Автор: Hikitsune-Red

Позволяет менять регионы во время игры.


Спойлер Код:
 * @plugindesc v1.02 A simple plug-in designed to allow the setting of Region ID's in-game
 * @author Hikitsune-Red ??
 * @help
 * ================================================================================
 * To change a tile's region ID, use the function "$gameMap.setTileId(x, y, r)"
 * where x and y are the tile, and r is the new region #
 * Leaving r empty will turn the region ID into 0
 * To change a tile range, use the function "$gameMap.setTileSquareId(x, x2, y, y2, r)"
 * ================================================================================
 * Free for any commercial or non-commercial project!
 * Just credit Hikitsune-Red ?? in your project
(function() {
	var _Game_System_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
	Game_System.prototype.initialize = function()
	Game_System.prototype.initREDRegions = function()
		this._REDRegions = {};
	Game_System.prototype.REDRegions = function()
		if (this._REDRegions === undefined) this.initREDRegions();
		return this._REDRegions;
	Game_System.prototype.getREDRegion = function(mapId, x, y, z)
		if (this._REDRegions === undefined) this.initREDRegions();
		var width = $dataMap.width;
		var height = $dataMap.height;
		return this._REDRegions[mapId, (z * height + y) * width + x];
	Game_System.prototype.isREDRegion = function(mapId, x, y, z)
		if (this._REDRegions === undefined) this.initREDRegions();
		var width = $dataMap.width;
		var height = $dataMap.height;
		return this._REDRegions[mapId, (z * height + y) * width + x] !== undefined;
	Game_System.prototype.setREDRegion = function(mapId, x, y, z, regId)
		console.log('Setting region id of Map:' + mapId + ' x:' + x + ' Y:' + y + ' to REG:' + regId);
		var width = $dataMap.width;
		var height = $dataMap.height;
		this._REDRegions[mapId, (z * height + y) * width + x] = (regId || 0);
	Game_System.prototype.setREDRegionSquare = function(mapId, x, x2, y, y2, regId)
		console.log('Setting region square: ');
		for (i = x; i <= x2; i++) {
			for (j = y; j <= y2; j++) {
				$gameSystem.setREDRegion(mapId, i, j, 5, regId);
	Game_Map.prototype.setTileId = function(x, y, regId) 
		$gameSystem.setREDRegion($gameMap._mapId, x, y, 5, regId);
	Game_Map.prototype.setTileSquareId = function(x, x2, y, y2, regId)
		$gameSystem.setREDRegionSquare($gameMap._mapId, x, x2, y, y2, regId);
	var _Game_Map_tileId = Game_Map.prototype.tileId;
	Game_Map.prototype.tileId = function(x, y, z)
		if ($gameSystem.isREDRegion($gameMap._mapId, x, y, z))
			var width = $dataMap.width;
			var height = $dataMap.height;
			return $gameSystem.getREDRegion($gameMap._mapId, x, y, z);
		} else {
			return _Game_Map_tileId.call(this, x, y, z);
}) ();

Через вызов скрипта $gameMap.setTileId(x, y, r) для смены региона по координатам. $gameMap.setTileSquareId(x, x2, y, y2, r) для смены региона в диапазоне.