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    VX Game Icon Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary

    Название: Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary
    Жанр: JRPG
    Автор: Kerotan
    Дата выхода: намечалась на 2011
    Мейкер: VX
    Графика: RTP стандарт / Скаченная из сети

    Сюжет игры: спасти принцессу, убить дракона и получить шар света.

    Сразу скажу про недостатки:
    1. Игра на англ.яз.
    2. Не достроены город Cantlin и Dragonlord Castle.
    3. Готовность игры 85~90%

    Спойлер Текст/диалоги (на англ.яз.):
    *: Descendant of Erdrick, listen now to my
    *: It is told that in ages past Erdrick fought
    demons with a Ball of Light.

    *: Then came the Dragonlord who stole
    the precious globe and hid it in the darkness.\!
    *: Now, \N[9], thou must help us recover
    the Ball of Light and restore peace to our land.

    *: The Dragonlord must be defeated.\!
    *: Take now whatever thou may find in these
    Treasure Chests to aid thee in thy quest.

    *: Then speak with the guards, for they have
    much knowledge that may aid thee.\!
    *: May the light shine upon thee, \N[9].

    Thou hast found the Wisdom of the Ancients!

    *: When thou art finished preparing
    for thy departure, please see me.
    I shall wait.

    *: Dost thou know about Princess Gwaelin?
    *: \N[9], please save the Princess.
    *: Half a year now hath passed since the
    Princess was kidnapped by the enemy.\!
    *: Never does the King speak of it, but he
    must be suffering much.

    *: East of this castle is a town where
    armor, weapons, and many other items
    may be purchased.

    *: Return to the Inn for a rest if thou art
    wounded in battle, \N[9].\!
    *: Sleep heals all.

    *: If thou hast collected all the Treasure
    Chests, a key will be found.\!
    *: Once used, the key will disappear, but the
    door will be open and thou may pass through.

    *: Listen to what people say.
    It can be of great help.

    *: A word of advice.\!
    *: Save thy money for more expensive armor.

    *: I am greatly pleased that thou hast
    returned, \N[9].\!
    *: Will thou tell me now of thy deeds so
    they won't be forgotten?
    *: Thy deeds have been recorded on the
    Imperial Scrolls of Honor.\!
    *: Dost thou wish to continue thy quest?
    *: Goodbye now, \N[9]. Take care and tempt
    not the Fates.
    *: Rest then for awhile.
    *: Dost thou wish to continue thy quest?
    *: Goodbye now, \N[9]. Take care and tempt
    not the Fates.
    *: Rest then for awhile.

    *: King Lorik will record thy deeds in his
    Imperial Scroll so thou may return to thy
    quest later.

    *: If thou art planning to take a rest, first see
    King Lorik.

    *: There was a time when Brecconary was
    a paradise. Then the Dragonlord's minions

    *: Where oh where can I find Princess

    *: To become strong enough to face future
    trials thou must first battle many foes.

    *: Thou must have a key to open a door.

    *: When entering the cave, take with thee
    a torch.

    *: Ooh, Princess Gwaelin...

    *: \N[9]'s coming was foretold by legend.
    May the light shine upon this brave warrior.

    *: Welcome to Tantegel Castle.

    *: We are merchants who have traveled much
    in this land. Many of our colleagues have been
    killed by servants of the Dragonlord.

    *: Rumor has it that entire towns have been
    destroyed by the Dragonlord's servants.

    *: Thou art most welcome in Brecconary.

    *: Welcome!
    Enter the shop and speak to its keeper
    across the desk.

    *: Watch thy Hit Points when in the
    Poisonous Marsh.

    *: Go north to the seashore, then follow
    the coastline west until thou hath reached

    *: Please, save us from the minions of the

    *: Tell King Lorik that the search for his
    daughter hath failed.\!
    *: I am almost gone....

    *: Many have been the warriors who have
    perished on this quest.\!
    *: But for thee I wish success, \N[9].

    *: Art thou the descendant of Erdrick?
    Hast thou any proof?

    *: See King Lorik when thy experience levels
    are raised.

    *: Beware the bridges!\!
    *: Danger grows when thou crosses.

    *: Within sight of Tantegel Castle to the south
    is Charlock,\!
    *: The fortress of the Dragonlord.

