Чуваки, а Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Menu Engine v1.07 есть у кого? У Янфли в блоге ссылка на 1.08 - а мне нужен именно 1.07, для проверки одной штуки
Чуваки, а Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Menu Engine v1.07 есть у кого? У Янфли в блоге ссылка на 1.08 - а мне нужен именно 1.07, для проверки одной штуки
Мини-игры: El Presidente -- Red & Blue -- Roll Me Away -- Wizard's Revenge
На перерыве: Mémoire
Кажется, заброшены: Street Magic -- Hack in the Dark
На том же гитхабе в истории есть
Код:#============================================================================== # # ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Menu Engine v1.07 # -- Last Updated: 2012.01.03 # -- Level: Normal, Hard # -- Requires: n/a # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["YEA-AceMenuEngine"] = true #============================================================================== # ▼ Updates # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # 2012.01.03 - Compatibility Update: Ace Item Menu # 2012.01.01 - Compatibility Update: Kread-EX's Synthesis # - Compatibility Update: Kread-EX's Grathnode Install # - Compatibility Update: Yami's Slot Battle # 2011.12.23 - Script efficiency optimized. # 2011.12.19 - Compatibility Update: Class System # 2011.12.15 - Updated for better menu MP/TP gauge management. # 2011.12.13 - Compatibility Update: Ace Equip Engine # 2011.12.07 - Update to allow for switches to also hide custom commands. # 2011.12.06 - Started Script and Finished. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Introduction # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # The menu system in RPG Maker VX Ace is great. However, it lacks the user # customization that RPG Maker 2003 allowed. With this script, you can add, # remove, and rearrange menu commands as you see fit. In addition to that, you # can add in menu commands that lead to common events or even custom commands # provided through other scripts. # # This script also provides window appearance management such as setting almost # all command windows to be center aligned or changing the position of the # help window. You can also opt to show the TP Gauge in the main menu as well # as in the skill menu. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Instructions # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save. # # Edit the settings in the module below as you see fit. # #============================================================================== # ▼ Compatibility # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that # it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting. # #============================================================================== module YEA module MENU #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - General Menu Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This changes the way menus appear in your game. You can change their # alignment, and the location of the help window, Note that any non-Yanfly # Engine Ace scripts may not conform to these menu styles. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HELP_WINDOW_LOCATION = 0 # 0-Top, 1-Middle, 2-Bottom. COMMAND_WINDOW_ALIGN = 1 # 0-Left, 1-Middle, 2-Right. # These settings below adjust the visual appearance of the main menu. # Change the settings as you see fit. MAIN_MENU_ALIGN = 0 # 0-Left, 1-Middle, 2-Right. MAIN_MENU_RIGHT = false # false-Left, true-Right. MAIN_MENU_ROWS = 10 # Maximum number of rows for main menu. DRAW_TP_GAUGE = true # If true, draws TP in the main menu. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Main Menu Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # These settings adjust the main menu, the order at which commands appear, # what text is displayed, and what the commands are linked to. Here's a # list of which commands do what: # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :command Description # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :item Opens up the item menu. Default menu item. # :skill Opens up the skill menu. Default menu item. # :equip Opens up the equip menu. Default menu item. # :status Opens up the status menu. Default menu item. # :formation Lets player manage party. Default menu item. # :save Opens up the save menu. Default menu item. # :game_end Opens up the shutdown menu. Default menu item. # # :class Requires YEA - Class System # # :gogototori Requires Kread-EX's Go Go Totori! Synthesis # :grathnode Requires Kread-EX's Grathnote Install # :sslots Requires Yami's YSA - Slot Battle #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COMMANDS =[ :item, # Opens up the item menu. Default menu item. :skill, # Opens up the skill menu. Default menu item. :equip, # Opens up the equip menu. Default menu item. :class, # Requires YEA - Class System. :status, # Opens up the status menu. Default menu item. :formation, # Lets player manage party. Default menu item. # :event_1, # Launches Common Event 1. Common Event Command. # :event_2, # Launches Common Event 2. Common Event Command. # :debug, # Opens up debug menu. Custom Command. # :shop, # Opens up a shop to pawn items. Custom Command. :save, # Opens up the save menu. Default menu item. :game_end, # Opens up the shutdown menu. Default menu item. ] # Do not remove this. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Common Event Commands - # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # If you insert one of the following commands into the COMMANDS array, the # player can trigger a common event to launch. You can disable certain # commands in the menu by binding them to a switch. If you don't want to # disable them, set the switch to 0 and it will always be enabled. The # ShowSwitch will prevent a command from appear if that switch is false. # Set it to 0 for it to have no impact. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON_EVENT_COMMANDS ={ # :command => ["Display Name", EnableSwitch, ShowSwitch, Event ID], :event_1 => [ "Camp", 11, 0, 1], :event_2 => [ "Synthesis", 0, 0, 2], } # Do not remove this. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Custom Commands - # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # For those who use scripts that may lead to other menu scenes, use this # hash to manage custom commands that run specific script calls. You can # disable certain commands in the menu by binding them to a switch. If you # don't want to disable them, set the switch to 0. The ShowSwitch will # prevent a command from appear if that switch is false. Set it to 0 for # it to have no impact. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOM_COMMANDS ={ # :command => ["Display Name", EnableSwitch, ShowSwitch, Handler Method], :debug => [ "Debug", 0, 0, :command_debug], :shop => [ "Shop", 12, 0, :command_shop], :gogototori => ["Synthesis", 0, 0, :command_totori], :grathnode => [ "Grathnode", 0, 0, :command_install], } # Do not remove this. end # MENU end # YEA #============================================================================== # ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing # computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or # halitosis so edit at your own risk. #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # ■ Window_MenuCommand #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class is kept towards the top of the script to provide easier access. #============================================================================== class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: make_command_list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_command_list for command in YEA::MENU::COMMANDS case command #--- Default Commands --- when :item add_command(Vocab::item, :item, main_commands_enabled) when :skill add_command(Vocab::skill, :skill, main_commands_enabled) when :equip add_command(Vocab::equip, :equip, main_commands_enabled) when :status add_command(Vocab::status, :status, main_commands_enabled) when :formation add_formation_command when :save add_original_commands add_save_command when :game_end add_game_end_command #--- Yanfly Engine Ace Commands --- when :class next unless $imported["YEA-ClassSystem"] add_class_command #--- Imported Commands --- when :sslots next unless $imported["YSA-SlotBattle"] add_sslots_command when :grathnode next unless $imported["KRX-GrathnodeInstall"] process_custom_command(command) when :gogototori next unless $imported["KRX-AlchemicSynthesis"] process_custom_command(command) #--- Imported Commands --- else process_common_event_command(command) process_custom_command(command) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: process_common_event_command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_common_event_command(command) return unless YEA::MENU::COMMON_EVENT_COMMANDS.include?(command) show = YEA::MENU::COMMON_EVENT_COMMANDS[command][2] continue = show <= 0 ? true : $game_switches[show] return unless continue text = YEA::MENU::COMMON_EVENT_COMMANDS[command][0] switch = YEA::MENU::COMMON_EVENT_COMMANDS[command][1] ext = YEA::MENU::COMMON_EVENT_COMMANDS[command][3] enabled = switch <= 0 ? true : $game_switches[switch] add_command(text, command, enabled, ext) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: process_custom_command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_custom_command(command) return unless YEA::MENU::CUSTOM_COMMANDS.include?(command) show = YEA::MENU::CUSTOM_COMMANDS[command][2] continue = show <= 0 ? true : $game_switches[show] return unless continue text = YEA::MENU::CUSTOM_COMMANDS[command][0] switch = YEA::MENU::CUSTOM_COMMANDS[command][1] enabled = switch <= 0 ? true : $game_switches[switch] add_command(text, command, enabled) end end # Window_MenuCommand #============================================================================== # ■ Menu #============================================================================== module Menu #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.help_window_location #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.help_window_location return YEA::MENU::HELP_WINDOW_LOCATION end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.command_window_align #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.command_window_align return YEA::MENU::COMMAND_WINDOW_ALIGN end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.main_menu_align #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.main_menu_align return YEA::MENU::MAIN_MENU_ALIGN end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.main_menu_right #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.main_menu_right return YEA::MENU::MAIN_MENU_RIGHT end end # Menu #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Actor #============================================================================== class Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: draw_mp? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_mp? return true unless draw_tp? for skill in skills next unless added_skill_types.include?(skill.stype_id) return true if skill.mp_cost > 0 end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: draw_tp? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_tp? return false unless $data_system.opt_display_tp for skill in skills next unless added_skill_types.include?