMaxMp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Actor MaxMP']);
    Yanfly.Param.ActorParam = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Actor Parameter']);
    Yanfly.Param.MaxGold = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Gold Max']);
    Yanfly.Param.ChineseFont = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Chinese Font']);
    Yanfly.Param.KoreanFont = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Korean Font']);
    Yanfly.Param.DefaultFont = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Default Font']);
    Yanfly.Param.FontSize = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Size']);
    Yanfly.Param.TextAlign = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Text Align']);
    Yanfly.Param.LineHeight = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Line Height']);
    Yanfly.Param.GaugeOutline = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Gauge Outline']);
    Yanfly.Param.GaugeHeight = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Gauge Height']);
    Yanfly.Param.WindowPadding = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Window Padding']);
    Yanfly.Param.TextPadding = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Text Padding']);
    Yanfly.Param.WindowOpacity = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Window Opacity']);
    Yanfly.Param.MenuTpGauge = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Menu TP Bar']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorNormal = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: Normal']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorSystem = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: System']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorCrisis = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: Crisis']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorDeath = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: Death']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorGaugeBack = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: Gauge Back']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorHpGauge1 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: HP Gauge 1']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorHpGauge2 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: HP Gauge 2']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorMpGauge1 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: MP Gauge 1']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorMpGauge2 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: MP Gauge 2']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorMpCost = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: MP Cost']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorPowerUp = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: Power Up']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorPowerDown = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: Power Down']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorTpGauge1 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: TP Gauge 1']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorTpGauge2 = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: TP Gauge 2']);
    Yanfly.Param.ColorTpCost = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Color: TP Cost Color']);
    Yanfly.Param.GoldFontSize = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Gold Font Size']);
    Yanfly.Icon.Gold = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Gold Icon']);
    Yanfly.Param.GoldOverlap = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Gold Overlap']);
    Yanfly.Param.ItemQuantitySize = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Quantity Text Size']);
    // Bitmap
    Yanfly.Core.Bitmap_initialize = Bitmap.prototype.initialize;
    Bitmap.prototype.initialize = function(width, height) {
    	Yanfly.Core.Bitmap_initialize.call(this, width, height);
    	this.fontFace = Yanfly.Param.DefaultFont;
    // Sprite
    Yanfly.Core.Sprite_updateTransform = Sprite.prototype.updateTransform;
    Sprite.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
      this.worldTransform.tx = Math.floor(this.worldTransform.tx);
      this.worldTransform.ty = Math.floor(this.worldTransform.ty);
    // ScreenSprite
    Yanfly.Core.ScreenSprite_initialize = ScreenSprite.prototype.initialize;
    ScreenSprite.prototype.initialize = function() {
        this.scale.x = Graphics.boxWidth * 10;
        this.scale.y = Graphics.boxHeight * 10;
        this.anchor.x = 0.5;
        this.anchor.y = 0.5;
        this.x = 0;
        this.y = 0;
    // DataManager
    Yanfly.Core.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
    DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() {
        if (!Yanfly.Core.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.call(this)) return false;
    		return true;
    DataManager.processCORENotetags1 = function(group) {
    	for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
    		var obj = group[n];
    		var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
    		obj.maxItem = Yanfly.Param.MaxItem;
    		for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
    			var line = notedata[i];
    			if (line.match(/<(?:PRICE):[ ](\d+)>/i)) {
            obj.price = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
    			} else if (line.match(/<(?:MAX ITEM):[ ](\d+)>/i)) {
            obj.maxItem = Math.max(1, parseInt(RegExp.$1));
    			} else if (line.match(/<(.*):[ ]([\+\-]\d+)>/i)) {
            var stat = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase();
    				var value = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
    				switch (stat) {
    					case 'HP':
    		      case 'MAXHP':
    		      case 'MAX HP':
    						obj.params[0] = value;
    					case 'MP':
    		      case 'MAXMP':
    		      case 'MAX MP':
    		      case 'SP':
    		      case 'MAXSP':
    		      case 'MAX SP':
    						obj.params[1] = value;
    					case 'ATK':
    		      case 'STR':
    						obj.params[2] = value;
    					case 'DEF':
    						obj.params[3] = value;
    					case 'MAT':
    		      case 'INT' || 'SPI':
    						obj.params[4] = value;
    					case 'MDF':
    		      case 'RES':
    						obj.params[5] = value;
    					case 'AGI':
    		      case 'SPD':
    						obj.params[6] = value;
    					case 'LUK':
    						obj.params[7] = value;
    					case 'EXP':
    		      case 'XP':
    						obj.exp = value;
    DataManager.processCORENotetags2 = function(group) {
    	for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
    		var obj = group[n];
    		var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
    		for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
    			var line = notedata[i];
    			if (line.match(/<(?:GOLD):[ ](\d+)>/i)) {
            obj.gold = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
    			} else if (line.match(/<(.*):[ ](\d+)>/i)) {
            var stat = String(RegExp.$1).toUpperCase();
    				var value = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
    				switch (stat) {
    					case 'HP':
    		      case 'MAXHP':
    		      case 'MAX HP':
    						obj.params[0] = value;
    					case 'MP':
    		      case 'MAXMP':
    		      case 'MAX MP':
    		      case 'SP':
    		      case 'MAXSP':
    		      case 'MAX SP':
    						obj.params[1] = value;
    					case 'ATK':
    		      case 'STR':
    						obj.params[2] = value;
    					case 'DEF':
    						obj.params[3] = value;
    					case 'MAT':
    		      case 'INT':
    		      case 'SPI':
    						obj.params[4] = value;
    					case 'MDF':
    		      case 'RES':
    						obj.params[5] = value;
    					case 'AGI':
    		      case 'SPD':
    						obj.params[6] = value;
    					case 'LUK':
    						obj.params[7] = value;
    DataManager.processCORENotetags3 = function(group) {
    	for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
    		var obj = group[n];
    		var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
    		obj.maxLevel = Yanfly.Param.MaxLevel;
    		for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; i++) {
    			var line = notedata[i];
    			if (line.match(/<(?:MAX LEVEL):[ ](\d+)>/i)) {
            obj.maxLevel = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
    				if (obj.maxLevel < 1) obj.maxLevel = 1;
    			} else if (line.match(/<(?:INITIAL LEVEL):[ ](\d+)>/i)) {
    				obj.initialLevel = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
    				if (obj.initialLevel < 1) obj.initialLevel = 1;
    DataManager.processCORENotetags4 = function(group) {
    	for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
    		var obj = group[n];
    		var notedata = obj.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
    		obj.learnings.forEach(function(learning) {
    			if (learning.note.match(/<(?:LEARN LEVEL):[ ](\d+)>/i)) {
    				learning.level = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
    				if (learning.level < 1) obj.maxLevel = 1;
    		}, this);
    // Scene_Manager
    SceneManager._screenWidth  = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Screen Width'] || 816);
    SceneManager._screenHeight = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Screen Height'] || 624);
    SceneManager._boxWidth     = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Screen Width'] || 816);
    SceneManager._boxHeight    = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Screen Height'] || 624);
    Yanfly.Core.SceneManager_run = SceneManager.run;
    SceneManager.run = function(sceneClass) {
        Yanfly.Core.SceneManager_run.call(this, sceneClass);
    		if (Utils.isMobileDevice()) return;
    		if (Utils.isMobileSafari()) return;
    		if (Utils.isAndroidChrome()) return;
    		var resizeWidth = Graphics.boxWidth - window.innerWidth;
    		var resizeHeight = Graphics.boxHeight - window.innerHeight;
        if (eval(Yanfly.Param.OpenConsole)) this.openConsole();
        if (!Imported.ScreenResolution) {
      		window.moveBy(-1 * resizeWidth / 2, -1 * resizeHeight / 2);
          window.resizeBy(resizeWidth, resizeHeight);
    SceneManager.openConsole = function() {
        if (Utils.isNwjs() && Utils.isOptionValid('test')) {
          var _debugWindow = require('nw.gui').Window.get().showDevTools();
          _debugWindow.moveTo(0, 0);
    // BattleManager
    Yanfly.Core.BattleManager_displayStartMessages =
    BattleManager.displayStartMessages = function() {
    	$gameTroop.members().forEach(function(enemy) {
    // Sprite_Animation
    Sprite_Animation.prototype.setupRate = function() {
    	this._rate = Yanfly.Param.AnimationRate;
    // Sprite_Battler
    if (!eval(Yanfly.Param.FlashTarget)) {
    Yanfly.Core.Sprite_Battler_updateSelectionEffect =
    Sprite_Battler.prototype.updateSelectionEffect = function() {
    		if (this._battler.isActor()) {
    		} else {
    			if (this._battler.isSelected()) this.startEffect('whiten');
    // Sprite_Actor
    if (eval(Yanfly.Param.ReposBattlers)) {
    	Yanfly.Core.Sprite_Actor_setActorHome = Sprite_Actor.prototype.setActorHome;
    	Sprite_Actor.prototype.setActorHome = function(index) {
    			Yanfly.Core.Sprite_Actor_setActorHome.call(this, index);
    			this._homeX += Graphics.boxWidth - 816;
    			this._homeY += Graphics.boxHeight - 624;
    // Sprite_Enemy
    if (eval(Yanfly.Param.ReposBattlers)) {
    	Yanfly.Core.Sprite_Enemy_setBattler = Sprite_Enemy.prototype.setBattler;
    	Sprite_Enemy.prototype.setBattler = function(battler) {
    			Yanfly.Core.Sprite_Enemy_setBattler.call(this, battler);
    			this._homeY += Graphics.boxHeight - 624;
    			if ($gameSystem.isSideView()) return;
    			this._homeX += (Graphics.boxWidth - 816) / 2;
    // Sprite_StateIcon
    Sprite_StateIcon._iconWidth  = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Icon Width'] || 32);;
    Sprite_StateIcon._iconHeight = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Icon Height'] || 32);;
    // Sprite_Button
    Sprite_Button.prototype.isButtonTouched = function() {
    		var x = this.canvasToLocalX(TouchInput.x) + (this.anchor.x * this.width);
    		var y = this.canvasToLocalY(TouchInput.y) + (this.anchor.y * this.height);
    		return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < this.width && y < this.height;
    // Game_BattlerBase
    Game_BattlerBase.prototype.paramMax = function(paramId) {
        if (paramId === 0) {
            return Yanfly.Param.EnemyMaxHp;
        } else if (paramId === 1) {
            return Yanfly.Param.EnemyMaxMp;
        } else {
            return Yanfly.Param.EnemyParam;
    // Game_Actor
    Yanfly.Core.Game_Actor_isMaxLevel = Game_Actor.prototype.isMaxLevel;
    Game_Actor.prototype.isMaxLevel = function() {
    		if (this.maxLevel() == 0) return false;
        return Yanfly.Core.Game_Actor_isMaxLevel.call(this);
    Game_Actor.prototype.paramMax = function(paramId) {
    	if (paramId === 0) {
    			return Yanfly.Param.ActorMaxHp;
    	} else if (paramId === 1) {
    			return Yanfly.Param.ActorMaxMp;
    	} else {
    			return Yanfly.Param.ActorParam;
    Yanfly.Core.Game_Actor_paramBase = Game_Actor.prototype.paramBase;
    Game_Actor.prototype.paramBase = function(paramId) {
    		if (this.level > 99) {
    			var i = this.currentClass().params[paramId][99];
    			var j = this.currentClass().params[paramId][98];
    			i += (i - j) * (this.level - 99);
    			return i;
        return Yanfly.Core.Game_Actor_paramBase.call(this, paramId);
    // Game_Party
    Game_Party.prototype.maxGold = function() {
        return eval(Yanfly.Param.MaxGold);
    Game_Party.prototype.maxItems = function(item) {
        if (!item) return 1;
        return item.maxItem;
    // Game_Map
    Game_Map.prototype.displayX = function() {
        return parseFloat(Math.floor(this._displayX *
    			this.tileWidth())) / this.tileWidth();
    Game_Map.prototype.displayY = function() {
        return parseFloat(Math.floor(this._displayY *
    			this.tileHeight())) / this.tileHeight();
    Game_Map.prototype.adjustX = function(x) {
        if (this.isLoopHorizontal() && x < this.displayX() -
                (this.width() - this.screenTileX()) / 2) {
            return x - this.displayX() + $dataMap.width;
        } else {
            return x - this.displayX();
    Game_Map.prototype.adjustY = function(y) {
        if (this.isLoopVertical() && y < this.displayY() -
                (this.height() - this.screenTileY()) / 2) {
            return y - this.displayY() + $dataMap.height;
        } else {
            return y - this.displayY();
    // Game_CharacterBase
    Game_CharacterBase.prototype.update = function() {
        if (this.isJumping()) {
        } else if (this.isMoving()) {
        if (!this.isMoving()) {
    Yanfly.Core.Game_CharacterBase_updateMove =
    Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateMove = function() {
        if (!this.isMoving()) this.updateStop();
    // Game_Character
    Game_Character.prototype.queueMoveRoute = function(moveRoute) {
        this._originalMoveRoute = moveRoute;
        this._originalMoveRouteIndex = 0;
    Yanfly.Core.Game_Event_setMoveRoute =
    Game_Character.prototype.setMoveRoute = function(moveRoute) {
        if (!this._moveRouteForcing) {
            Yanfly.Core.Game_Event_setMoveRoute.call(this, moveRoute);
        } else {
    // Game_Event
    Game_Event.prototype.isCollidedWithEvents = function(x, y) {
      var events = $gameMap.eventsXyNt(x, y).filter(function(ev) {
    		return ev.isNormalPriority();
    	if (events.length <= 0) return false;
    	return this.isNormalPriority();
    // Game_Interpreter
    Yanfly.Core.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand =
    Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
        Yanfly.Core.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
        if (command === 'GainGold') {
        if (command === 'LoseGold') {
    // Window_Base
    Window_Base._iconWidth   = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Icon Width'] || 32);
    Window_Base._iconHeight  = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Icon Height'] || 32);
    Window_Base._faceWidth   = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Face Width'] || 144);
    Window_Base._faceHeight  = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Face Height'] || 144);
    Window_Base.prototype.lineHeight = function() {
    	return Yanfly.Param.LineHeight;
    Window_Base.prototype.textWidthEx = function(text) {
        return this.drawTextEx(text, 0, this.contents.height);
    Window_Base.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {
        if ($gameSystem.isChinese()) {
    		return Yanfly.Param.ChineseFont;
        } else if ($gameSystem.isKorean()) {
    		return Yanfly.Param.KoreanFont;
        } else {
    		return Yanfly.Param.DefaultFont;
    Window_Base.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
        return Yanfly.Param.FontSize;
    Window_Base.prototype.standardPadding = function() {
        return Yanfly.Param.WindowPadding;
    Window_Base.prototype.textPadding = function() {
        return Yanfly.Param.TextPadding;
    Window_Base.prototype.standardBackOpacity = function() {
        return Yanfly.Param.WindowOpacity;
    Window_Base.prototype.normalColor = function() {
    	return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorNormal);
    Window_Base.prototype.systemColor = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorSystem);
    Window_Base.prototype.crisisColor = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorCrisis);
    Window_Base.prototype.deathColor = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorDeath);
    Window_Base.prototype.gaugeBackColor = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorGaugeBack);
    Window_Base.prototype.hpGaugeColor1 = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorHpGauge1);
    Window_Base.prototype.hpGaugeColor2 = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorHpGauge2);
    Window_Base.prototype.mpGaugeColor1 = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorMpGauge1);
    Window_Base.prototype.mpGaugeColor2 = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorMpGauge2);
    Window_Base.prototype.mpCostColor = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorMpCost);
    Window_Base.prototype.powerUpColor = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorPowerUp);
    Window_Base.prototype.powerDownColor = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorPowerDown);
    Window_Base.prototype.tpGaugeColor1 = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorTpGauge1);
    Window_Base.prototype.tpGaugeColor2 = function() {
        return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorTpGauge2);
    Window_Base.prototype.tpCostColor = function() {
    		return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.ColorTpCost);
    Window_Base.prototype.drawGauge = function(dx, dy, dw, rate, color1, color2) {
    	var color3 = this.gaugeBackColor();
    	var fillW = Math.floor(dw * rate).clamp(0, dw);
    	var gaugeH = this.gaugeHeight();
    	var gaugeY = dy + this.lineHeight() - gaugeH - 2;
    	if (eval(Yanfly.Param.GaugeOutline)) {
    		color3.paintOpacity = this.translucentOpacity();
    		this.contents.fillRect(dx, gaugeY-1, dw+2, gaugeH+2, color3);
    		dx += 1;
    	} else {
    		var fillW = Math.floor(dw * rate);
    		var gaugeY = dy + this.lineHeight() - gaugeH - 2;
    		this.contents.fillRect(dx, gaugeY, dw, gaugeH, color3);
        this.contents.gradientFillRect(dx, gaugeY, fillW, gaugeH, color1, color2);
    Window_Base.prototype.gaugeHeight = function() {
    		return Yanfly.Param.GaugeHeight;
    Window_Base.prototype.drawActorLevel = function(actor, x, y) {
    		var dw1 = this.textWidth(TextManager.levelA);
    		this.drawText(TextManager.levelA, x, y, dw1);
    		var level = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(actor.level);
    		var dw2 = this.textWidth(Yanfly.Util.toGroup(actor.maxLevel()));
        this.drawText(level, x + dw1, y, dw2, 'right');
    Window_Base.prototype.drawCurrentAndMax = function(current, max, x, y,
                                                       width, color1, color2) {
    		var labelWidth = this.textWidth('HP');
        var valueWidth = this.textWidth(Yanfly.Util.toGroup(max));
        var slashWidth = this.textWidth('/');
        var x1 = x + width - valueWidth;
        var x2 = x1 - slashWidth;
        var x3 = x2 - valueWidth;
        if (x3 >= x + labelWidth) {
            this.drawText(Yanfly.Util.toGroup(current), x3, y, valueWidth,
            this.drawText('/', x2, y, slashWidth, 'right');
            this.drawText(Yanfly.Util.toGroup(max), x1, y, valueWidth, 'right');
        } else {
            this.drawText(Yanfly.Util.toGroup(current), x1, y, valueWidth,
    Window_Base.prototype.drawActorTp = function(actor, x, y, width) {
        width = width || 96;
        var color1 = this.tpGaugeColor1();
        var color2 = this.tpGaugeColor2();
        this.drawGauge(x, y, width, actor.tpRate(), color1, color2);
        this.drawText(TextManager.tpA, x, y, 44);
        this.drawText(Yanfly.Util.toGroup(actor.tp), x + width - 64, y, 64,
    Window_Base.prototype.drawActorSimpleStatus = function(actor, x, y, width) {
        var lineHeight = this.lineHeight();
    		var xpad = Window_Base._faceWidth + (2 * Yanfly.Param.TextPadding);
        var x2 = x + xpad;
        var width2 = Math.max(200, width - xpad - this.textPadding());
        this.drawActorName(actor, x, y);
        this.drawActorLevel(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 1);
        this.drawActorIcons(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 2);
        this.drawActorClass(actor, x2, y, width2);
        this.drawActorHp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight * 1, width2);
        this.drawActorMp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight * 2, width2);
    		if (eval(Yanfly.Param.MenuTpGauge)) {
    			this.drawActorTp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight * 3, width2);
    Window_Base.prototype.drawCurrencyValue = function(value, unit, wx, wy, ww) {
        this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.GoldFontSize;
        if (this.usingGoldIcon(unit)) {
          var cx = Window_Base._iconWidth;
        } else {
          var cx = this.textWidth(unit);
        var text = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(value);
        if (this.textWidth(text) > ww - cx) {
          text = Yanfly.Param.GoldOverlap;
        this.drawText(text, wx, wy, ww - cx - 4, 'right');
        if (this.usingGoldIcon(unit)) {
          this.drawIcon(Yanfly.Icon.Gold, wx + ww - Window_Base._iconWidth, wy + 2);
        } else {
          this.drawText(unit, wx, wy, ww, 'right');
    Window_Base.prototype.usingGoldIcon = function(unit) {
        if (unit !== TextManager.currencyUnit) return false;
        return Yanfly.Icon.Gold > 0;
    Window_Base.prototype.drawItemName = function(item, x, y, width) {
        width = width || 312;
        if (item) {
            var iconBoxWidth = this.lineHeight();
    				var padding = (iconBoxWidth - Window_Base._iconWidth) / 2;
            this.drawIcon(item.iconIndex, x + padding, y + padding);
            this.drawText(item.name, x + iconBoxWidth, y, width - iconBoxWidth);
    // Window_Command
    Window_Command.prototype.itemTextAlign = function() {
        return Yanfly.Param.TextAlign;
    // Window_MenuStatus
    Window_MenuStatus.prototype.drawItemStatus = function(index) {
        var actor = $gameParty.members()[index];
        var rect = this.itemRect(index);
    		var xpad = Yanfly.Param.WindowPadding + Window_Base._faceWidth;
        var x = rect.x + xpad;
    		if (!eval(Yanfly.Param.MenuTpGauge)) {
    			var y = rect.y + rect.height / 2 - this.lineHeight() * 1.5;
    		} else {
    			var y = rect.y;
        var width = rect.width - x - this.textPadding();
        this.drawActorSimpleStatus(actor, x, y, width);
    // Window_ItemList
    Window_ItemList.prototype.numberWidth = function() {
        return this.textWidth('\u00d70,000');
    Window_ItemList.prototype.drawItemNumber = function(item, x, y, width) {
        if (!this.needsNumber()) return;
    		var numItems = Yanfly.Util.toGroup($gameParty.numItems(item));
        this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.ItemQuantitySize;
        this.drawText('\u00d7' + numItems, x, y, width, 'right');
    // Window_SkillStatus
    Window_SkillStatus.prototype.refresh = function() {
        if (this._actor) {
            var w = this.width - this.padding * 2;
            var h = this.height - this.padding * 2;
    				if (!eval(Yanfly.Param.MenuTpGauge)) {
    					var y = h / 2 - this.lineHeight() * 1.5;
    				} else {
    					var y = 0;
    				var xpad = Yanfly.Param.WindowPadding + Window_Base._faceWidth;
            var width = w - xpad - this.textPadding();
            this.drawActorFace(this._actor, 0, 0, Window_Base._faceWidth, h);
            this.drawActorSimpleStatus(this._actor, xpad, y, width);
    Window_SkillList.prototype.drawSkillCost = function(skill, x, y, width) {
        if (this._actor.skillTpCost(skill) > 0) {
    				var skillcost = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.skillTpCost(skill));
            this.drawText(skillcost, x, y, width, 'right');
        } else if (this._actor.skillMpCost(skill) > 0) {
    				var skillcost = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.skillMpCost(skill));
            this.drawText(skillcost, x, y, width, 'right');
    // Window_EquipStatus
    Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawCurrentParam = function(x, y, paramId) {
    		var actorparam = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.param(paramId));
        this.drawText(actorparam, x, y, 48, 'right');
    Window_EquipStatus.prototype.drawNewParam = function(x, y, paramId) {
        var newValue = this._tempActor.param(paramId);
        var diffvalue = newValue - this._actor.param(paramId);
    		var actorparam = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(newValue);
        this.drawText(actorparam, x, y, 48, 'right');
    // Window_SkillType
    Window_SkillType.prototype.makeCommandList = function() {
        if (this._actor) {
            var skillTypes = this._actor.addedSkillTypes();
            skillTypes.sort(function(a, b){return a-b});
            skillTypes.forEach(function(stypeId) {
                var name = $dataSystem.skillTypes[stypeId];
                this.addCommand(name, 'skill', true, stypeId);
            }, this);
    // Window_ActorCommand
    Window_ActorCommand.prototype.addSkillCommands = function() {
        var skillTypes = this._actor.addedSkillTypes();
        skillTypes.sort(function(a, b){return a-b});
        skillTypes.forEach(function(stypeId) {
            var name = $dataSystem.skillTypes[stypeId];
            this.addCommand(name, 'skill', true, stypeId);
        }, this);
    // Window_Status
    Window_Status.prototype.drawParameters = function(x, y) {
        var lineHeight = this.lineHeight();
        for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
          var paramId = i + 2;
          var y2 = y + lineHeight * i;
          this.drawText(TextManager.param(paramId), x, y2, 160);
    			var actorParam = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.param(paramId));
    			var dw = this.textWidth(Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._actor.paramMax(i + 2)));
          this.drawText(actorParam, x + 160, y2, dw, 'right');
    Window_Status.prototype.drawExpInfo = function(x, y) {
        var lineHeight = this.lineHeight();
        var expTotal = TextManager.expTotal.format(TextManager.exp);
        var expNext = TextManager.expNext.format(TextManager.level);
        var value1 = this._actor.currentExp();
        var value2 = this._actor.nextRequiredExp();
        if (this._actor.isMaxLevel()) {
            value1 = '-------';
            value2 = '-------';
        } else {
    			value1 = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(value1);
    			value2 = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(value2);
        this.drawText(expTotal, x, y + lineHeight * 0, 270);
        this.drawText(expNext, x, y + lineHeight * 2, 270);
        this.drawText(value1, x, y + lineHeight * 1, 270, 'right');
        this.drawText(value2, x, y + lineHeight * 3, 270, 'right');
    // Window_ShopBuy
    Window_ShopBuy.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
        var item = this._data[index];
        var rect = this.itemRect(index);
        rect.width -= this.textPadding();
        this.drawItemName(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
        this.contents.fontSize = Yanfly.Param.GoldFontSize;
    		var itemPrice = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this.price(item));
        this.drawText(itemPrice, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, 'right');
    // Window_ShopNumber
    Window_ShopNumber.prototype.drawNumber = function() {
        var x = this.cursorX();
        var y = this.itemY();
        var width = this.cursorWidth() - this.textPadding();
    		var itemNumber = Yanfly.Util.toGroup(this._number);
        this.drawText(itemNumber, x, y, width, 'right');
    // Window_BattleStatus
    Window_BattleStatus.prototype.gaugeAreaWidth = function() {
        return this.width / 2 + this.standardPadding();
    Window_BattleStatus.prototype.drawBasicArea = function(rect, actor) {
        var minIconArea = Window_Base._iconWidth * 2;
    		var nameLength = this.textWidth('0') * 16 + 6;
    		var iconWidth = Math.max(rect.width - nameLength, minIconArea);
    		var nameWidth = rect.width - iconWidth;
    		this.drawActorName(actor, rect.x + 0, rect.y, nameWidth);
        this.drawActorIcons(actor, rect.x + nameWidth, rect.y, iconWidth);
    Window_BattleStatus.prototype.drawGaugeAreaWithTp = function(rect, actor) {
        var totalArea = this.gaugeAreaWidth() - 30;
    		var hpW = parseInt(totalArea * 108 / 300);
    		var otW = parseInt(totalArea * 96 / 300);
    		this.drawActorHp(actor, rect.x + 0, rect.y, hpW);
        this.drawActorMp(actor, rect.x + hpW + 15, rect.y, otW);
        this.drawActorTp(actor, rect.x + hpW + otW + 30, rect.y, otW);
    Window_BattleStatus.prototype.drawGaugeAreaWithoutTp = function(rect, actor) {
    		var totalArea = this.gaugeAreaWidth() - 15;
    		var hpW = parseInt(totalArea * 201 / 315);
    		var otW = parseInt(totalArea * 114 / 315);
    		this.drawActorHp(actor, rect.x + 0, rect.y, hpW);
        this.drawActorMp(actor, rect.x + hpW + 15,  rect.y, otW);
    // Window_BattleLog
    Window_BattleLog.prototype.showNormalAnimation = function(targets,
    animationId, mirror) {
        var animation = $dataAnimations[animationId];
        if (animation) {
    			if (animation.position === 3) {
    				targets.forEach(function(target) {
    						target.startAnimation(animationId, mirror, 0);
    			} else {
    					var delay = this.animationBaseDelay();
            	var nextDelay = this.animationNextDelay();
            	targets.forEach(function(target) {
                	target.startAnimation(animationId, mirror, delay);
                	delay += nextDelay;
    // New Function
    Yanfly.Util = Yanfly.Util || {};
    Yanfly.Util.toGroup = function(inVal) {
    	if (typeof inVal !== 'string') { inVal = String(inVal); }
    	if (!eval(Yanfly.Param.DigitGroup)) return inVal;
    	return inVal.replace(/(^|[^\w.])(\d{4,})/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
    		return $1 + $2.replace(/\d(?=(?:\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$&,");
    	return returnNum;
    // End of File

    Я считаю что этот модуль будет в каждой игре на MV. Так как автор зарекомендовал себя еще на вх и асе.
    Но я отвлекся) Подключаем модуль и меняем ширину на 1008. Эту цифру я вывел экспериментальным путем.
    И смотрим что у нас вышло.
    Спойлер разрешение 1008х624:

    полный экран без растяжки:

    И конечный результат растяжка ф3:

    Вот примерно так.

  2. #2

    По умолчанию

    Ты учитывай, не у всех широкоформат. Придерживайся пропорций 4x3, 16x9, 16x10
    Последний раз редактировалось strelokhalfer; 25.10.2015 в 20:00.

  3. #3
    Маститый Аватар для Элрик
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 24 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    У меня вообще монитор 5:4. Максимум 1280х1024.

  4. #4
    Хранитель Аватар для Темный
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 50 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Ты учитывай, не у всех широкоформат.
    У меня вообще монитор 5:4. Максимум 1280х1024.
    Да, да я токо что решил сменить разрешения и проверить результат на 1280х1024
    и понял одно для каждого разрешения придется подбирать свою настройку.
    у меня экран настроен 1440х900 и те настройки 1008 длинна четко при игре
    в полном экране убирают все черные линии

  5. #5
    Хранитель Аватар для Темный
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 50 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    На мониторе с параметрами 1280х1024
    картинка выглядит как широкоформатный фильм)
    Спойлер скрин:

  6. #6
    Маститый Аватар для HopeBree
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 38 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    эммм, я у себя использую 1024х576 (16:9)
    и под широкоформатник заходит отлично, а на счет квадратных маниторов, это не так срашно, хоть и появляются черные полосы снизу и сверху, но сейчас многие игры выпускают именно под широкие мониторы и ни чего, многие играют с этими черными полосами

  7. #7
    Хранитель Аватар для Темный
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
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    По умолчанию

    Надо голосовалку замутить)) И выбрать самый распространенный размер.
    Ведь если так в глубь посмотреть на разном оборудование (мониторе)
    одна и таже игра по разному будет смотреться.

  8. #8
    Маститый Аватар для Temendir13
    Информация о пользователе
    в городе я проживаю, в Иркутске.
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    По умолчанию

    Скорее надо посмотреть, можно ли командой взять информацию о текущем размере экрана и в этом случае поставить эти данные в сам скрипт.

  9. #9
    Маститый Аватар для Bullet S.D.
    Информация о пользователе
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    По умолчанию

    Немного прифигел почитав посты...
    Я со своим 1920х1080, то есть ну нормальный, обычный 1080p для игр да, считал что уже надо менять... а тут такое...
    Вы в курсе что люди на 4к уже переходят? не?

    И про растяжку чего-то не понял. Мой ХР где 640х480 замечательно растягивает через обычный alt+enter на монитор без всяких приблуд и никаких черных полос... даже размытия нет, чёткие пиксели.
    Спойлер Проекты Dark Rise INC.:

  10. #10
    Хранитель Аватар для Темный
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    Записей в дневнике
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    По умолчанию

    И про растяжку чего-то не понял. Мой ХР где 640х480 замечательно растягивает через обычный alt+enter на монитор без всяких приблуд и никаких черных полос... даже размытия нет, чёткие пиксели.
    Сейчас тебе объясню. В MV сделали две кнопки ф3 и ф4
    ф4 - делает полноэкранный режим но без растяжки
    А ф3 - растягивает изображение на полный экран с учетом 816х624
    и на мониторе 1440х900
    получаеться вот такая фигня.
    Спойлер фигня:

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1008х624 как стандарта для Win-игр