    *: No, I am not Princess Gwaelin.

    *: Enter where thou can.

    *: There is a town where magic keys can be

    *: If thou art cursed, come again.
    *: I will free thee from thy curse.

    *: Thou hast failed and thou art cursed.\!
    *: Leave at once!

    *: Garin, a wandering minstrel of legendary
    fame, is said to have built this town.

    *: Many believe that Princess Gwaelin is
    hidden away in a cave.

    *: Welcome to Garinham.
    May thy stay be a peaceful one.

    *: It is said that the Princess was kidnapped
    and taken eastward.

    *: I have heard of one named Nester.
    Dost thou know such a one?

    *: This is the village of Kol.

    *: Dreadful is the South Island.\!
    *: Great strength and wit only will bring thee
    back from that place.

    *: East of Hauksness there is a town,
    'tis said, where one may purchase weapons of
    extraordinary quality.

    *: In legends it is said that fairies know how
    to put Golem to sleep.

    *: This bath cures rheumatism.

    *: Golem is afraid of the music of the flute,
    so 'tis said.

    *: Hast thou seen Nester?
    I think he may need help.

    *: I know nothing.

    *: Though thou art as brave as thy ancestor,
    \N[9], thou cannot defeat the great
    Dragonlord with such weapons.\!
    *: Thou shouldst come here again.

    *: Hast thou been to the southern island?
    *: I have heard that powerful enemies live
    *: To the south, I believe, there is a town
    called Rimuldar.

    *: Rimuldar is the place to buy keys.

    *: I thank thee for thy help.
    Here, take this key.

    *: All the best to thee.

    *: What shall I get for thy dinner?

    The tablet reads as follows:\!
    I am Erdrick and thou art my descendant.\!
    Three items were needed to reach the
    Isle of Dragons, which is south of Brecconary.

    I gathered these items, reached the island,
    and there defeated a creature of great evil.\!
    Now I have entrusted the three items to three
    worthy keepers.

    Their descendants will protect the items until
    thy quest leads thee to seek them out.\!
    When a new evil arises, find the three items,
    then fight!

    Of GOLD thou hast gained 120!

    Fortune smiles upon thee, \N[9].
    Thou hast found the Torch!

    Fortune smiles upon thee, \N[9].
    Thou hast found the Magic Key!

    Fortune smiles upon thee, \N[9].
    Thou hast found the Warp Wing!

    Fortune smiles upon thee, \N[9].
    Thou hast found the Medicinal Herb.

    Fortune smiles upon thee, \N[9].
    Thou hast found the Antidotal Herb.

    \N[9] peered into the vase.
    But nothing was found.

    \N[9] put on the <item> and was cursed!.
    Thy body is being squeezed.

    The <item> is squeezing thy body.

    *: I'm Nester.\!
    Hey, where am I? No, don't tell me!

    *: Magic keys!
    They will unlock any door.
    Dost thou wish to purchase one for 24 GOLD?

    *: I am looking for the castle cellar.
    I heard it is not easily found.

    *: Never does a brave person steal.

    *: In Garinham, look for the grave of Garin.
    Thou must push on a wall of darkness there.

    *: I'm too busy.
    Ask the other guard.

    *: Thy bravery must be proven.\!
    *: Thus, I propose a test.\!
    *: There is a Silver Harp that beckons to the
    creatures of the Dragonlord.

    *: Bring this to me and I will reward thee with
    the Staff of Rain.
    A torch can be used only in dark places.

    *: Go to the town of Cantlin.

    *: Howard had it, but he went to Rimuldar
    and never returned.

    *: Welcome!
    Will thou buy some Fairy Water for 174 GOLD
    to keep the Dragonlord's minions away?

    *: Hello, this is a hot spring bath.

    \N[9] searched the ground all about.\!
    But there found nothing.

    *: I thank thee for thy help.\!
    *: Here, take this Holy water to keep the
    Dragonlord's minions away.

    *: For cooking thou needs some ingredients.

    *: No, I have no tomatoes.
    I have no tomatoes today.

    *: The scales of the Dragonlord are as hard
    as steel.

    *: Welcome to the town of Rimuldar.

