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Тема: Поиск плагинов.

  1. #171
    Бывалый Аватар для Darchan Kaen
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 47 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Leprikon01 Посмотреть сообщение
    Здравствуйте. Мне нужна бесплатная альтернатива плагина YEP_EventChasePlayer на MZ. Делаю карту с видимыми, не рандомными врагами.
    Плагин работает на MZ, если в строке №370 (тол есть в методе Game_Event.prototype.activateAlert) изменить с
    if (this._alertBalloon >= 0) this.requestBalloon(this._alertBalloon);
    if (this._alertBalloon >= 0) $gameTemp.requestBalloon(this, this._alertBalloon);
    Если принципиальный упор на бесплатности, то MV Event Detectors от Galv`а тоже работает на MZ.
    Последний раз редактировалось Darchan Kaen; 01.05.2022 в 12:46.

  2. #172
    Бывалый Аватар для Darchan Kaen
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 47 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Leprikon01, ты задал вопрос в удачный момент, так сказать.
    От "скуки" я чуть доделал плагин MV Event Detectors от Galv, чтоб можно было вызывать Общее событие.
    В настройке плагина, в задании Поведения, можно опционально написать в конце еще одну цифру - номер Общего события. Кроме того, теперь на MZ корректно "эмоции" отображается.

    Спойлер Код апгрейдженого плагина:

