И сразу ещё одна просьба, но вообщем ни чё не нашли.
Скрипт есть такой на vx ace, что бы при одевании экипировки она отображалась на персонаже.. Вообщем ищу его
И сразу ещё одна просьба, но вообщем ни чё не нашли.
Скрипт есть такой на vx ace, что бы при одевании экипировки она отображалась на персонаже.. Вообщем ищу его
Последний раз редактировалось Рольф; 30.06.2015 в 01:49.
плохо искали
Спойлер Victor Engine - Basic Module:
PHP код:
# ** Victor Engine - Visual Equip
# Author : Victor Sant
# Version History:
# v 1.00 - 2012.01.07 > First release
# v 1.01 - 2012.01.09 > Fixed error with comment calls
# v 1.02 - 2012.01.14 > Fixed the positive sign on some Regular Expressions
# v 1.03 - 2012.01.15 > Fixed the Regular Expressions problem with "" and 灯
# v 1.04 - 2012.02.03 > Fixed problem with charsets with '!$' tag
# v 1.05 - 2012.02.08 > Compatibility with Animated Battle
# v 1.06 - 2012.02.21 > Fixed problem with "clear" and "default" tags
# v 1.07 - 2012.07.25 > Fixed Compatibility with Character Control and
# > Diagonal Movement
# v 1.08 - 2012.08.02 > Compatibility with Basic Module 1.27
# This script allows to change the graphic of the chacter according to
# the equips and other conditions. It adds specific bitmaps to the character
# sprite. It's possible to set custom graphics to actors, classes, weapons
# armors and events.
# Compatibility
# Requires the script 'Victor Engine - Basic Module' v 1.27 or higher
# * Overwrite methods
# class Game_Party < Game_Unit
# def characters_for_savefile
# class Sprite_Character < Sprite_Base
# def set_bitmap
# def get_sign
# class Window_Base < Window
# def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
# def draw_character(character_name, character_index, x, y)
# class Window_SaveFile < Window_Base
# def draw_party_characters(x, y)
# * Alias methods
# class << Cache
# def character(filename)
# class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# def setup(actor_id)
# class Game_Event < Game_Character
# def init_private_members
# def setup_page_settings
# class Game_Interpreter
# def comment_call
# class Sprite_Character < Sprite_Base
# def graphic_changed?
# def update_character_info
# class Scene_Map
# def start
# Comment calls note tags:
# Tags to be used in events comment box, works like a script call.
# <change actor visual> <change event visual>
# settings settings
# </change actor visual> </change actor visual>
# This comment call will add a new visual part to the actor or event.
# Add the following values to the info. The ID, must be added, other
# values are optional.
# id: x : actor or event ID
# name: "x" : equip part filename. ("filename")
# index: x : equip part charset index, if using 8 chars charsets. (0-7)
# hue: x : equip part hue. (0-360)
# priority: x : part display priority. (default = 0, can be negative)
# <clear actor visual: i> <clear event visual: i>
# This comment call will remove all event or actor visual parts. On actors
# this will not remove parts from equips, only the natural actor/class parts.
# id: x : actor or event ID
# <default actor visual: i> <default event visual: i>
# This comment call will restore all event or actor visual parts. On actors
# this will not change parts from equips, only the natural actor/class parts.
# i : actor or event ID
# <event clone actor: x, y>
# This comment call allows clone the visual equip settings of a actor into
# the event, useful for cutscenes.
# x : event ID
# y : cloned actor id
# <event clone party: x, y>
# This comment call allows clone the visual equip settings of a party member
# into the event, useful for cutscenes.
# x : event ID
# y : cloned actor index
# Comment Boxes note tags:
# Tags to be used on Events Comment boxes. The comment boxes are different
# from the comment call, they're called always the event refresh.
# <clone actor: x>
# This comment tag allows clone the visual equip settings of a actor into
# an event, useful for cut scenes.
# x : cloned actor ID
# <clone party: x>
# This comment tag allows clone the visual equip settings of a party member
# into the event, useful for cut scenes.
# x : cloned actor ID
# Actors, Classes, Weapons, Armors and Comment Boxes note tags:
# Tags to be used on Actors, Classes, Weapons, Armors note boxes and
# Events Comment boxes. The comment boxes are different from the comment
# call, they're called always the event refresh.
# <visual part>
# settings
# </visual part>
# This tag will add a new visual part to the actor or event visual.
# Add the following values to the info. The ID, must be added, other
# values are optional.
# id: x : actor or event ID
# name: "x" : equip part filename. ("filename")
# index: x : equip part charset index, if using 8 chars charsets. (0-7)
# hue: x : equip part hue. (0-360)
# priority: x : part display priority. (default = 0, can be negative)
# Additional instructions:
# The extra graphics from the visual items are added to the original bitmap.
# The visual item files are independent graphics that are added on the
# character bitmap.
# The priority is an arbitrary numeric value set to the visual item to decide
# wich graphics will be displayed above the other, the character graphic
# have a priority of 0 by default.
# It's possible to set more than a single graphic to one equipment, so you
# use that to have parts with different properties on the same equip.
# This can be used to make things like wings, wich stay behind the char if
# facing down, but in front of the char if facing up, and other things.
# It's possible to have some equipment graphic to change according to
# the character base graphic. Create a file with the character filename + the
# visual item filename. ("character filename" + "visual item filename")
# You can use this to make items that have different graphics depending
# on the character, like a different armor for males and females
# ** Victor Engine
# Setting module for the Victor Engine
module Victor_Engine
# * required
# This method checks for the existance of the basic module and other
# VE scripts required for this script to work, don't edit this
def self.required(name, req, version, type = nil)
if !$imported[:ve_basic_module]
msg = "The script '%s' requires the script\n"
msg += "'VE - Basic Module' v%s or higher above it to work properly\n"
msg += "Go to http://victorscripts.wordpress.com/ to download this script."
msgbox(sprintf(msg, self.script_name(name), version))
self.required_script(name, req, version, type)
# * script_name
# Get the script name base on the imported value, don't edit this
def self.script_name(name, ext = "VE")
name = name.to_s.gsub("_", " ").upcase.split
name.collect! {|char| char == ext ? "#{char} -" : char.capitalize }
name.join(" ")
$imported ||= {}
$imported[:ve_visual_equip] = 1.08
Victor_Engine.required(:ve_visual_equip, :ve_basic_module, 1.27, :above)
Victor_Engine.required(:ve_visual_equip, :ve_character_control, 1.00, :bellow)
Victor_Engine.required(:ve_visual_equip, :ve_multi_frames, 1.00, :bellow)
# ** Cache
# This module loads each of graphics, creates a Bitmap object, and retains it.
# To speed up load times and conserve memory, this module holds the created
# Bitmap object in the internal hash, allowing the program to return
# preexisting objects when the same bitmap is requested again.
class << Cache
# * Alias method: character
alias :character_ve_visual_equip :character
def character(filename, hue = 0, list = [], sufix = "")
if !list || list.empty?
character_ve_visual_equip(filename, hue)
elsif !@cache.include?(list + [sufix]) || @cache[list + [sufix]].disposed?
equip_character(filename, list, sufix)
@cache[list + [sufix]]
# * New method: equip_character
def equip_character(filename, list, sufix)
@cache ||= {}
bitmap = load_character_bitmap(filename, list, sufix)
bitmap = bitmap_blt(filename, list, bitmap, sufix)
# * New method: load_character_bitmap
def load_character_bitmap(filename, list, sufix)
bitmap = load_bitmap("Graphics/Characters/", filename).clone
bitmap = expand_bitmap(bitmap) if filename =~ /^[!]?[$].*/i
# * New method: get_bitmap
def get_bitmap(filename, part, sufix)
base = part[:name] =~ /^[!]?[$](.*)/i ? $1 : part[:name]
char = filename + base
pose = part[:name] + sufix
file = filename + base + sufix
name = character_exist?(char) ? char : part[:name]
name = character_exist?(pose) ? pose : name
name = character_exist?(file) ? file : name
bmp = ["Graphics/Characters/", name, part[:hue]]
[load_bitmap(*bmp).clone, name] rescue [empty_bitmap, name]
# * New method: expand_bitmap
def expand_bitmap(bitmap)
old_bmp = bitmap.dup
bitmap = Bitmap.new(old_bmp.width * 4, old_bmp.height * 2)
bitmap.blt(0, 0, old_bmp, old_bmp.rect)
# * New method: bitmap_blt
def bitmap_blt(filename, list, bitmap, sufix)
values = []
list.each do |part|
setting = equip_bitmap_info(filename, part, sufix)
values += equip_bitmap_settings(*setting)
values.sort {|a, b| a[4] <=> b[4]}.each do |value|
bitmap.blt(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3])
@cache[list + [sufix]] = bitmap
# * New method: equip_bitmap_info
def equip_bitmap_info(filename, part, sufix)
bmp, name = get_bitmap(filename, part, sufix)
w = bmp.width / (name[/^[!]?[$]./] ? 1 : 4)
h = bmp.height / (name[/^[!]?[$]./] ? 1 : 2)
x1 = (part[:index1] % 4) * w
y1 = (part[:index1] / 4) * h
x2 = (part[:index2] % 4) * w
y2 = (part[:index2] / 4) * h
[part, bmp, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h]
# * New method: equip_bitmap_settings
def equip_bitmap_settings(part, bmp, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h)
values = []
values.push([x2, y2, bmp, Rect.new(x1, y1, w, h), part[:priority]])
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Alias method: setup
alias :setup_ve_visual_equip :setup
def setup(actor_id)
@actor_parts = []
@visual_parts = []
@equip_parts = []
# * New method: default_visual_parts
def default_visual_parts
regexp = get_all_values("VISUAL PART")
note.scan(regexp) { set_visual_parts($1) }
self.class.note.scan(regexp) { set_visual_parts($1) }
# * New method: set_visual_parts
def set_visual_parts(info)
# * New method: clear_visual_parts
def clear_visual_parts
# * New method: visual_items
def visual_items(part = nil)
(part ? [part] : [default_part]) + character_items + equip_items
# * New method: default_part
def default_part
{name: @character_name, index1: @character_index, index2: @character_index,
hue: hue, priority: 0}
# * New method: character_items
def character_items
return @actor_parts if @actor_visual == @visual_parts
@actor_visual = @visual_parts.dup
@visual_parts.each {|part| @actor_parts.push(set_part(part)) }
# * New method: equip_items
def equip_items
return @equip_parts if @actor_equips == equips
@actor_equips = equips.dup
regexp = get_all_values("VISUAL PART")
equips.compact.each {|eqp| @equip_parts += equip_parts(eqp.note, regexp) }
# * New method: equip_parts
def equip_parts(note, regexp)
parts = []
note.scan(regexp) {parts.push(set_part($1)) }
# * New method: set_part
def set_part(value)
part = {}
part[:name] = value =~ /NAME: #{get_filename}/i ? $1.to_s : ""
part[:index1] = value =~ /INDEX: (\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : 0
part[:hue] = value =~ /HUE: (\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : 0
part[:priority] = value =~ /PRIORITY: ([+-]?\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : 1
part[:index2] = character_index
# ** Game_Party
# This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold
# and items. The instance of this class is referenced by $game_party.
class Game_Party < Game_Unit
# * Overwrte method: characters_for_savefile
def characters_for_savefile
battle_members.collect do |actor|
[actor.character_name, actor.character_index, actor.visual_items.dup]
# ** Game_CharacterBase
# This class deals with characters. Common to all characters, stores basic
# data, such as coordinates and graphics. It's used as a superclass of the
# Game_Character class.
class Game_CharacterBase
# * New method: visual_items
def visual_items
# * New method: default_part
def default_part
{name: @character_name, index1: @character_index, index2: @character_index,
hue: hue, priority: 0}
# ** Game_Event
# This class deals with events. It handles functions including event page
# switching via condition determinants, and running parallel process events.
# It's used within the Game_Map class.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
# * Alias method: init_private_members
alias :init_private_members_ve_visual_equip :init_private_members
def init_private_members
@visual_parts = []
@event_parts = []
# * Alias method: setup_page_settings
alias :setup_page_settings_ve_visual_equip :setup_page_settings
def setup_page_settings
# * New method: default_visual_parts
def default_visual_parts
regexp = get_all_values("VISUAL PART")
note.scan(regexp) { set_visual_parts($1) }
# * New method: set_visual_parts
def set_visual_parts(info)
# * New method: default_clone_visual
def default_clone_visual
note.scan(/<CLONE (ACTOR|PARTY): (\d+)>/i) do
actor = $game_actors[$2.to_i] if $1.upcase == "ACTOR"
actor = $game_party.members[$2.to_i - 1] if $1.upcase == "PARTY"
set_cloned_visual(actor.clone.visual_items.dup) if actor
# * New method: clear_visual_parts
def clear_visual_parts
@clone_visual = nil
# * New method: visual_items
def visual_items
@clone_visual ? @clone_visual : [default_part] + character_items
# * New method: set_cloned_visual
def set_cloned_visual(visual)
@clone_visual = visual.clone
@clone_visual.each {|visual| visual[:index2] = character_index }
# * New method: character_items
def character_items
return @event_parts if @event_visual == @visual_parts
@event_visual = @visual_parts.dup
@visual_parts.each {|part| @event_parts.push(set_part(part)) }
# * New method: set_part
def set_part(value)
part = {}
part[:name] = value =~ /NAME: #{get_filename}/i ? $1.to_s : ""
part[:index1] = value =~ /INDEX: (\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : 0
part[:hue] = value =~ /HUE: (\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : 0
part[:priority] = value =~ /PRIORITY: ([+-]?\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : 1
part[:index2] = character_index
# ** Game_Player
# This class handles the player.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_map.
class Game_Player < Game_Character
# * New method: visual_items
def visual_items
actor ? actor.visual_items(default_part) : super
# ** Game_Follower
# This class handles the followers. Followers are the actors of the party
# that follows the leader in a line. It's used within the Game_Followers class.
class Game_Follower < Game_Character
# * New method: visual_items
def visual_items
actor && $game_player.followers.visible ?
actor.visual_items(default_part) : super
# ** Game_Interpreter
# An interpreter for executing event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_Map, Game_Troop, and Game_Event classes.
class Game_Interpreter
# * Alias method: comment_call
alias :comment_call_ve_visual_equip :comment_call
def comment_call
# * New method: call_visual_changes
def call_visual_changes
call_clear_visual("ACTOR VISUAL")
call_clear_visual("EVENT VISUAL")
call_change_visual("ACTOR VISUAL")
call_change_visual("EVENT VISUAL")
call_restore_visual("ACTOR VISUAL")
call_restore_visual("EVENT VISUAL")
# * New method: call_change_visual
def call_change_visual(type)
regexp = get_all_values("CHANGE #{type}")
note.scan(regexp) do
value = $1.dup
id = value =~ /ID: (\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : nil
object = $game_map.events[id] if id && type.upcase == "EVENT VISUAL"
object = $game_actors[id] if id && type.upcase == "ACTOR VISUAL"
object.set_visual_parts(value) if object
object.character_items if object
# * New method: call_clear_visual
def call_clear_visual(type)
note.scan(/<CLEAR #{type}: (\d+)>/i) do
id = $1.to_i
object = $game_map.events[id] if id && type.upcase == "ACTOR VISUAL"
object = $game_actors[id] if id && type.upcase == "ACTOR VISUAL"
object.clear_visual_parts if object
object.character_items if object
# * New method: call_restore_visual
def call_restore_visual(type)
note.scan(/<DEFAULT #{type}: (\d+)>/i) do
value = $1.dup
id = value =~ /ID: (\d+)/i ? $1.to_i : nil
object = $game_map.events[id] if id && type.upcase == "EVENT VISUAL"
object = $game_actors[id] if id && type.upcase == "ACTOR VISUAL"
object.default_visual_parts if object
object.character_items if object
# * New method: call_clone_visual
def call_clone_visual
note.scan(/<EVENT CLONE (ACTOR|PARTY): (\d+) *, *(\d+)>/i) do |pt, ev, ac|
event = $game_map.events[ev.to_i]
actor = $game_actors[ac.to_i] if pt.upcase == "ACTOR"
actor = $game_party.members[ac.to_i - 1] if pt.upcase == "PARTY"
next if !actor || !event
# ** Sprite_Character
# This sprite is used to display characters. It observes a instance of the
# Game_Character class and automatically changes sprite conditions.
class Sprite_Character < Sprite_Base
# * Overwrte method: set_bitmap
def set_bitmap
sufix = $imported[:ve_diagonal_move] ? diagonal_sufix : ""
sufix = @pose_sufix ? sufix + @pose_sufix : sufix
self.bitmap = Cache.character(set_bitmap_name, hue, @visual_items, sufix)
# * New method: get_sign
def get_sign
# * Alias method: graphic_changed?
alias :graphic_changed_ve_visual_equip? :graphic_changed?
def graphic_changed?
graphic_changed_ve_visual_equip? ||
@visual_items != @character.visual_items
# * Alias method: update_character_info
alias :update_character_info_ve_visual_equip :update_character_info
def update_character_info
@visual_items = @character.visual_items.dup
# ** Window_Base
# This is a superclass of all windows in the game.
class Window_Base < Window
# * Overwrte method: draw_actor_graphic
def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
parts = actor.visual_items
draw_character(actor.character_name, actor.character_index, x, y, parts)
# * Overwrite method: draw_character
def draw_character(character_name, character_index, x, y, parts = nil)
return unless character_name
@character_name = character_name
bitmap = parts ? get_parts(parts) : Cache.character(character_name)
sign = parts ? nil : character_name[/^[\!\$]./]
multi = $imported[:ve_multi_frames] && character_name[/\[F(\d+)\]/i]
frames = multi ? $1.to_i : 3
if sign && sign.include?('$')
cw = bitmap.width / frames
ch = bitmap.height / 4
cw = bitmap.width / (frames * 4)
ch = bitmap.height / 8
n = character_index
src_rect = Rect.new((n % 4 * 3 + 1) * cw, (n / 4 * 4) * ch, cw, ch)
contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)
# * New method: get_parts
def get_parts(parts)
Cache.character(@character_name, 0, parts)
# ** Window_SaveFile
# This window displays save files on the save and load screens.
class Window_SaveFile < Window_Base
# * Overwrte method: draw_party_characters
def draw_party_characters(x, y)
header = DataManager.load_header(@file_index)
return unless header
header[:characters].each_with_index do |data, i|
draw_character(data[0], data[1], x + i * 48, y, data[2])
# ** Scene_Map
# This class performs the map screen processing.
class Scene_Map
# * Alias method: setup_page_settings
alias :start_ve_visual_equip :start
def start
$game_map.events.values.each {|event| event.default_clone_visual }
Очень плохо искали.
Отдельный скрипт для замены графики перса? Разве не проще сделать это через общее событие?
Лицензионный VX Ace. Спасибо Петр.
2 года мукеризма в пустую.
Нет, тоесть смотри, придёться лепить огромное количество чарсетов, допустим тут он одел просто шлем, тут он одел шлем и бронзовую броню, тут он вообще голый бегает, тут он в горящие доспехи. это адски будет
Как тогда скрипт работает?Нет, тоесть смотри, придёться лепить огромное количество чарсетов, допустим тут он одел просто шлем, тут он одел шлем и бронзовую броню, тут он вообще голый бегает, тут он в горящие доспехи. это адски будет
Можно прописать к каждой одежке запуск ОС и при экипе идет проверка условия, что именно ты надел, потом смена графики и все. Я бы показал, но кому это нужно.Тогда герой только в определенных местах сможет переодеваться, если повесить на параллельное событие, то может затупить
Лицензионный VX Ace. Спасибо Петр.
2 года мукеризма в пустую.
Ну вообще мне это нужно))
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