    *: Thou shalt find the Stones of Sunlight
    in Tantegel Castle, if thou has not found
    them yet.

    *: Who art thou?
    Leave at once or I will call my friends.

    *: Over the western part of this island
    Erdrick created a rainbow.
    *: 'Tis also said that he entered the darkness
    from a hidden entrance in the room of the

    *: All true warriors wear a ring.

    *: You are \N[9]?
    It has been long since last we met.

    *: Orwick is late again. I'm starving.

    *: I am Orwick, and I am waiting for
    my girl friend.

    On your travels, always keep an eye out for
    treasure chests in unexpected places.

    None of the books appear to be particularly

    Havin' a load of weapons and armour
    knockin' about in your bag won't do you
    no good.
    You've gotta equip yourself with 'em!

    The treasure chest is locked!

    *: What dost thou want?

    /N[9] checked the bookshelf./!
    The bookcase is packed full of difficult books.

    \N[9] checked the bookshelf.\!
    It's crammed full of books of inconceivable

    *: Magic keys! They will unlock any door.
    Dost thou wish to purchase one for 53 GOLD?
    Here, take this key.
    I will see thee later.

    *: Thou hast not enough money.

    *: Good day, I am Howard.
    Four steps south of the bath in Kol thou
    shalt find a magic item.

    *: You are \N[9]?
    It has been long since last we meet.

    *: Before long the enemy will arrive.

    *: In this world is there any sword that can
    pierce the scales of the Dragonlord?

    *: Heed my warning!
    Travel not to the south for there
    the monsters are fierce and terrible.

    *: This is a magic place.
    Hast thou found a magic temple?
    *: In this temple do the sun and rain meet.
    *: Go to the south.

    *: In thy task thou hast failed. Alas, I fear
    thou art not the one Erdrick predicted
    would save us.\!
    *: Go now!

    *: Some say that Garin's grave is home
    to a Silver Harp.

    *: Once there was a town called Hauksness
    far to the south, but I do not know if it still

    *: Hast thou found the flute?
    *: Go to the town of Cantlin.
    *: Howard had it, but he went to Rimuldar
    and never returned.

    \[9] discovers the Fairy Flute.

    Thou hast brought the flute. Good.\!
    I wish to go with thee in thy quest
    to aid thee defeat the Dragonlord.

    *: They say that Erdrick's armor was hidden
    long ago.

    *: I suggest making a map if thy path leads
    into the darkness.

    *: I hate people!
    Go! Leave me!

    *: Once there was a town called Hauksness
    far to the south, but I do not know if it still

    *: I'm too busy. Ask the other guard.

    *: The harp attracts enemies.
    Stay away from the grave in Garinham.

    *: Oh! He was waiting for me somewhere
    else? He's so absent- minded.\!
    Please tell Orwick that I'm here.

    Huh? She's waiting for me?\!
    Oh no! I made a mistake again!\!
    She must be really angry.

    *: They say that Erdrick's armor was
    hidden long ago.

    *: Once there was a town called Hauksness
    far to the south, but I do not know if it still

    *: Art thou the friend of fairies?
    Hast thou any proof?

    *: Thou hast brought the harp. Good.\!
    I have been waiting long for one such as thee.\!
    Take the Treasure Chest.

    *: I have been waiting long for one such
    as thee.
    *: Thou hast no business here.
    Go away.

    *: Is that a wedding ring?
    Thou seems too young to be married.

    *: Who touches me?
    I see nothing, nor can I hear.

    *: Oh, my dearest Gwaelin!
    I hate thee, \N[9].

    *: Thank you for saving the Princess.

    Thou art brave indeed to rescue me, \N[9].
    I am Gwaelin, daughter of Lorik.
    Will thou take me to the castle?\nb[Gwaelin]

    played a sweet melody on the harp.

    \N[9] blew the Fairies' Flute.

    Forever shall I be grateful for the gift of
    my daughter returned to her home, \N[9].
    Accept my thanks.\!
    Now, Gwaelin, come to my side.\!

    Gwaelin then whispers:\!