    //  Galv's Event Detectors
    //  For: RPGMAKER MV
    //  GALV_EventDetectors.js
    //  2016-08-21 - Version 1.2 - fixes to 'non detected' frequency
    //  2016-08-20 - Version 1.1 - fixed bug when no terrain or regions specified
    //  2016-08-01 - Version 1.0 - release
    // Terms can be found at:
    // galvs-scripts.com
    var Imported = Imported || {};
    Imported.Galv_EventDetectors = true;
    var Galv = Galv || {};          // Galv's main object
    Galv.DETECT = Galv.DETECT || {};        // Galv's stuff
     * @plugindesc Have events activate when player gets in range and line of sight.
     * @author Galv - galvs-scripts.com
     * @param LOS Blocking Terrain
     * @desc Terrain tag ID's for tiles that block line of sight, separated by commas
     * @default 5,6
     * @param LOS Blocking Regions
     * @desc Region ID's for tiles that block line of sight, separated by commas
     * @default 1,2
     * @param Tile Size
     * @desc The pixel size of the tiles you are using.
     * Default: 48
     * @default 48
     * @param Search Limit
     * @desc Amount of checks for default pathfinding. Larger might cause lag, smaller might make returning home fail
     * Default: 12
     * @default 24
     * @param --- Behaviors ---
     * @desc
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 0
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 1
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 2
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 3
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 4
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 5
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 6
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 7
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 8
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 9
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 10
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 11
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 12
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 13
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 14
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 15
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 16
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 17
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 18
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 19
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 20
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @help
     *   Galv's Event Detectors
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * This is a basic event detection plugin. It can allow events to detect the
     * player within a certain range and within line of sight.
     * Line of sight is 180 degrees in the event's front arc. Regions, terrain tags
     * or events can be set to block line of sight to the player.
     * Region Id's and terrain tag Id's are set using the plugin settings. To make
     * an event block line of sight, you need to use a COMMENT inside an event
     * page that has a text tag as follows:
     *   <block_los>
     * An event that has an active page with this tag will block line of sight. If
     * the page is changed to one without the tag, it will not block LOS.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   Conditional Branch SCRIPT
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * You can use the below script call to check if an event can detect the player
     * at the time the conditional branch is called. (Yes this can be used in a
     * parallel process event if required)
     *   Galv.DETECT.event(id,dist,los)   // id = event ID that is a detector
     *                                    // dist = tile distance from player
     *                                    // los = true or false for line of sight
     * This will return true if the player is in distance range of the event and
     * if los is true, it will also check if player is in line of sight to it.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   Event command SCRIPT
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *     $gameSystem._undetectable = x;   // x can be true or false. When true
     *                                      // player cannot be detected
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   Behaviors
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Behaviors can be used to set up an event's reaction from within the custom
     * 'Autonomous Movement' settings of the event. The plugin settings has many
     * behaviors you can set up with the following settings:
     *       moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * moveTypes can be one of the following:
     *            approach, flee, search, freeze, rand, return
     *            approach  - event moves toward player, no pathfinding
     *            flee   - event moves away from player
     *            search - event moves toward player's last detected position with
     *                   - default rpgmaker pathfinding. The 'search limit' sets
     *                   - how far an event will find its way to player or return
     *            freeze - event doesn't move
     *            rand   - event moves randomly
     *            return - event saves it's original position and returns to this
     *                     position when not detecting the player.
     * dist    = distance in number of tiles from the event that it can detect
     * los     = 0 or 1... 1 to use line of sight or 0 to not for detecting
     * speed   = the change of move speed while detecting (1-6)
     * freq    = the change of move frequency while detecting (1-5)
     * balloon = the balloon id to show when event detects player
     * HOW TO USE
     * To set an event to follow a behavior, you need to use a 'SCRIPT' command
     * inside of a custom Autonomous Move Route as follows:
     *       this.detector(id);
     * This will use the chosen Behavior id (from the numbers in the plugin setup).
     * The 'moveTypeBefore' selection above and the event page's speed and freq
     * control the event's default movement when not detecting.
     * See demo for examples
    (function() {
    // Blocking terrain tag array
    var tmp = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["LOS Blocking Terrain"].split(",");
    Galv.DETECT.bTerrain = [];
    if (tmp && tmp[0]) {
    	for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
    // Blocking regions array
    tmp = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["LOS Blocking Regions"].split(",");
    Galv.DETECT.bRegions = [];
    if (tmp || tmp[0]) {
    	for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
    // tile size
    Galv.DETECT.tile = Number(PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["Tile Size"]);
    Galv.DETECT.searches = Number(PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["Search Limit"]);
    // Behaviors
    Galv.DETECT.behaviors = {};
    var i = 0;
    do {
        tmp = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["Behavior " + i];
    	if (tmp) {
    		Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i] = tmp.split(",");
    		for (var i2 = 2; i2 < Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i].length; i2++) {
    			Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i][i2] = Number(Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i][i2]);
    while (tmp);
    Galv.DETECT.event = function(id,dist,los) {
    	if ($gameSystem._undetectable) return false;
    	return $gameMap.event(id).distDetect(dist,los);
    Galv.DETECT.dist = function(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
    	return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2,2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2,2));
    Galv.DETECT.isBlock = function(x,y) {
    	var x = Math.round(x);
    	var y = Math.round(y);
    	if (Galv.DETECT.bRegions.contains($gameMap.regionId(x,y))) return true;
    	if (Galv.DETECT.bTerrain.contains($gameMap.terrainTag(x,y))) return true;
    	// Blocking event
    	var blockEvent = false;
    	$gameMap.eventsXy(x, y).forEach(function(event) {
    		if (event._blockLos) return blockEvent = true;
    	return blockEvent;
    Galv.DETECT.los = function(char1,char2) {
    	var a = {x:char1.x, y:char1.y};
    	var b = {x:char2.x, y:char2.y};
    	// If in front
    	switch (char2._direction) {
    		case 2:
    			if (b.y > a.y) return false;
    		case 4:
    			if (b.x < a.x) return false;
    		case 6:
    			if (b.x > a.x) return false;
    		case 8:
    			if (b.y < a.y) return false;
    	// Direct Line
    	if (Math.abs(a.x - b.x) >= Math.abs(a.y - b.y)) {
    		// h slope
    		if (a.x == b.x) {
    			var slope = null;
    			var int = a.x;
    		} else {
    			var slope = (a.y - b.y) / (a.x - b.x);
    			var int = a.y - slope * a.x;
    		for (var x = a.x; x <= b.x; x++) {
    			var y = slope * x + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    		for (var x = a.x; x >= b.x; x--) {
    			var y = slope * x + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    	} else if (Math.abs(a.y - b.y) >= Math.abs(a.x - b.x)) {
    		// v slope
    		if (a.y == b.y) {
    			var slope = null;
    			var int = a.y;
    		} else {
    			var slope = (a.x - b.x) / (a.y - b.y);
    			var int = a.x - slope * a.y;
    		for (var y = a.y; y <= b.y; y++) {
    			var x = slope * y + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    		for (var y = a.y; y >= b.y; y--) {
    			var x = slope * y + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    	return true;
    Game_Character.prototype.searchLimit = function() {
        return Galv.DETECT.searches;
    Galv.DETECT.Game_Character_initMembers = Game_Character.prototype.initMembers;
    Game_Character.prototype.initMembers = function() {
    Game_Character.prototype.distDetect = function(range,los,id,balloon) {
    	var balloon = balloon || 0;
    	var id = id || 0;
    	var range = range * Galv.DETECT.tile;
    	var target = id > 0 ? $gameMap.event(id) : $gamePlayer;
    	var x1 = this.screenX();
    	var y1 = this.screenY();
    	var x2 = target.screenX();
    	var y2 = target.screenY();
    	var dist = Galv.DETECT.dist(x1,y1,x2,y2);
    	if (dist <= range) { // If in radius range of target
    		if ((los && Galv.DETECT.los(target,this)) || !los) {  // If LOS to target is not blocked
    			this._dTarget = {x:target.x,y:target.y};  // Set target x,y each step when detected so if los is broken, event still moves to last seen x,y
    			return true;
    	return false;
    Game_Character.prototype.isDetecting = function(id) {
    	return id ? this._detecting.contains(id) : this._detecting.length > 0;
    Game_Character.prototype.doDetected = function(id) {
    	if (!this._detecting.contains(id)) {
    		if (!this._searchXY[0]){
    			this._balloonId = this._detectBalloon;
    			$gameTemp.requestBalloon(this, this._detectBalloon);
    			if(this._commonEventId > 0){
    Game_Character.prototype.doUndetected = function(id) {
    	var index = this._detecting.indexOf(id);
    	if (index > -1) this._detecting.splice(index,1);
    Game_Character.prototype.detector = function(id) {
    	if ($gameSystem._undetectable) return;
    	this._detectBalloon = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][6];
    		this._commonEventId = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][7];
    	var detected = this.distDetect(Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][2],Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][3]);
    	if (detected) {
    		this.doDetectMove(id, 1); // do detected movement	
    	} else {
    		if (this._searchXY[0]) {
    			// do move toward last x,y position detected at
    		} else {
    			this.doDetectMove(id,0); // do original movement
    Game_Character.prototype.doDetectMove = function(id,type) {
    	//type 1 = detect move
    	//type 0 = after detect move
    	if (type == 0) {
    		this._moveSpeed = this._origMovement._moveSpeed;
    		this._moveFrequency = this._origMovement._moveFrequency;
    	} else {
    		this._moveSpeed = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][4];
    		this._moveFrequency = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][5];
    	switch (Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][type]) {
    		case 'approach':
    		case 'flee':
    		case 'search':
    			if (this._detectPause <= 0) {
    				this._moveFrequency = 5;
    				this._searchXY = [$gamePlayer.x,$gamePlayer.y]; // get last detected x,y coords
    				this._detectPause = 30 * (5 - this._origMovement._moveFrequency) + 3;
    			this._detectPause -= 1;
    		case 'rand':
    			if (this._detectPause <= 0) {
    				this._moveFrequency = 5;
    				this._detectPause = 30 * (5 - this._origMovement._moveFrequency) + 1;
    			this._detectPause -= 1;
    		case 'return':
    			this._moveFrequency = 5;
    			this.returnToSavedXY();  // move to original position
    		case 'freeze':
    Game_CharacterBase.prototype.returnToSavedXY = function() {
    	if (this.x != this._origMovement.x || this.y != this._origMovement.y) {
    		direction = this.findDirectionTo(this._origMovement.x,this._origMovement.y);
    		if (direction > 0) {
    	} else {
    		this._direction = this._origMovement._direction;
    Game_Character.prototype.setDetectVars = function() {
    	this._detecting = [];
    	this._searchXY = [];
    	this._detectPause = 0;
    	this._detectPauseTime = 40;
    	this._origMovement = {'_moveFrequency':this._moveFrequency,'_moveSpeed':this._moveSpeed,'x':0,'y':0};
    	this.searchActions = [
    Game_Character.prototype.moveTowardLastDetect = function() {
    	if (!this._searchXY[0]) {
    		this._searchXY = [];
    	} else if (this._searchXY[0] == this.x && this._searchXY[1] == this.y) {
    		if (this._searchTurnIndex > -1) {
    			this[this.searchActions[this._searchTurnIndex]](); // run corresponding action
    			// set searchXY to destination in case search actions move it
    			this._searchXY[0] = this.x;
    			this._searchXY[1] = this.y;
    			this._searchTurnIndex -= 1;
    			this._waitCount = 20;
    		} else {
    			this._searchXY = [];
    	} else {
    		this._searchTurnIndex = this.searchActions.length - 1;
    		var direction = this.findDirectionTo(this._searchXY[0],this._searchXY[1]);
    		if (direction > 0) {
    Galv.DETECT.Game_Event_setupPageSettings = Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings;
    Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings = function() {
    Game_Event.prototype.setDetectStuff = function() {
    	this._detectBalloon = 0;
    	this._commonEventId = 0;
    	var page = this.page();
    	this._blockLos = false;
    	if (page) {
    		for (var i = 0; i < page.list.length; i++) {
    			if (page.list[i].code == 108 && page.list[i].parameters[0].contains("<block_los>")) {
    				this._blockLos = true;
    		this._origMovement._moveSpeed = page.moveSpeed;
    		this._origMovement._moveFrequency = page.moveFrequency;
    		this._origMovement._direction = this._direction;
    		this._origMovement.x = this.x;
    		this._origMovement.y = this.y;

    Но должен сразу предупредить, что Galv не любит, когда его плагины редактируют.

  3. #173
    Пользователь Аватар для Leprikon01
    Информация о пользователе
    Репутация: 1 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Darchan Kaen Посмотреть сообщение
    Leprikon01, ты задал вопрос в удачный момент, так сказать.
    От "скуки" я чуть доделал плагин MV Event Detectors от Galv, чтоб можно было вызывать Общее событие.
    В настройке плагина, в задании Поведения, можно опционально написать в конце еще одну цифру - номер Общего события. Кроме того, теперь на MZ корректно "эмоции" отображается.

    Спойлер Код апгрейдженого плагина:

    //  Galv's Event Detectors
    //  For: RPGMAKER MV
    //  GALV_EventDetectors.js
    //  2016-08-21 - Version 1.2 - fixes to 'non detected' frequency
    //  2016-08-20 - Version 1.1 - fixed bug when no terrain or regions specified
    //  2016-08-01 - Version 1.0 - release
    // Terms can be found at:
    // galvs-scripts.com
    var Imported = Imported || {};
    Imported.Galv_EventDetectors = true;
    var Galv = Galv || {};          // Galv's main object
    Galv.DETECT = Galv.DETECT || {};        // Galv's stuff
     * @plugindesc Have events activate when player gets in range and line of sight.
     * @author Galv - galvs-scripts.com
     * @param LOS Blocking Terrain
     * @desc Terrain tag ID's for tiles that block line of sight, separated by commas
     * @default 5,6
     * @param LOS Blocking Regions
     * @desc Region ID's for tiles that block line of sight, separated by commas
     * @default 1,2
     * @param Tile Size
     * @desc The pixel size of the tiles you are using.
     * Default: 48
     * @default 48
     * @param Search Limit
     * @desc Amount of checks for default pathfinding. Larger might cause lag, smaller might make returning home fail
     * Default: 12
     * @default 24
     * @param --- Behaviors ---
     * @desc
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 0
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 1
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 2
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 3
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 4
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 5
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 6
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 7
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 8
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 9
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 10
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 11
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 12
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 13
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 14
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 15
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 16
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 17
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 18
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 19
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @param Behavior 20
     * @desc Behavior of event if detecting. (see help file)
     * moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * @default
     * @help
     *   Galv's Event Detectors
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * This is a basic event detection plugin. It can allow events to detect the
     * player within a certain range and within line of sight.
     * Line of sight is 180 degrees in the event's front arc. Regions, terrain tags
     * or events can be set to block line of sight to the player.
     * Region Id's and terrain tag Id's are set using the plugin settings. To make
     * an event block line of sight, you need to use a COMMENT inside an event
     * page that has a text tag as follows:
     *   <block_los>
     * An event that has an active page with this tag will block line of sight. If
     * the page is changed to one without the tag, it will not block LOS.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   Conditional Branch SCRIPT
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * You can use the below script call to check if an event can detect the player
     * at the time the conditional branch is called. (Yes this can be used in a
     * parallel process event if required)
     *   Galv.DETECT.event(id,dist,los)   // id = event ID that is a detector
     *                                    // dist = tile distance from player
     *                                    // los = true or false for line of sight
     * This will return true if the player is in distance range of the event and
     * if los is true, it will also check if player is in line of sight to it.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   Event command SCRIPT
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *     $gameSystem._undetectable = x;   // x can be true or false. When true
     *                                      // player cannot be detected
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   Behaviors
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Behaviors can be used to set up an event's reaction from within the custom
     * 'Autonomous Movement' settings of the event. The plugin settings has many
     * behaviors you can set up with the following settings:
     *       moveTypeBefore,moveTypeAfter,dist,los,speed,freq,balloon
     * moveTypes can be one of the following:
     *            approach, flee, search, freeze, rand, return
     *            approach  - event moves toward player, no pathfinding
     *            flee   - event moves away from player
     *            search - event moves toward player's last detected position with
     *                   - default rpgmaker pathfinding. The 'search limit' sets
     *                   - how far an event will find its way to player or return
     *            freeze - event doesn't move
     *            rand   - event moves randomly
     *            return - event saves it's original position and returns to this
     *                     position when not detecting the player.
     * dist    = distance in number of tiles from the event that it can detect
     * los     = 0 or 1... 1 to use line of sight or 0 to not for detecting
     * speed   = the change of move speed while detecting (1-6)
     * freq    = the change of move frequency while detecting (1-5)
     * balloon = the balloon id to show when event detects player
     * HOW TO USE
     * To set an event to follow a behavior, you need to use a 'SCRIPT' command
     * inside of a custom Autonomous Move Route as follows:
     *       this.detector(id);
     * This will use the chosen Behavior id (from the numbers in the plugin setup).
     * The 'moveTypeBefore' selection above and the event page's speed and freq
     * control the event's default movement when not detecting.
     * See demo for examples
    (function() {
    // Blocking terrain tag array
    var tmp = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["LOS Blocking Terrain"].split(",");
    Galv.DETECT.bTerrain = [];
    if (tmp && tmp[0]) {
    	for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
    // Blocking regions array
    tmp = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["LOS Blocking Regions"].split(",");
    Galv.DETECT.bRegions = [];
    if (tmp || tmp[0]) {
    	for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
    // tile size
    Galv.DETECT.tile = Number(PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["Tile Size"]);
    Galv.DETECT.searches = Number(PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["Search Limit"]);
    // Behaviors
    Galv.DETECT.behaviors = {};
    var i = 0;
    do {
        tmp = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_EventDetectors')["Behavior " + i];
    	if (tmp) {
    		Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i] = tmp.split(",");
    		for (var i2 = 2; i2 < Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i].length; i2++) {
    			Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i][i2] = Number(Galv.DETECT.behaviors[i][i2]);
    while (tmp);
    Galv.DETECT.event = function(id,dist,los) {
    	if ($gameSystem._undetectable) return false;
    	return $gameMap.event(id).distDetect(dist,los);
    Galv.DETECT.dist = function(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
    	return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2,2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2,2));
    Galv.DETECT.isBlock = function(x,y) {
    	var x = Math.round(x);
    	var y = Math.round(y);
    	if (Galv.DETECT.bRegions.contains($gameMap.regionId(x,y))) return true;
    	if (Galv.DETECT.bTerrain.contains($gameMap.terrainTag(x,y))) return true;
    	// Blocking event
    	var blockEvent = false;
    	$gameMap.eventsXy(x, y).forEach(function(event) {
    		if (event._blockLos) return blockEvent = true;
    	return blockEvent;
    Galv.DETECT.los = function(char1,char2) {
    	var a = {x:char1.x, y:char1.y};
    	var b = {x:char2.x, y:char2.y};
    	// If in front
    	switch (char2._direction) {
    		case 2:
    			if (b.y > a.y) return false;
    		case 4:
    			if (b.x < a.x) return false;
    		case 6:
    			if (b.x > a.x) return false;
    		case 8:
    			if (b.y < a.y) return false;
    	// Direct Line
    	if (Math.abs(a.x - b.x) >= Math.abs(a.y - b.y)) {
    		// h slope
    		if (a.x == b.x) {
    			var slope = null;
    			var int = a.x;
    		} else {
    			var slope = (a.y - b.y) / (a.x - b.x);
    			var int = a.y - slope * a.x;
    		for (var x = a.x; x <= b.x; x++) {
    			var y = slope * x + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    		for (var x = a.x; x >= b.x; x--) {
    			var y = slope * x + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    	} else if (Math.abs(a.y - b.y) >= Math.abs(a.x - b.x)) {
    		// v slope
    		if (a.y == b.y) {
    			var slope = null;
    			var int = a.y;
    		} else {
    			var slope = (a.x - b.x) / (a.y - b.y);
    			var int = a.x - slope * a.y;
    		for (var y = a.y; y <= b.y; y++) {
    			var x = slope * y + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    		for (var y = a.y; y >= b.y; y--) {
    			var x = slope * y + int;
    			if (Galv.DETECT.isBlock(x,y)) return false;
    	return true;
    Game_Character.prototype.searchLimit = function() {
        return Galv.DETECT.searches;
    Galv.DETECT.Game_Character_initMembers = Game_Character.prototype.initMembers;
    Game_Character.prototype.initMembers = function() {
    Game_Character.prototype.distDetect = function(range,los,id,balloon) {
    	var balloon = balloon || 0;
    	var id = id || 0;
    	var range = range * Galv.DETECT.tile;
    	var target = id > 0 ? $gameMap.event(id) : $gamePlayer;
    	var x1 = this.screenX();
    	var y1 = this.screenY();
    	var x2 = target.screenX();
    	var y2 = target.screenY();
    	var dist = Galv.DETECT.dist(x1,y1,x2,y2);
    	if (dist <= range) { // If in radius range of target
    		if ((los && Galv.DETECT.los(target,this)) || !los) {  // If LOS to target is not blocked
    			this._dTarget = {x:target.x,y:target.y};  // Set target x,y each step when detected so if los is broken, event still moves to last seen x,y
    			return true;
    	return false;
    Game_Character.prototype.isDetecting = function(id) {
    	return id ? this._detecting.contains(id) : this._detecting.length > 0;
    Game_Character.prototype.doDetected = function(id) {
    	if (!this._detecting.contains(id)) {
    		if (!this._searchXY[0]){
    			this._balloonId = this._detectBalloon;
    			$gameTemp.requestBalloon(this, this._detectBalloon);
    			if(this._commonEventId > 0){
    Game_Character.prototype.doUndetected = function(id) {
    	var index = this._detecting.indexOf(id);
    	if (index > -1) this._detecting.splice(index,1);
    Game_Character.prototype.detector = function(id) {
    	if ($gameSystem._undetectable) return;
    	this._detectBalloon = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][6];
    		this._commonEventId = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][7];
    	var detected = this.distDetect(Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][2],Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][3]);
    	if (detected) {
    		this.doDetectMove(id, 1); // do detected movement	
    	} else {
    		if (this._searchXY[0]) {
    			// do move toward last x,y position detected at
    		} else {
    			this.doDetectMove(id,0); // do original movement
    Game_Character.prototype.doDetectMove = function(id,type) {
    	//type 1 = detect move
    	//type 0 = after detect move
    	if (type == 0) {
    		this._moveSpeed = this._origMovement._moveSpeed;
    		this._moveFrequency = this._origMovement._moveFrequency;
    	} else {
    		this._moveSpeed = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][4];
    		this._moveFrequency = Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][5];
    	switch (Galv.DETECT.behaviors[id][type]) {
    		case 'approach':
    		case 'flee':
    		case 'search':
    			if (this._detectPause <= 0) {
    				this._moveFrequency = 5;
    				this._searchXY = [$gamePlayer.x,$gamePlayer.y]; // get last detected x,y coords
    				this._detectPause = 30 * (5 - this._origMovement._moveFrequency) + 3;
    			this._detectPause -= 1;
    		case 'rand':
    			if (this._detectPause <= 0) {
    				this._moveFrequency = 5;
    				this._detectPause = 30 * (5 - this._origMovement._moveFrequency) + 1;
    			this._detectPause -= 1;
    		case 'return':
    			this._moveFrequency = 5;
    			this.returnToSavedXY();  // move to original position
    		case 'freeze':
    Game_CharacterBase.prototype.returnToSavedXY = function() {
    	if (this.x != this._origMovement.x || this.y != this._origMovement.y) {
    		direction = this.findDirectionTo(this._origMovement.x,this._origMovement.y);
    		if (direction > 0) {
    	} else {
    		this._direction = this._origMovement._direction;
    Game_Character.prototype.setDetectVars = function() {
    	this._detecting = [];
    	this._searchXY = [];
    	this._detectPause = 0;
    	this._detectPauseTime = 40;
    	this._origMovement = {'_moveFrequency':this._moveFrequency,'_moveSpeed':this._moveSpeed,'x':0,'y':0};
    	this.searchActions = [
    Game_Character.prototype.moveTowardLastDetect = function() {
    	if (!this._searchXY[0]) {
    		this._searchXY = [];
    	} else if (this._searchXY[0] == this.x && this._searchXY[1] == this.y) {
    		if (this._searchTurnIndex > -1) {
    			this[this.searchActions[this._searchTurnIndex]](); // run corresponding action
    			// set searchXY to destination in case search actions move it
    			this._searchXY[0] = this.x;
    			this._searchXY[1] = this.y;
    			this._searchTurnIndex -= 1;
    			this._waitCount = 20;
    		} else {
    			this._searchXY = [];
    	} else {
    		this._searchTurnIndex = this.searchActions.length - 1;
    		var direction = this.findDirectionTo(this._searchXY[0],this._searchXY[1]);
    		if (direction > 0) {
    Galv.DETECT.Game_Event_setupPageSettings = Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings;
    Game_Event.prototype.setupPageSettings = function() {
    Game_Event.prototype.setDetectStuff = function() {
    	this._detectBalloon = 0;
    	this._commonEventId = 0;
    	var page = this.page();
    	this._blockLos = false;
    	if (page) {
    		for (var i = 0; i < page.list.length; i++) {
    			if (page.list[i].code == 108 && page.list[i].parameters[0].contains("<block_los>")) {
    				this._blockLos = true;
    		this._origMovement._moveSpeed = page.moveSpeed;
    		this._origMovement._moveFrequency = page.moveFrequency;
    		this._origMovement._direction = this._direction;
    		this._origMovement.x = this.x;
    		this._origMovement.y = this.y;

    Но должен сразу предупредить, что Galv не любит, когда его плагины редактируют.
    Если я правильно понял этот плагин работает как event sensor от Mog и тупо реагирует если гг подходит близко не смотря на то в какую сторону смотрит враг, а значит никакого смысла в этом плагине нет. А вот за исправление старого плагина спасибо. Реально помогло
    Последний раз редактировалось Leprikon01; 01.05.2022 в 16:05.

  4. #174
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    Цитата Сообщение от Leprikon01 Посмотреть сообщение
    Здравствуйте. Мне нужна бесплатная альтернатива плагина YEP_EventChasePlayer на MZ. Делаю карту с видимыми, не рандомными врагами.
    Я использую QSight. Неизвестно будет ли он на MZ работать.
    Спойлер Мои игры на RpgMaker:

  5. #175
    Бывалый Аватар для Darchan Kaen
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    Цитата Сообщение от Leprikon01 Посмотреть сообщение
    Если я правильно понял этот плагин работает как event sensor от Mog и тупо реагирует если гг подходит близко не смотря на то в какую сторону смотрит враг, а значит никакого смысла в этом плагине нет. А вот за исправление старого плагина спасибо. Реально помогло
    В плагине есть параметр los

    los = 0 or 1... 1 to use line of sight or 0 to not for detecting
    Line of sight is 180 degrees in the event's front arc. Regions, terrain tags
    or events can be set to block line of sight to the player.

    Ты хотел альтернативы, они не всегда эквивалентны.
    При сильном желании, допиши в плагине сам:
    за направление у эвента отвечает._direction, там цифровое значение направления и в плагине это функция Galv.DETECT.los, строка 302.

  6. #176
    Бывалый Аватар для Darchan Kaen
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    По умолчанию

    Для MZ / MV кто-то знает плагин, добавляющий в текст сообщения эффект мигания курсора в консоли?

    Как в терминале, например в том же cmd.
    То есть, как здесь в конце текста мигает "_":


  7. #177

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    Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ

  8. #178
    Бывалый Аватар для Darchan Kaen
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    Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ

  9. #179

    По умолчанию

    Я ищу плагин который добавит 5 работающего персонажа в пати игрока. Есть такой желательно

  10. #180
    Познающий Аватар для Snake Fightin
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    Да, есть.

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