(skill.stype_id) return true if skill.tp_cost > 0 end return false end end # Game_Actor #============================================================================== # ■ Window_Base #============================================================================== class Window_Base < Window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: draw_actor_simple_status #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_simple_status(actor, dx, dy) dy -= line_height / 2 draw_actor_name(actor, dx, dy) draw_actor_level(actor, dx, dy + line_height * 1) draw_actor_icons(actor, dx, dy + line_height * 2) dw = contents.width - dx - 124 draw_actor_class(actor, dx + 120, dy, dw) draw_actor_hp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 1, dw) if YEA::MENU::DRAW_TP_GAUGE && actor.draw_tp? && !actor.draw_mp? draw_actor_tp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 2, dw) elsif YEA::MENU::DRAW_TP_GAUGE && actor.draw_tp? && actor.draw_mp? if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] draw_actor_tp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 2, dw/2 + 1) draw_actor_mp(actor, dx + 120 + dw/2, dy + line_height * 2, dw/2) else draw_actor_mp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 2, dw/2 + 1) draw_actor_tp(actor, dx + 120 + dw/2, dy + line_height * 2, dw/2) end else draw_actor_mp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 2, dw) end end end # Window_Base #============================================================================== # ■ Window_Command #============================================================================== class Window_Command < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: alignment #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def alignment return Menu.command_window_align end end # Window_Command #============================================================================== # ■ Window_MenuCommand #============================================================================== class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: init_command_position #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class <<self; alias init_command_position_ame init_command_position; end def self.init_command_position init_command_position_ame @@last_command_oy = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: visible_line_number #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def visible_line_number return [[item_max, YEA::MENU::MAIN_MENU_ROWS].min, 1].max end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # overwrite method: alignment #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def alignment return Menu.main_menu_align end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: process_ok #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_menucommand_process_ok_ame process_ok def process_ok @@last_command_oy = self.oy window_menucommand_process_ok_ame end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: select_last #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias window_menucommand_select_last_ame select_last def select_last window_menucommand_select_last_ame self.oy = @@last_command_oy unless @@last_command_oy.nil? @@last_command_oy = nil end end # Window_MenuCommand #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Menu #============================================================================== class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scene_menu_start_ame start def start scene_menu_start_ame relocate_windows end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: relocate_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def relocate_windows return unless Menu.main_menu_right @command_window.x = Graphics.width - @command_window.width @gold_window.x = Graphics.width - @gold_window.width @status_window.x = 0 end end # Scene_Menu #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Item #============================================================================== class Scene_Item < Scene_ItemBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scene_item_start_ame start def start scene_item_start_ame return if $imported["YEA-ItemMenu"] relocate_windows end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: relocate_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def relocate_windows case Menu.help_window_location when 0 # Top @help_window.y = 0 @category_window.y = @help_window.height @item_window.y = @category_window.y + @category_window.height when 1 # Middle @category_window.y = 0 @help_window.y = @category_window.height @item_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height else # Bottom @category_window.y = 0 @item_window.y = @category_window.height @help_window.y = @item_window.y + @item_window.height end if $imported["YEA-ItemMenu"] @types_window.y = @category_window.y @status_window.y = @category_window.y end end end # Scene_Item #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Skill #============================================================================== class Scene_Skill < Scene_ItemBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scene_skill_start_ame start def start scene_skill_start_ame relocate_windows end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: relocate_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def relocate_windows case Menu.help_window_location when 0 # Top @help_window.y = 0 @command_window.y = @help_window.height @status_window.y = @help_window.height @item_window.y = @status_window.y + @status_window.height when 1 # Middle @command_window.y = 0 @status_window.y = 0 @help_window.y = @status_window.y + @status_window.height @item_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height else # Bottom @command_window.y = 0 @status_window.y = 0 @item_window.y = @status_window.y + @status_window.height @help_window.y = @item_window.y + @item_window.height end end end # Scene_Skill #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Equip #============================================================================== class Scene_Equip < Scene_MenuBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scene_equip_start_ame start def start scene_equip_start_ame relocate_windows relocate_aee_windows end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: relocate_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def relocate_windows return if $imported["YEA-AceEquipEngine"] case Menu.help_window_location when 0 # Top @help_window.y = 0 @status_window.y = @help_window.height @command_window.y = @help_window.height @slot_window.y = @command_window.y + @command_window.height @item_window.y = @slot_window.y + @slot_window.height when 1 # Middle @status_window.y = 0 @command_window.y = 0 @slot_window.y = @command_window.y + @command_window.height @help_window.y = @slot_window.y + @slot_window.height @item_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height else # Bottom @status_window.y = 0 @command_window.y = 0 @slot_window.y = @command_window.y + @command_window.height @item_window.y = @slot_window.y + @slot_window.height @help_window.y = @item_window.y + @item_window.height end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: relocate_aee_windows #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def relocate_aee_windows return unless $imported["YEA-AceEquipEngine"] case Menu.help_window_location when 0 # Top @help_window.y = 0 @command_window.y = @help_window.height @slot_window.y = @command_window.y + @command_window.height when 1 # Middle @command_window.y = 0 @help_window.y = @command_window.height @slot_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height else # Bottom @command_window.y = 0 @slot_window.y = @command_window.height @help_window.y = @slot_window.y + @slot_window.height end @actor_window.y = @command_window.y @item_window.y = @slot_window.y @status_window.y = @slot_window.y end end # Scene_Equip #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Menu #============================================================================== class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias method: create_command_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scene_menu_create_command_window_ame create_command_window def create_command_window scene_menu_create_command_window_ame process_common_event_commands process_custom_commands end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: process_common_event_commands #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_common_event_commands for command in YEA::MENU::COMMANDS next unless YEA::MENU::COMMON_EVENT_COMMANDS.include?(command) @command_window.set_handler(command, method(:command_common_event)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: command_common_event #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_common_event event_id = @command_window.current_ext return return_scene if event_id.nil? return return_scene if $data_common_events[event_id].nil? $game_temp.reserve_common_event(event_id) return_scene end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: process_custom_commands #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_custom_commands for command in YEA::MENU::COMMANDS next unless YEA::MENU::CUSTOM_COMMANDS.include?(command) called_method = YEA::MENU::CUSTOM_COMMANDS[command][3] @command_window.set_handler(command, method(called_method)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: command_debug #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_debug SceneManager.call(Scene_Debug) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: command_shop #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_shop goods = [] SceneManager.call(Scene_Shop) SceneManager.scene.prepare(goods, false) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new method: command_totori #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def command_totori return unless $imported['KRX-AlchemicSynthesis'] SceneManager.call(Scene_Alchemy) end end # Scene_Menu #============================================================================== # # ▼ End of File # #==============================================================================
Мини-игры: El Presidente -- Red & Blue -- Roll Me Away -- Wizard's Revenge
На перерыве: Mémoire
Кажется, заброшены: Street Magic -- Hack in the Dark
Нужен скрипт для запила собственных баттлбеков из тайлсета. Ну чтобы подгружался не стандартный, а тот который я создам.
Лицензионный VX Ace. Спасибо Петр.
2 года мукеризма в пустую.
В каком смысле? То есть чтобы фоном была карта? Потому что можно же спокойно создать свой, кинуть в папку тайлсетов и поставить в бою.
Я отрицаю вашу реальность и заменю её своей. (c) Джон Адам Севидж
Надо работать, работать надо. Ремешки под касками затянуть потуже, шинели в порядок привести, в кобуру засунуть трудолюбие 36 калибра и марш за мейкер! (с) Tall Men
Угу. Просто нужно в battleback1 кидать.Хм, теперь не уверен, а мейкер разрешит поставить баттлбеком одну картинку?
Я отрицаю вашу реальность и заменю её своей. (c) Джон Адам Севидж
Надо работать, работать надо. Ремешки под касками затянуть потуже, шинели в порядок привести, в кобуру засунуть трудолюбие 36 калибра и марш за мейкер! (с) Tall Men
Требуется скрипт на инвентарь без делений и подгрупп. Чтобы без подгрупп типа "оружие", "броня" и т.д., а просто одно большое меню со всеми предметами и большое окно описание тут же и ничего лишнего(необязательно, главное общее меню. В принципе, можно просто удалить все остальные группы, оставив лишь одну и кидать все туда, но это некрасиво)
Последний раз редактировалось Ром4ик; 31.10.2015 в 18:00.
Нужен скрипт расширяющий экипировку.
Лицензионный VX Ace. Спасибо Петр.
2 года мукеризма в пустую.
Эту тему просматривают: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)
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