    Wait a moment, please.
    I would give a present to \N[9].\!
    Please accept my love, \N[9].\!
    And I would like to have something of
    thine--a token.
    Please give me thy Dragon's Scale.
    Even when we two are parted by great
    distances, I shall be with thee.\!
    Farewell, \N[9].\nb[Gwaelin]

    *: When the sun and rain meet, a Rainbow
    Bridge shall appear.\!
    *: It's a legend.

    *: Let us wish the warrior well!

    *: Come buy my radishes!
    They are fresh and cheap.
    Buy thy radishes today!

    This path does not lead to the castle,

    Dost thou love me, \N[9]?
    NO: But thou must.

    *: Welcome to Cantlin, the castle town.

    *: It is said that many have held Erdrick's
    *: The last to have it was a fellow named

    *: 'Tis said that the Dragonlord hath claws
    that can cleave iron and fiery breath that can
    melt stone.\!
    *: Dost thou still wish to go on?
    *: Thou art truly brave.
    *: That is good.\!
    *: No one will say thou art afraid.

    *: Grandfather used to say that his friend,
    Wynn, had buried something of great value
    at the foot of a tree behind his shop.

    I'm Nester.
    Hey, where am I? No, don't tell me!

    *: Welcome!
    We deal in armor. Dost thou wish to buy
    anything today?

    *: 'Tis said that Erdrick's sword could
    cleave steel.

    *: To learn how proof may be obtained that
    thy ancestor was the great Erdrick, see a man
    in this very town.

    Спойлер Скриншоты::

    Спойлер Кредиты::

    ~ Scenario & Game Designer ~
    Yuji Horii

    ~ Monster Designer ~
    Akira Toriyama

    ~ Music Composer ~
    Koichi Sugiyama

    ~ Mapping ~
    by Kerotan

    ~ Event Planning ~
    by Kerotan

    ~ Game Testing ~
    by Kerotan

    ~ Scrips ~

    ~ Dragon Quest Style Customizable Menu System Version 1.20 ~
    by Ekras

    ~ Unlimit Parameters ~
    by KGC_LimitBreak
    by Touchfuzzy

    ~ WGB Layout v1.16 ~
    by ziifee
    ~ WGB System v1.28 ~
    by ziifee
    ~ Damage/State Pop-up v2.23 ~
    by ziifee
    ~ State Icon Animation ~
    by ziifee
    ~ Spin Wait Gauge ~
    by ziifee
    ~ Pop-up Expansion ~
    by ziifee
    ~ Actor Command Name ~
    by ziifee
    ~ Enemy Damage Shaking ~
    by ziifee
    ~ Target Name Display ~
    by ziifee
    Localization Team
    Mr. Bubble and TakamiDaisuke

    ~ Caterpillar System ~
    by Trickster
    modification by Diedrupo

    ~ Deriru's Simple Storage System ~
    by Deriru

    ~ Repel Effect ~
    by puppeto4

    ~ Latern Effect ~
    by Jacklo

    ~ Creating a Functional Mini-Map using Events ~
    Original XP Mini Map Tutorial
    by Kipe
    Modifications and Fixes included for VX conversion
    by Grafikal007
    Finding the VX Script variable errors
    by Maia
    Fixing the VX Script variable errors
    by modern algebra

    ~ Terrain Types Version 1.0 ~
    by modern algebra

    ~ Cursed Equipment Version 1.0 ~
    by modern algebra

    ~ Neo Message System 3.0 Beta ~
    by Woratana

    ~ Monster Book Version 1.0 ~
    by Woratana

    ~ Multiple Fogs Version 1.0 ~
    by Woratana

    ~ Map Credit Version 1.0 ~
    by Woratana

    ~ Thanks ~


    ~ Special Thanks ~

    Dragon Warrior: World Map
    by x_loto
    Enemy Territory Map
    by Tim Connolly

    Dragon's Den

    RPG RPG Revolution

    RMRK (the rpg maker resource kit)

    RPG Maker VX


    KGC Software

    Zophar's Domain

    В игре используется шрифт Georgia. Шрифт прилагается в папке с игрой.

    Ссылка (игра отвязана от RTP): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwQ...ew?usp=sharing
    С RTP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwQ...ew?usp=sharing
    Последний раз редактировалось Kerotan; 17.06.2017 в 21:44. Причина: Обновил скриншоты, добавил ссылку на проект с РТП

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Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary