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Тема: Помощь с скриптами (RGSS)

  1. #1151
    Пользователь Аватар для Okadzaki
    Информация о пользователе
    Репутация: 4 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от peter8031983 Посмотреть сообщение
    Прости, пожалуйста. Это пока лучший совет.....
    в асе нету проблем с окном выполнения скрипта?
    Спойлер :

    Love CLANNAD

  2. #1152
    Администратор Аватар для Пётр
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 132 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Okadzaki Посмотреть сообщение
    в асе нету проблем с окном выполнения скрипта?
    Вообще никаких.

  3. #1153
    Познающий Аватар для Deme
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 4 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Okadzaki Посмотреть сообщение

    как бороться с этим маленьким окошком?? если вызов метода будет на 1 строке а параметры на другой он пишет синтексис еррор. и почему это окошко такое маленькое???
    Скорее всего его можно увеличить, отредактировав экзешник редактором ресурсов. Хотя сам не пробовал, у меня XP под рукой нет.
    «quī legis ista, tuam reprehendō, mea laudās // omnia, stultitiam; / nihil, invidiam» (Jōhannis Audoenī)
    'Ты, кто читает это: я порицаю, если ты хвалишь у меня // всё, твою глупость; / если ничего — твою злобу.' (Джон Оуэн)

  4. #1154
    Местный Аватар для ReDS
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 23 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Okadzaki Посмотреть сообщение
    как бороться с этим маленьким окошком?? если вызов метода будет на 1 строке а параметры на другой он пишет синтексис еррор. и почему это окошко такое маленькое???
    В RMXP v.1.02 нормальное окошко, ну, относительно нормальное.
    А перенос параметров на вторую строку работает так (по крайней мере в 1.02):
    "black", 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0)

    "Главное не суть идеи, а её реализация." (с)

  5. #1155
    Новичок Аватар для TheDoodler
    Информация о пользователе
    Репутация: 0 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Помогите пожалуйста!
    Нужно добавить в XaiL System - Icon Menu вкладку квесты из Quest Journal

    #   XaiL System - Icon Menu
    #   Author: Nicke
    #   Created: 07/04/2012
    #   Edited: 03/11/2012
    #   Version: 1.0d
    # Instructions
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
    # to an open slot below ? Materials but above ? Main. Remember to save.
    # A highly customized menu that displays icons as commands.
    # *** Only for RPG Maker VX Ace. ***
    ($imported ||= {})["XAIL-XS-ICON_MENU"] = true
    module XAIL
      module ICON_MENU
        # * Settings
        # MENU_FONT = [name, size, color, bold, shadow]
        MENU_FONT = [["Anklada™", "Verdana"], 20, Color.new(255,255,25), true, true]
        # MENU_WINDOW [x, y, z, opacity]
        MENU_WINDOW = [200, 120, 200, 255]
        # Center the menu.
        # Note: If this is on the x and y coordinates is not available.
        # MENU_CENTER = true/false
        MENU_CENTER = false
        # The windowskin to use for the windows.
        # nil to disable.
        # MENU_SKIN = string
        MENU_SKIN = nil
        # Menu list - The icon_index (can be nil) and custom_scene is optional.
        # MENU_LIST: 
        # ID = ['Title', description, :symbol, :command, icon_index, active, custom ]
        MENU_LIST = []    
        MENU_LIST[0] = ["Экипировка", "Сенить экипировку.", :equip, :command_equip, 170, true]
        MENU_LIST[1] = ["Инвентарь", "Открыть инвентарь.", :item, :command_item, 264, true]
        MENU_LIST[2] = ["Сохранить", "Сохранить игру.", :save, :command_save, 233, true]
        MENU_LIST[3] = ["Загрузить", "Загрузить ваше сохранение.", :load, :command_custom, 230,   true, Scene_Load]
        MENU_LIST[4] = ["Выход", "Выход из игры.", :title, :command_custom, 12, true, Scene_Title]
        # If MENU_CUSTOM is true you will have to add the commands yourself
        # ingame, which can be useful for certain quest related stuff or if you
        # want to disable commands temporarly.
        # To add/delete a command ingame follow these instructions:
        # In a Call Script do like this:
        # menu_scene(2,:add) # To add id 2 to menu list.
        # menu_scene(3,:del) # To remove id 3 from menu list.
        # In a conditional branch do like this to check if a id is active:
        # menu_active?(5) # Returns true if id 5 is enabled.
        # To set a id to be enabled do like this:
        # menu_active(1, true) # Set id 1 to be enabled.
        # To add/delete every menu item to the list use this method:
        # menu_scene_all(type = :add/:del)
        # MENU_CUSTOM = true/false
        MENU_CUSTOM = false
        # The text to be displayed if no menu items is available.
        # MENU_EMPTY = ""
        MENU_EMPTY = "The menu is not available at this point."
        # Animate timer for the help window. 0 = no animation.
        # Only occurs when menu command has changed.
        # ANIMATE_TIMER = number
        ANIMATE_TIMER = 10
        # Help window.
        # HELP = [x, y, z, opacity, enabled]
        HELP = [190, 60, 200, 0, true]
        # Gold window.
        # nil to disable the icon(s).
        # GOLD = [x, y, z, opacity, icon_index, enabled]
        GOLD = [224, 368, 200, 0, 361, true]
        # Weight window.
        # Note: XS - Inventory Weight is required to use this.
        # WEIGHT = [x, y, z, opacity, icon_index, enabled]
        WEIGHT = [384, 368, 200, 255, 116, false]
        # Transition, nil to use default.
        # TRANSITION [speed, transition, opacity]
        # TRANSITION = [40, "Graphics/Transitions/4", 50]
        TRANSITION = nil
        # Menu background image (System folder)
        # Note: You might want to decrease the opacity as well as arrange 
        # the windows so that you can properly see the background.
        # Set to nil to use default.
        BACK = nil
        # Note: Not active if menu background is in use.
        # Background type: 
        # 0 = normal blur (default)
        # 1 = radial blur
        # 2 = hue change
        # 3 = custom color
        # 4 = custom gradient
        # BACK_TYPE = [type, opacity, enabled]
        BACK_TYPE = [0, 150, true]
        # BACK_RADIAL_BLUR = 0-360, 2-100
        BACK_RADIAL_BLUR = [10, 10]
        # BACK_HUE = 0-360
        BACK_HUE = 15 
        # BACK_COLOR = 0-255 (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
        BACK_COLOR = Color.new(255,0,255,128)
        # BACK_GRADIENT = [ Color1, Color2, Vertical ]
        BACK_GRADIENT = [Color.new(0,0,250,128), Color.new(255,0,0,128), true]
    # *** Don't edit below unless you know what you are doing. ***
    # ** Game_System
    class Game_System
      attr_accessor :menu_list
      alias xail_icon_menu_sys_initialize initialize unless $@
      def initialize(*args, &block)
        xail_icon_menu_sys_initialize(*args, &block)
        @menu_list = []
    # ** Game_Interpreter
    class Game_Interpreter
      def menu_scene(id, type)  
        # // Method to add a item to the list.  
        case type
          when :add # // Add menu id.
          unless $game_system.menu_list.include?(XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST[id])
          end unless XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST[id].nil?
          when :del # // Remove menu id.
          unless XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST[id].nil?
      def menu_active?(id)
        # // Method to check if id is eanbled.
        return if $game_system.menu_list[id].nil?
        return $game_system.menu_list[id][5]
      def menu_active(id, enabled)
        # // Method to enable id.
        $game_system.menu_list[id][5] = enabled
      def menu_scene_all(type = :add)
        # // Method to add or delete all of the id's to the menu list.
        id = 0
        while id < XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST.size
          case type
          when :add
            menu_scene(id, :add)
            menu_scene(id, :del)
          id += 1
    # ** Window_MenuCommand
    class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command
      alias xail_icon_menu_window_width_cmd window_width
      def window_width(*args, &block)
        # // Method to return the width.
        xail_icon_menu_window_width_cmd(*args, &block)
        return 48 if get_menu.size == 1
        return 74 if get_menu.size == 2
        return 32 * get_menu.size
      alias xail_icon_menu_window_height_cmd window_height
      def window_height(*args, &block)
        # // Method to return the height.
        xail_icon_menu_window_height_cmd(*args, &block)
        return fitting_height(1)
      alias xail_icon_menu_col_max_cmd col_max
      def col_max(*args, &block)
        # // Method to determine col max.
        xail_icon_menu_col_max_cmd(*args, &block)
        return get_menu.size
      alias xail_icon_menu_item_max_cmd item_max
      def item_max(*args, &block)
        xail_icon_menu_item_max_cmd(*args, &block)
        return get_menu.size
      alias xail_icon_menu_spacing_cmd spacing
      def spacing(*args, &block)
        # // Method to determine spacing.
        xail_icon_menu_spacing_cmd(*args, &block)
        return 0
      alias xail_icon_menu_contents_width_cmd contents_width
      def contents_width(*args, &block)
        # // Method to determine contents width.
        xail_icon_menu_contents_width_cmd(*args, &block)
        (item_width + spacing) * item_max - spacing
      alias xail_icon_menu_contents_height_cmd contents_height
      def contents_height(*args, &block)
        # // Method to determine contents height.
        xail_icon_menu_contents_height_cmd(*args, &block)
      def get_menu
        # // Method to get the menu list.
          return @menu_list = $game_system.menu_list
          return @menu_list = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST
      def draw_menu_icon(icon_index, x, y, enabled = true)
        # // Method to draw icon.
        bitmap = Cache.system("Iconset")
        rect = Rect.new(icon_index % 16 * 24, icon_index / 16 * 24, 24, 24)
        contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, rect, enabled ? 255 : 20)
      def draw_item(index)
        # // Method override to draw the command item.
        x = (get_menu.size < 5) ? 0 : 2    
        for i in get_menu
          icon = i[4] unless i[4].nil?
          draw_menu_icon(icon, x, 0, i[5])
          x += item_width
      def make_command_list
        # // Method override to add the commands.
        for i in get_menu
          case i[2]
          when :save
            add_command(i[0], i[2], save_enabled, i[6])
            add_command(i[0], i[2], i[5], i[6])
    # ** Window_Gold
    class Window_Gold < Window_Base
      def window_width
        # // Method to return the window width.
        return 220
      def refresh
        # // Refresh method override, draw a icon and the value.
        if $imported["XAIL-HERO-CONTROL"]
          draw_icon(XAIL::ICON_MENU::GOLD[4], -(text_size($game_party.gold).width - 80), -2) 
          draw_currency_value(value, "/", -60, 0, contents.width - 8)
          draw_currency_value($game_party.max_gold, currency_unit,8, 0, contents.width - 8)
          draw_icon(XAIL::ICON_MENU::GOLD[4], 116, -2) 
          draw_currency_value(value, currency_unit, -10, 0, contents.width - 8)
    # ** Window_Weight
    class Window_Weight < Window_Base
      def initialize
        # // Method to initialize.
        super(0, 0, window_width, fitting_height(1))
      def window_width
        # // Method to return the width.
        return 160
      def refresh
        # // Method to refresh.
      def draw_weight
        # // Method to draw the weight.
        weight = $game_party.weight
        max_weight = $game_party.max_weight
        value = "#{weight} / #{max_weight}"
        contents.font.name = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[0]
        contents.font.size = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[1]
        contents.font.color = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[2]
        contents.font.bold = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[3]
        contents.font.shadow = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[4]
        unless XAIL::ICON_MENU::WEIGHT[4].nil?
          draw_icon(XAIL::ICON_MENU::WEIGHT[4], 116, 0) 
          draw_text(-44, -2, window_width, fitting_height(0), value, 2)
          draw_text(-24, -2, window_width, fitting_height(0), value, 2)
    # ** Window_Help
    class Window_Icon_Help < Window_Help
      attr_accessor :index
      alias xail_icon_menu_winhelp_init initialize
      def initialize(*args, &block)
        xail_icon_menu_winhelp_init(*args, &block)
        @menu_list = get_menu
        @index = nil
      def get_menu
        # // Method to get the menu list.
          @menu_list = $game_system.menu_list
          @menu_list = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST
      alias xail_icon_menu_winhelp_set_text set_text
      def set_text(text, enabled)
        # // Method to set a new the tp text to the window.
        if text != @text
          menu_color(XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[2], enabled)
          @text = text
      def refresh
        # // Refresh help contents.
      def draw_help_text
        # // Method to draw the help text.
        contents.font.name = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[0]
        contents.font.size = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[1]
        menu_color(XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[2], menu_enabled?(@index))
        contents.font.bold = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[3]
        contents.font.shadow = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_FONT[4]
        # // Draw title and description for the menu.
        draw_help_ex(0, 0, @text)
      def draw_help_ex(x, y, text)
        # // Special method to draw a text.
        text = convert_escape_characters(text)
        pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)}
        process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
      def menu_enabled?(index)
        # // Method to check if menu item is enabled.
        return get_menu[index][5]
      def menu_color(color, enabled = true)
         # // Method to set the color and alpha if not enabled.
        contents.font.color.alpha = 150 unless enabled
    # ** Scene_MenuBase
    #  New Scene :: Scene_MenuBase
    class Scene_MenuBase < Scene_Base
      alias xail_icon_menubase_start start
      def start(*args, &block)
        # // Method to start the scene
        xail_icon_menubase_start(*args, &block)
        @menu_list = get_menu
      alias xail_icon_menubase_post_start post_start
      def post_start(*args, &block)
        # // Method to post_start the scene.
        xail_icon_menubase_post_start(*args, &block)
        perform_transition unless @menu_list.empty?
      def get_menu
        # // Method to get the menu list.
          return @menu_list = $game_system.menu_list
          return @menu_list = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST
      alias xail_icon_menubase_terminate terminate
      def terminate(*args, &block)
        # // Method to terminate the scene.
        xail_icon_menubase_terminate(*args, &block)
      def dispose_help
        # // Dispose help window.
        @help_window.dispose unless @help_window.nil?
        @help_window = nil
      def create_background
        # // Method to create custom background.
        @background_sprite = Sprite.new
        if XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK.nil?
          @background_sprite.bitmap = SceneManager.background_bitmap
          if XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_TYPE[2]
            source = SceneManager.background_bitmap
            bitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
            bitmap.stretch_blt(bitmap.rect, source, source.rect) unless SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Load)
            case XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_TYPE[0]
            when 0 ; bitmap.blur # // Default
            when 1 ; bitmap.radial_blur(XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_RADIAL_BLUR[0], XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_RADIAL_BLUR[0])
            when 2 ; bitmap.hue_change(XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_HUE)
            when 3 ; bitmap.fill_rect(bitmap.rect, XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_COLOR)
            when 4 ; bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(bitmap.rect, XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_GRADIENT[0],
            @background_sprite.opacity = XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK_TYPE[1]
            @background_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
          @background_sprite.bitmap = Cache.system(XAIL::ICON_MENU::BACK)
      alias xail_icon_menubase_transition perform_transition
      def perform_transition(*args, &block)
        # // Method to create the transition.
          xail_icon_menubase_transition(*args, &block)
    # ** Scene_Menu
    #  New Scene :: Scene_Menu
    class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase
      def start
        # // Method to start the scene.
        @menu_list = get_menu
        return command_map if @menu_list.empty?
        @anim_timer = XAIL::ICON_MENU::ANIMATE_TIMER
        if XAIL::ICON_MENU::HELP[4]
        create_menu_gold_window if XAIL::ICON_MENU::GOLD[5]
        create_menu_weight_window if XAIL::ICON_MENU::WEIGHT[5] and $imported["XAIL-INVENTORY-WEIGHT"]
      def create_menu_command_window
        # // Method to create the command window.
        @command_window = Window_MenuCommand.new
        @command_window.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN) unless XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN.nil?
          @command_window.x = (Graphics.width - @command_window.width) / 2
          @command_window.y = (Graphics.height - @command_window.height) / 2
          @command_window.x = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_WINDOW[0]
          @command_window.y = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_WINDOW[1]
        @command_window.z = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_WINDOW[2]
        @command_window.opacity = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_WINDOW[3]
        for i in @menu_list
          @command_window.set_handler(i[2], method(i[3]))
        @command_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:return_scene))
      def create_menu_help_window
        # // Create the help window.
        @help_window = Window_Icon_Help.new(2)
        @help_window.viewport = @viewport
        @help_window.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN) unless XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN.nil?
        @help_window.index = @command_window.index
        @help_window.x = XAIL::ICON_MENU::HELP[0]
        @help_window.y = XAIL::ICON_MENU::HELP[1]
        @help_window.z = XAIL::ICON_MENU::HELP[2]
        @help_window.opacity = XAIL::ICON_MENU::HELP[3]
        @help_window.contents_opacity = 255
      def create_menu_message_window
        # // Method to create the message window.
        @message_window = Window_Message.new
      def create_menu_gold_window
        # // Method to create the gold window.
        @gold_window = Window_Gold.new
        @gold_window.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN) unless XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN.nil?
        @gold_window.x = XAIL::ICON_MENU::GOLD[0]
        @gold_window.y = XAIL::ICON_MENU::GOLD[1]
        @gold_window.z = XAIL::ICON_MENU::GOLD[2]
        @gold_window.opacity = XAIL::ICON_MENU::GOLD[3]
      def create_menu_weight_window
        # // Method to create the weight window.
        @weight_window = Window_Weight.new
        @weight_window.windowskin = Cache.system(XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN) unless XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_SKIN.nil?
        @weight_window.x = XAIL::ICON_MENU::WEIGHT[0]
        @weight_window.y = XAIL::ICON_MENU::WEIGHT[1]
        @weight_window.z = XAIL::ICON_MENU::WEIGHT[2]
        @weight_window.opacity = XAIL::ICON_MENU::WEIGHT[3]
      def get_menu
        # // Method to get the menu list.
          return @menu_list = $game_system.menu_list
          return @menu_list = XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_LIST
      alias xail_upd_icon_menu_index_change update
      def update(*args, &block)
        # // Method for updating the scene.
        xail_upd_icon_menu_index_change(*args, &block)
        if XAIL::ICON_MENU::HELP[4]
          old_index = @help_window.index
          if old_index != @command_window.index
            # // Animate the help window.
            # // Update help window.
            # // Reset animate for the help window.
      def help_animate
        # // Method to animate help window.   
        for i in 1..@anim_timer
          break if scene_changing?
          @help_window.contents_opacity = 255 - i * (255 / @anim_timer * 2)
      def help_animate_reset
        # // Method to reset animation.   
        for i in 1..@anim_timer
          break if scene_changing?
          @help_window.contents_opacity = i * (255 / @anim_timer * 2)
      def help_update(index)
        # // If index changes update help window text.   
        icon = get_menu[index][4]
        title = '\i[' + icon.to_s + ']' + " " + get_menu[index][0]
        desc = '\c[0]' + get_menu[index][1]
        text = "#{title}\n#{desc}"
        enabled = get_menu[index][5]
        @help_window.index = index
        @help_window.set_text(text, enabled)
      def command_status
        # // command_status (Don't remove)
      def command_skill
        # // command_skill (Don't remove)
      def command_equip
        # // command_equip (Don't remove)
      def command_custom
        # // Method to call a custom command.
      def command_map
        # // command_map (Don't remove)
        $game_message.texts << XAIL::ICON_MENU::MENU_EMPTY
    end # END OF FILE
    # ** END OF FILE
    #    Quest Journal [VXA]
    #    Version: 1.0.1
    #    Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
    #    Date: June 8, 2012
    #    Support: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,45127.0.html
    #  Description:
    #    This script provides a graphical interface for showing quest progress. It
    #   is objective-based, meaning that you choose when to reveal objectives and 
    #   you can set it so that they show up as complete or failed. That said, this
    #   script does not build quests for you; it is only a supplementary scene for
    #   showing them. As such, you need to event all of the quests yourself and
    #   update quest progress via script call. Therefore, pay close attention to 
    #   the instructions here and in the Editable Regions at lines 232 and 612.
    #  Instructions:
    #    Paste this script into its own slot or slots, above Main and below
    #   Materials. If you are using the menu access feature, you should put any 
    #   other menu scripts above this one. 
    #    All of the configuration is done in the QuestData module. While it is not 
    #   necessary, it is recommended that you separate the configuration module 
    #   from the rest of the script by cutting and pasting it into its own slot in
    #   the Script Editor (as you will see if you have the demo). The reason for 
    #   this is that, if and when this script gets updated, you can preserve the 
    #   configuration section and only replace the other parts of the script. If 
    #   you wish to do that, you must cut everything from the first line down to 
    #   the final end of the module. The first lines of the body script should be 
    #   the equals bar right above # ** Game_Quest. Again, it's up to you whether 
    #   you do it.
    #    You can go to EDITABLE REGION A at line 232 to configure the default 
    #   settings for the script. All of these will work fine without modification,
    #   of course, but even if do not want to configure now, you should familiarize 
    #   yourself with all the settings so that you can make the best use of your 
    #   script. I have included tons of settings so that you can make the Quest 
    #   Journal unique for your game, even down to the order in which each section
    #   of the info window is drawn. A brief description of each setting is 
    #   included either to the right or directly above each constant.
    #    EDITABLE REGION B is the real heart of the script however - this is where
    #   you fill in all of the details for the quests. Read the instructions at 
    #   line 612 very carefully!
    #    You can activate and access a quest with this code in the Script event 
    #   command:
    #        quest(quest_id)
    #          quest_id : the integer ID of the quest you want to access
    #   From that, you can access or alter any relevant data stored in the quest, 
    #   like name, description, objectives, etc... Example:
    #         quest(1).name = "Rest in Pieces"
    #    More relevantly, when it comes to controlling the progress of quests the
    #   following codes can be used in a Script event command. The arguments are 
    #   the same for each command so I only explain them once. All of them are 
    #   pretty self-explanatory and using any of them will activate the quest 
    #   (unless you are using the MANUAL REVEAL setting at line 267). 
    #        reveal_objective(quest_id, objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n)
    #            quest_id : the integer ID of the quest you want to access.
    #            objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n : a list of the IDs of the 
    #              objectives you want to operate on. It can be as few as one or as 
    #              many as all of them.
    #          Will show the listed objectives in the Quest's information
    #        conceal_objective(quest_id, objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n)
    #          Will hide the listed objectives in the Quest's information
    #        complete_objective(quest_id, objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n)
    #          Changes the colour of the listed objectives to the completed colour.
    #          The quest is completed once all prime objectives are.
    #        uncomplete_objective (quest_id, objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n)
    #          Changes the status of the listed complete objectives back to active
    #        fail_objective(quest_id, objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n)
    #          Changes the colour of the listed objectives to the failed colour.
    #          The quest is failed once one prime objective is.
    #        unfail_objective(quest_id, objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n)
    #          Changes the status of the listed failed objectives back to active
    #        change_reward_status(quest_id, value)
    #            value : either true or false. If excluded, defaults to true.
    #          Totally optional, but this is just a personal switch which you can
    #          turn on when the reward is given. You can then make it a condition 
    #          so you don't reward the players more than once. (see line 180)
    #  EXAMPLES:
    #    reveal_objective(1, 0)
    #      This would reveal the first objective of the quest with ID 1
    #    complete_objective(6, 2, 3)
    #      This would complete the third & fourth objectives of the quest with ID 6
    #    change_reward_status(8)
    #      This would set the reward switch to true for the quest with ID 8.
    #   Another new feature is the ability to set rewards that will show up in the
    #  menu (see EDITABLE REGION B). In addition to that, you can use the following
    #  code to automatically distribute the specified rewards for a quest if the 
    #  quest is complete and no reward has yet been given:
    #        distribute_quest_rewards(quest_id)
    #          quest_id : the ID of the quest whose rewards you want to distribute
    #   Of course, it can only distribute the material rewards (items, weapons,
    #   armors, gold, or exp). It won't distribute rewards you specify by string. 
    #   To that end though, you can also use this code in a conditional branch and 
    #   it will be satisfied only if it distributes the rewards. Thus, if you 
    #   wanted to add some special rewards or do things like that, you can just put
    #   that in the branch for when it is true. This feature is not really
    #   recommended, since I think it is better to do it by events.
    #    Other codes for the Script event command that can be useful are:
    #        reset_quest(quest_id)
    #            quest_id : the integer ID of the quest you want to access.
    #          This will re-initialize the quest, meaning all quest progress to 
    #          date will be lost
    #        delete_quest(quest_id)
    #          Deactivates the quest and resets it
    #        conceal_quest(quest_id)
    #          Deactivates the quest so it won't show up in the scene, but progress
    #          is saved
    #        reveal_quest(quest_id)
    #          Activates or reactivates the quest. This command is NECESSARY if 
    #          MANUAL_REVEAL at line 284 is true or it has previously been 
    #          concealed. Otherwise, it is sufficient just to operate on the quest
    #        change_quest_access(:symbol)
    #          :symbol must be one of six options (include the colon!):
    #            :disable - prevents access to the quest scene (greys out in menu)
    #            :enable - enables access to the quest scene
    #            :disable_menu - this removes the quest option from the menu
    #            :enable_menu - this adds the quest option to the menu
    #            :disable_map - this prevents access by key from the map
    #            :enable_map - this allows access by key to the map
    #        change_quest_background("bg_filename", bg_opacity, bg_blend_type)
    #            bg_filename   : the filename of the picture for the background in  
    #              the Pictures folder
    #            bg_opacity    : the opacity of the background graphic. If 
    #              excluded, this defaults to the value of the setting at line 434.
    #            bg_blend_type : the blend type of the background graphic. If 
    #              excluded, this defaults to the value of the setting at line 437.
    #        change_quest_windows ("windowskin_filename", tone, opacity)
    #            windowskin_filename : the name of the Window graphic in the
    #              System folder of Graphics
    #            opacity             : the opacity of the windows. If excluded, 
    #              this defaults to the value of the setting at line 423.
    #            blend_type          : the blend_type of the windows. If excluded, 
    #              this defaults to the value of the setting at line 426.
    #    Also, there are a few codes that can be used in the Script command of a
    #   conditional branch. I note here that all of these are optional. You could
    #   use switch and variable checks and monitor quest progress solely through
    #   events. However, these commands make it a little easier and they are:
    #        quest_revealed?(quest_id)
    #            quest_id : the integer ID of the quest you want to access.
    #          This is satisfied if the quest has been activated.
    #        quest_complete?(quest_id)
    #          This is satisfied if all prime objectives of the quest are complete
    #        quest_failed?(quest_id)
    #          This is satisfied if any prime objective of the quest is failed
    #        quest_rewarded?(quest_id)
    #          This is satisfied if you have changed the reward status to true.
    #        objective_revealed?(quest_id, objective_id_1, ... objective_id_n)
    #            objective_id_1, ..., objective_id_n : a list of the IDs of the 
    #              objectives you want to operate on. It can be as few as one or as 
    #              many as all of them.
    #          This is satisfied if the listed objectives have been revealed
    #        objective_active?(quest_id, objective_id_1, ... objective_id_n)
    #          This is satisfied if all the listed objectives are revealed and
    #          neither complete nor failed.
    #        objective_complete?(quest_id, objective_id_1, ... objective_id_n)
    #          This is satisfied if all the listed objectives have been completed
    #        objective_failed?(quest_id, objective_id_1, ... objective_id_n)
    #          This is satisfied if all the listed objectives have been failed
    #    If you want to call the Quest scene from an event, you use the following 
    #   code in a call script:
    #        call_quest_journal
    #        call_quest_journal(quest_id)
    #          quest_id : ID of the quest you want to open the scene on
    #  If you do not specify a quest_id (line 198) then it will simply open the 
    #  scene as it would normally. If you do specify a quest_id (line 199) then it
    #  will open the scene on that quest so long as it has been revealed and it is
    #  normally accessible through the quest menu.
    #   Finally, the default way this script operates is that quests automatically
    #  complete or fail based on the status of the prime objectives. However, you
    #  can set it so that there are no prime objectives, in which case you can only
    #  complete, fail, or (re)activate a quest manually through the following code
    #  in a script call:
    #        manually_complete_quest(quest_id)
    #          quest_id : ID of the quest you want to manually complete
    #        manually_fail_quest(quest_id)
    #          quest_id : ID of the quest you want to manually fail
    #        manually_activate_quest(quest_id)
    #          quest_id : ID of the quest you want to manually activate
    $imported ||= {}
    $imported[:"MA_QuestJournal_1.0"] = true
    $imported[:"MA_QuestJournal_1.0.1"] = true
    # *** QuestData
    #  This module contains all the configuration data for the quest journal
    module QuestData
      #  BEGIN Editable Region A
      #  MENU_ACCESS - If true, you can access the quest journal through a command 
      # in the menu. If false, there will be no such command.
      MENU_ACCESS = true
      #  MENU_INDEX - If MENU_ACCESS is true, this determines where it appears
      MENU_INDEX = 4
      #  MAP_ACCESS - If true, this allows you to access the quest journal by 
      # pressing a key on the map.
      MAP_ACCESS = true
      #  MAP_BUTTON - If MAP_ACCESS is true, this determines which button calls the
      # Quest Journal
      MAP_BUTTON = :L
      #  OPEN_TO_LAST_REVEALED_QUEST - If true, then the first time you open the
      # quest journal after revealing a new quest, it will open to the new quest.
      #  OPEN_TO_LAST_CHANGED_QUEST - If true, then the Quest Journal will open to
      # the last quest whose objective status has changed.
      #  LIST_WINDOW_WIDTH - The width, in pixels, of the List Window
      #  BASIC_DATA_TYPES  - This lets you set up additional types of data. Just
      # include an identifying signal in the Array. Then, you will need to give 
      # each signal an icon (in the ICONS hash at line 322) and a signal text (in 
      # the VOCAB array at line 333, though it can be an empty string). Then, you 
      # can set the data itself when setting up quests by simply adding a:
      #    q[:symbol] = ""
      # line to the quest. You will also need to include the data type somewhere in
      # the DATA_LAYOUT at line 306. As an example of this, I have included :client
      # and :location by default. You can CTRL+F for anything in this section with
      # one of those symbols (excluding :) and you will there need to add something
      # for any new data types you add.
      BASIC_DATA_TYPES = [:client, :location]
      #  BASIC_DATA_WIDTH - This determines how much room, in pixels, is given to  
      # any basic data types you set up in the data window.
      BASIC_DATA_WIDTH = 240
      #  CONCURRENT_ACTIVITY - If true, then when in the Quest Journal scene, you
      # can switch categories or scroll down the quest list at the same time. If
      # false, you will first need to select a category before you can start 
      # scrolling through the quest list.
      #  HIDE_CATEGORY_CURSOR - If true, then the Category Window will not have a
      # cursor and will instead just highlight the currently selected category. 
      # This is best when CONCURRENT_ACTIVITY is true.
      #  SHOW_QUEST_ICONS - If true, then the icon you choose for each quest will
      # be displayed to the left of its name in the Quest List window
      SHOW_QUEST_ICONS = true
      #  MANUAL_REVEAL - If false, then quests will be revealed the moment you 
      # first reveal, complete, or fail an objective. If this is true, you will
      # need to specifically reveal each quest via a separate script call:
      #    reveal_quest(quest_id)
      MANUAL_REVEAL = false
      #  DATA_LAYOUT - This controls the way that the quest window lays out all of
      # the relevant data. If you set one of the entries to be an array, then any
      # of the commands there will be drawn at the same y. With exception to :line,
      # none of the commands will be drawn if the quest is not set to have that
      # particular data. The symbols are:
      #    :line        - Draws a horizontal line across the window.
      #    :name        - Draws the name of the quest
      #    :level       - Draws the level of the quest
      #    :banner      - Draws the banner for the quest
      #    :client      - Draws the client set in the quest   (basic data)
      #    :location    - Draws the location set in the quest (basic data)
      #    :description - Draws the quest's description
      #    :objectives  - Draws all the quest's objectives that have been revealed
      #    :rewards     - Draws whatever rewards have been set
      # You will also need to add an entry for any new BASIC_DATA that you place
      # in BASIC_DATA_TYPES at line 264.
      # Remember to place a comma after each entry. Also note that this is only the
      # default layout. You can set a different layout for any quest, and when 
      # viewing that quest, it will be the custom layout that is shown.
      DATA_LAYOUT = [
        [:line, :name, :level], 
        [:line, :rewards], 
      ] # <= Do not touch.
      #  ICONS - This is where you setup many of the icons used in the script. The
      # purpose of each is listed next to it. Also, if you make any custom 
      # categories, you NEED to give them an icon by placing a line like the 
      # others. So, if the new custom category is :romance then you would need to
      # set it like this:
      #    romance:     107,
      ICONS = {
        all:         226, # The icon for the All Quests category
        active:      236, # The icon for the Active Quests category
        complete:    238, # The icon for the Complete Quests category
        failed:      227, # The icon for the Failed Quests category
        client:      121, # The icon for client data. If none wanted, set to 0
        location:    231, # The icon for location data. If none wanted, set to 0
        reward_gold: 262, # The icon for gold rewards. If none wanted, set to 0
        reward_exp:  117, # The icon for exp rewards. If none wanted, set to 0
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  VOCAB - This lets you choose some of the words used in the quest scene
      VOCAB = {
        # menu_label:  The command name in the menu if MENU_ACCESS is true
        menu_label:       "Задания",
        # scene_label: The label at the top of the scene. If empty, no window
        scene_label:      "Журнал заданий", 
        # description: The heading to identify the description
        description:      "Описание",
        # objectives: The heading to identify the objectives
        objectives:       "Цели",
        # objective_bullet: The bullet which shows up to the left of every
        #  objective. If %d is included, it shows the objective's ID.
        objective_bullet: "♦",
        # rewards: The heading to identify the rewards.
        rewards:          "Нграда",
        # reward_amount: For item rewards, this is the text to show the amount. 
        #  It should include %d to show the amount.
        reward_amount:    "x%d",
        # reward_gold: Text to identify gold rewards
        reward_gold:      "",
        # reward_exp: Text to identify exp rewards
        reward_exp:       "",
        # level: If LEVEL_ICON is 0, this is the text which precedes the level
        level:            "Уровень: ",
        # location: The text label for quest location
        location:         "",
        # location: The text label for quest client
        client:           "",
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  CATEGORIES - This array allows you to set which categories are available 
      # in the Quest scene. The default categories are :all, :active, :complete,
      # and :failed, and their names are self-explanatory. You can add custom
      # categories as well, but note that you will need to make sure that each new
      # category has an icon set in the ICONS hash, as well as a label set in the
      # CATEGORY_VOCAB hash (if you are using SHOW_CATEGORY_LABEL). It is also 
      # advisable to give it a sort type, unless you are fine with it being sorted
      # by ID, as is default.
      CATEGORIES = [:all, :active, :complete, :failed]
      #  SHOW_CATEGORY_LABEL - This allows you to choose whether to show the name
      # of the currently selected category. If true, it will choose the name out
      # of the CATEGORY_VOCAB hash.
      # options lets you choose whether the label is shown in the same window as 
      # the category icons or in a separate window below. true = same window.
      #  CATEGORY_VOCAB - If SHOW_CATEGORY_LABEL is true, this hash lets you set the
      # label for each category. For any custom categories you create, you will 
      # need to add a line for each below and in the same format:
      #    :category => "Label",
      # Don't forget to add the comma at the end of each line.
        :all =>      "Все задания",      # The label for the :all category
        :active =>   "Активные задания",   # The label for the :active category
        :complete => "Завершенные", # The label for the :complete category
        :failed =>   "Проваленные",   # The label for the :failed category
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  SORT_TYPE - This hash allows you to choose how each category is sorted. 
      # For each category, default or custom, you can set a different sort method
      # There are seven options to choose from:
      #    :id - The quests are sorted from lowest to highest ID
      #    :alphabet - The quests are sorted in alphabetical order
      #    :level - The quests are sorted from the lowest to highest level
      #    :reveal - The quests are sorted from most recently revealed on. 
      #            Every time a new quest is revealed, it will be at the top.
      #    :change - The quests are sorted from the one whose status most recently
      #            changed on. So, every time an objective is modified, that quest
      #            will be thrown to the top.
      #    :complete - The quests are sorted from the most recently completed on.
      #            Every time a quest is completed, it will be thrown to the top.
      #    :failed - The quests are sorted from the most recently failed on. 
      #            Every time a quest is failed, it will be thrown to the top.
      # Additionally, you can put _r at the end of any of the sort options and it
      # will reverse the order. So, for instance, if the sort method for a category
      # is :alphabet_r, then the quests will show up from Z-A
      SORT_TYPE = {
        :all =>      :id,       # Sort type for the All Quests category
        :active =>   :change,   # Sort type for the Active Quests category
        :complete => :complete, # Sort type for the Complete Quests category
        :failed =>   :failed,   # Sort type for the Failed Quests category
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  WINDOWSKIN - The windowskin for each window in the Quest scene. It must
      # refer to a graphic in the System folder of Graphics. If set to false, then
      # it will use whatever windowskin is default. If you are using a script which
      # lets the player choose the windowskin, false is the recommended value.
      WINDOWSKIN = false
      #  WINDOW_TONE - The tone for each window. It must be an array in the form: 
      #      WINDOW_TONE = [red, green, blue, gray]
      # gray can be excluded, but the other three must be present. If you set this
      # value to false, then the windows will have whatever tone is default.
      WINDOW_TONE = false
      #  WINDOW_OPACITY - The opacity of the windows in the Quest scene. If set to
      # false, it will use the default opacity for windows.
      WINDOW_OPACITY = false
      #  BG_PICTURE - This is a string referring to a picture in the Picture folder
      # of Graphics. If set to "", then there will be no picture. Otherwise, it 
      # will display the selected picture below the windows but above the map in
      # the Quest scene.
      BG_PICTURE = ""
      #  BG_OPACITY - This allows you to set the opacity of the background picture,
      # if you have selected one.
      BG_OPACITY = 255
      #  BG_BLEND_TYPE - This allows you to set the blend type of the background
      # picture, if you have selected one.
      BG_BLEND_TYPE = 0 
      #  DESCRIPTION_IN_BOX - This is a graphical option, and it allows you to 
      # choose whether the description should be shown in a box.
      #  LEVEL_ICON - This sets how levels are shown. If set to an integer, then it
      # will draw the same icon numerous times up to the level of the quest. Ie. If
      # the level's quest is 1, then the icon will only be drawn once, but if the 
      # level's quest is 4, it will be drawn 4 times. LEVEL_ICONS_SPACE determines
      # the space between them. If you set LEVEL_ICON to 0, however, then it will
      # instead draw a signal for the level, corresponding to that index in the 
      # LEVEL_SIGNALS array. If the LEVEL_SIGNALS array is empty, then it will just
      # draw the integer for the level. Finally, LEVEL_ICON can also be an array of
      # integers, in which case the level will be represented only by the icon set
      # which corresponds to it in the array.
      LEVEL_ICON = 125
      #  LEVEL_ICONS_SPACE - If LEVEL_ICON is an integer, this is the amount of
      # space between each time the icon is drawn.
      #  LEVEL_SIGNALS - If LEVEL_ICON is 0, this allows you to set what string
      # should be the signal for each level. If this array is empty, then it will
      # just draw the level integer. Ie. if the Quest is Level 4, it will draw 4.
      LEVEL_SIGNALS = ["F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A", "S"]
      #  COLOURS - This lets you change the colour for various aspects of the 
      # quest scene. Each can be set in one of three ways:
      #    :symbol - If you use a symbol, the colour will be the result of calling 
      #      the method of the same name. For instance, if you set something to 
      #      :system_color, it will set the colour to the result of the Window_Base
      #      system_color method.
      #    Integer - If you set the colour to an integer, then it will take its 
      #      colour from the windowskin palette, just like using \c[x] in messages.
      #    Array - You can also set the rgba values directly with an array in the
      #      format: [red, green, blue, alpha]. alpha can be excluded, but you must
      #      have values for red, green, and blue.
      COLOURS = {
        # active: This sets the colour for active quests in the list and the name
        #  of the active quest when shown in the data window.
        active:           :normal_color,
        # complete: This sets the colour for complete quests in the list and the 
        #  name of the complete quest when shown in the data window.
        complete:         3,
        # failed: This sets the colour for failed quests in the list and the name
        #  of the failed quest when shown in the data window.
        failed:           10,
        # line:  This sets the colour for lines or boxes drawn in the quest scene
        line:             :system_color,
        # line_shadow:  This sets the colour of the shadow for lines or boxes drawn 
        #  in the quest scene
        line_shadow: [0, 0, 0, 128],
        # scene_label: This sets the colour for the scene label, if shown
        scene_label:      :system_color,
        # category_label: This sets the colour for the category label, if shown
        category_label:   :normal_color,
        # level_signal: This sets the colour for the level signal, if shown
        level_signal:     :normal_color,
        # objective_bullet: This sets the colour for objectives; if set to 
        #  :maqj_objective_color, it will reflect the completion status of the
        #  objective, but you can change it to something else if you prefer
        objective_bullet: :maqj_objective_color,
        # reward_amount: The colour of the item amount, when shown
        reward_amount:    :normal_color,
        # heading: The colour of any headings in the script, like "Description"
        heading:          :system_color,
        # basic_label: For basic data, like client, the colour of the label
        basic_label:      :system_color,
        # basic_value: For basic data, like client, the colour of the value
        basic_value:      :normal_color,
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  HEADING_ALIGN - This sets the alignment for the aspects listed. 0 is Left;
      # 1 is Centre; 2 is Right
        description: 0, # Alignment for the Description heading
        objectives:  0, # Alignment for the Objectives heading
        rewards:     1, # Alignment for the Rewards heading
        level:       2  # Alignment when showing the level
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #    Font Aspects
      #  All of the following options (FONTNAMES, FONTSIZES, FONTBOLDS, and 
      # FONTITALICS) allow you to alter the fonts used for various aspects of the 
      # scene. The only one listed there by default is normal:, which is the 
      # font used by default for the entire scene. However, you can change the  
      # fonts for almost any aspect - all you need to do is add a line like so:
      #    description: value,
      # and that will change that font aspect when drawing the description. The 
      # following symbols are available for changing:
      #   normal:         The default font used for every part of the scene
      #   list:           The font used in the List Window
      #   scene_label:    The font used when drawing the Scene Label, if shown
      #   category_label: The font used when drawing the Category Label, if shown
      #   heading:        The font used when drawing any headings, like "Description"
      #   name:           The font used when drawing the quest name in data window
      #   description:    The font used when drawing the Description
      #   objectives:     The font used when drawing the objectives
      #   rewards:        The font used when drawing the rewards
      #   client:         The font used when drawing the client
      #   location:       The font used when drawing the location
      # For any of them, you need to set a value. What the value can be depends
      # on which font aspect you are changing and is described below, but for any
      # of them setting it to the false will mean it will simply use the default
      # For any that you add, remember that you must put a comma after the value.
      #  FONTNAMES - Here you can change the font used for any of the various 
      # options. It can take any of the following types of values:
      #     false    - The default font will be used
      #     "String" - The font with the name "String" will be used.
      #     [Array]  - The array must be in the form: ["String1", "String2", ...]
      #               The font used will be the first one in the array that the 
      #               player has installed.
      #  EXAMPLES:
      #    normal:      false,
      #      The font used for unaltered aspects of the scene is the default font
      #    scene_label: "Algerian",
      #      The font used for the Scene Label will be Algerian.
      #    description: ["Cambria", "Times New Roman"],
      #      The font used when drawing the description will be Cambria if the
      #      player has Cambria installed. If the player does not have Cambria 
      #      installed, then the font used will be Times New Roman
      FONTNAMES = {
        normal: false, # normal: the default font name 
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  FONTSIZES - Here you can change the size of the font. There are two types
      # of values you can set:
      #    false   - The default fontsize will be used
      #    Integer - The fontsize will be equal to the value of the Integer.
      # For everything but the label windows, this shouldn't exceed 24, since that 
      # is the line_height. However, for scene_label: and category_label:, the size 
      # of the window will be adjusted to whatever size you set the font.
      FONTSIZES = {
        normal:         false, # normal: default font size
        scene_label:    28,    # scene_label: fontsize for the Scene Label window
        category_label: 24,    # category_label: fontsize for Category Label window
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  FONTBOLDS - Here you can set whether the font will be bolded. You can set 
      # it to either false, in which case it will not be bolded, or true, in which 
      # case it will be bolded.
      FONTBOLDS = {
        scene_label:  true, # scene_label: whether font is bold for Scene Label
        heading:      true, # heading: whether font is bold for the headings
        level_signal: true, # level_signal: whether font is bold for level
      } # <= Do not touch.
      #  FONTITALICS - Here you can set whether the font will be italicized. You
      # can set it to either false, in which case it will not be italicized, or 
      # true, in which case it will be italicized.
      #  END Editable Region A
      CATEGORIES = [:all] if !CATEGORIES || CATEGORIES.empty?
      VOCAB.default = ""
      ICONS.default = 0
      CATEGORY_VOCAB.default = ""
      SORT_TYPE.default = :id
      COLOURS.default = :normal_color
      HEADING_ALIGN.default = 0
      FONTNAMES.default = false
      FONTSIZES.default = false
      FONTBOLDS.default = false
      FONTITALICS.default = false
      # * Setup Quest
      def self.setup_quest(quest_id)
        q = { objectives: [] }
        case quest_id
        #  BEGIN Editable Region B
        #    Quest Setup
        #  This is where you set up the data for every quest in the game. While
        # it may seem complicated, I urge you to pay attention and, once you get
        # the hang of it, I am sure it will quickly become second nature. 
        #  Every single quest should be set up in the following format, but note
        # that if you are not setting anything for a particular aspect, you can 
        # delete that line. Anyway, this is what each quest should look like, with
        # the values on the left being the default values if you don't set them:
        #  when quest_id
        #   q[:name]              = "??????"
        #   q[:icon_index]        = 0
        #   q[:level]             = 0
        #   q[:description]       = ""
        #   q[:banner]            = ""
        #   q[:banner_hue]        = 0
        #   q[:objectives][0]     = ""
        #   q[:objectives][1]     = ""
        #   q[:objectives][2]     = ""
        #   q[:objectives][n]     = ""
        #   q[:prime_objectives]  = [0, 1, 2, n]
        #   q[:custom_categories] = []
        #   q[:client]            = ""
        #   q[:location]          = ""
        #   q[:rewards]           = []
        #   q[:common_event_id]   = 0
        #   q[:layout]            = false
        #  For each line, with the exception of objectives, it is only the value on 
        # the right of the equals sign that you will need to change. Now I will 
        # explain each line:
        # when quest_id
        #    quest_id - is an integer of your choosing, and this is how you 
        #        reference a quest in order to advance and do anything else. It 
        #        must be unique for every quest; if you use 1 for the first quest, 
        #        you cannot use 1 for any other quest.
        #   q[:name]              = ""
        #     "" - This line sets the name of the quest which shows in the Quest 
        #        List.
        #   q[:icon_index]        = 0
        #     0  - This line sets the icon to be used for this quest. It will show
        #        to the left of the quest's name in the Quest List.
        #   q[:level]             = 0
        #     0  - This line sets the level of the quest. If 0, no level will be
        #        shown. See the level options at lines 441-458 for more detail.
        #   q[:description]       = ""
        #     "" - This line sets the description of the quest. You can use message 
        #        codes in this string, but if you are using "" then you need to use
        #        \\ to identify codes and not just \. Ie. It's \\v[x], not \v[x]
        #   q[:objectives][0]     = ""
        #   q[:objectives][1]     = ""
        #   q[:objectives][2]     = ""
        #   q[:objectives][n]     = ""
        #  Objectives are slightly different. Notice that after q[:objectives] on
        # each line there is an integer enclosed in square brackets:
        #    [n] - This is the ID of the objective, and n MUST be an integer. No 
        #       quest can have more than one objective with the same ID. This is 
        #       how you identify which objective you want to reveal, complete or 
        #       fail. That said, you can make as many objectives as you want, as 
        #       long as you give them all distinct IDs. The IDs should be in 
        #       sequence as well, so there shouldn't be a q[:objectives][5] if 
        #       there is no q[:objectives][4].
        #     "" - This is the text of the objective. You can use message codes in 
        #        this string, but if you are using "" then you will need to use 
        #        \\ to identify codes and not just \. Ie: It's \\v[x], not \v[x]
        #   q[:prime_objectives]  = [0, 1, 2, n]
        #     [0, 1, 2, n] - This array determines what objectives need to be 
        #        completed in order for the quest to be complete. In other words, 
        #        all of the objectives with the IDs in this array need to be 
        #        complete for the quest to be complete. If any one of them is 
        #        failed, the quest will be failed. If you remove this line 
        #        altogether, then all objectives are prime. If you set this to [],
        #        then the quest will never be automatically completed or failed and
        #        you need to use the manual options described at lines 208-219.
        #   q[:custom_categories] = []
        #     [] - This allows you to set an array of custom categories for this
        #        quest, whiich means this quest will show up in each of those 
        #        categories if you add it to the CATEGORIES array at line 370.
        #        Note that each category you make must be identified by a unique 
        #        :symbol, and you must set up all the category details for that 
        #        :symbol. 
        #   q[:banner]            = ""
        #     "" - This line sets the banner to be used for a quest. It must be the
        #        filename of an image in the Pictures folder of Graphics.
        #   q[:banner_hue]        = 0
        #     0 - The hue of the banner graphic, if used
        #   q[:client]            = ""
        #     "" - This line sets the client name for this quest. (basic data)
        #   q[:location]          = ""
        #     "" - This line sets the location of the quest. (basic data)
        #   q[:rewards]           = []
        #    [] - In this array, you can identify particular rewards that will 
        #       show up. Each reward should be in its own array and can be any of
        #       the following:
        #          [:item, ID, n],
        #          [:weapon, ID, n],
        #          [:armor, ID, n],
        #          [:gold, n],
        #          [:exp, n],
        #       where ID is the ID of the item, weapon or armour you want
        #       distributed and n is the amount of the item, weapon, armor, gold, 
        #       or experience you want distributed. Additionally, you can also set
        #       some text to show up in the rewards format but which wouldn't be
        #       automatically distributed. You would need to specify that type of
        #       reward text in the following format:
        #          [:string, icon_index, "string", "vocab"],
        #       where icon_index is the icon to be shown, "string" is what you 
        #       would show up as the amount, and "vocab" is what would show up as a
        #       label between the icon and the amount.
        #   q[:common_event_id]   = 0
        #     0  - This allows you to call the identified common event immediately
        #        and automatically once the quest is completed. It is generally 
        #        not recommended, as for most quests you should be controlling it
        #        enough not to need this feature.
        #   q[:layout]            = false
        #     false - The default value for this is false, and when it is false the
        #        layout for the quest will be inherited from the default you set at
        #        302. However, you can also give the quest its own layout - the 
        #        format would be the same as you set for the default at line 307.
        # Template:
        #  When making a new quest, I recommend that you copy and paste the
        # following template, removing whichever lines you don't want to alter. 
        # Naturally, you need to remove the #~. You can do so by highlighting
        # the entire thing and pressing CTRL+Q:
    #~     when 2 # <= REMINDER: The Quest ID MUST be unique
    #~       q[:name]              = "??????"
    #~       q[:icon_index]        = 0
    #~       q[:level]             = 0
    #~       q[:description]       = ""
    #~       # REMINDER: You can make as many objectives as you like, but each must 
    #~       # have a unique ID.
    #~       q[:objectives][0]     = "" 
    #~       q[:objectives][1]     = ""
    #~       q[:objectives][2]     = ""
    #~       q[:prime_objectives]  = [0, 1, 2]
    #~       q[:custom_categories] = []
    #~       q[:banner]            = ""
    #~       q[:banner_hue]        = 0
    #~       q[:client]            = ""
    #~       q[:location]          = ""
    #~       q[:rewards]           = []
    #~       q[:common_event_id]   = 0
        when 1 # Quest 1 - Купи костюм
          q[:name]              = "Купи костюм"
          q[:level]             = 1
          q[:icon_index]        = 4449
          q[:description]       = "Отправляйся в ближайший магазин одежды и купи нормальный костюм"
          q[:objectives][0]     = "Купить костюм"
          q[:prime_objectives]  = [0]
          q[:custom_categories] = []
          q[:banner]            = ""
          q[:banner_hue]        = 0
          q[:client]            = "Правитель Хьюга"
          q[:location]          = "Весь Мир"
          q[:common_event_id]   = 0
          q[:rewards]           = [[:gold, 20],]
          q[:layout]            = false
        #  END Editable Region B
    # *** DataManager
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    aliased method - self.extract_save_contents
    class << DataManager
      # * Extract Save Contents
      alias maqj_extractsavecons_2kw5 extract_save_contents
      def extract_save_contents(*args, &block)
        maqj_extractsavecons_2kw5(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
        if $game_party.quests.nil?
    # ** MAQJ_SortedArray
    #  This module mixes in to an array to maintain the sorted order when inserting
    module MAQJ_SortedArray
      # * Insert to Array
      def maqj_insert_sort(el, &block)
        index = bsearch_index(el, 0, size, &block)
        index ? insert(index, el) : push(el)
      # * Retrieve Index from Binary Search
      def bsearch_index(el, b = 0, e = size, &block)
        return bsearch_index(el, b, e) { |a,b| a <=> b } if block.nil?
        return b if b == e # Return the discovered insertion index
        return if b > e
        m = (b + e) / 2    # Get Middle
        block.call(el, self[m]) > 0 ? b = m + 1 : e = m 
        bsearch_index(el, b, e, &block) 
    # ** Game_Quest
    #  This class holds all instance data for a quest
    class Game_Quest
      # * Public Instance Variables
      attr_reader   :id                  # Unique identifier for this quest
      attr_reader   :name                # The name to be shown for the quest
      attr_reader   :level               # The level of difficulty of the quest
      attr_reader   :objectives          # An array of objective strings
      attr_reader   :prime_objectives    # An array of crucial objective IDs
      attr_reader   :revealed_objectives # An array of revealed objective IDs
      attr_reader   :complete_objectives # An array of completed objective IDs
      attr_reader   :failed_objectives   # An array of failed objective IDs
      attr_reader   :custom_categories   # An array of category symbols
      attr_accessor :icon_index          # Icon associated with this quest
      attr_accessor :common_event_id     # ID of common event to call upon complete
      attr_accessor :description         # The description for the quest
      attr_accessor :banner              # Picture shown to represent the quest
      attr_accessor :banner_hue          # The hue of the banner
      attr_accessor :layout              # The layout of this quest in scene
      attr_accessor :rewards             # An array of rewards to show
      attr_accessor :reward_given        # Boolean tracking if quest was rewarded
      attr_accessor :concealed           # Whether or not the quest is visible
      attr_accessor :manual_status       # Quest status if not using prime objectives
      QuestData::BASIC_DATA_TYPES.each { |data_type| attr_accessor(data_type) }
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize(quest_id)
        @id = quest_id
        @concealed = default_value_for(:concealed)
        @reward_given = default_value_for(:reward_given)
      # * Reset
      def reset
        data = QuestData.setup_quest(@id)
        data_symbol_array.each { |meth| instance_variable_set(:"@#{meth}", 
          data[meth] ? data[meth] : default_value_for(meth)) }
        @revealed_objectives = [].send(:extend, MAQJ_SortedArray)
        @complete_objectives = [].send(:extend, MAQJ_SortedArray)
        @failed_objectives =   [].send(:extend, MAQJ_SortedArray)
        @manual_status = default_value_for(:manual_status)
      # * Data Symbol Array
      def data_symbol_array
        [:name, :level, :objectives, :prime_objectives, :custom_categories, 
          :icon_index, :description, :banner, :banner_hue, :common_event_id, 
          :layout, :rewards] + QuestData::BASIC_DATA_TYPES
      # * Default Value
      def default_value_for(method)
        case method
        when :name then "??????"
        when :description, :banner then ""
        when :level, :banner_hue, :icon_index, :common_event_id then 0
        when :objectives, :rewards, :custom_categories then []
        when :prime_objectives then Array.new(objectives.size) { |x| x }
        when :concealed then QuestData::MANUAL_REVEAL
        when :manual_status then :active
        when :layout, :reward_given then false
        else ""
      # * Reveal/Conceal Objective
      def reveal_objective(*obj)
        valid_obj = obj.select {|x| x < objectives.size && !@revealed_objectives.include?(x) }
        valid_obj.each {|i| @revealed_objectives.maqj_insert_sort(i) }
        quest_status_changed unless valid_obj.empty?
      def conceal_objective(*obj)
        quest_status_changed unless (obj & @revealed_objectives).empty?
        obj.each { |obj_id| @revealed_objectives.delete(obj_id) }
      # * Complete/Uncomplete Objective
      def complete_objective(*obj)
        valid_obj = obj.select {|x| x < objectives.size && !@complete_objectives.include?(x) }
        was_complete = status?(:complete)
        valid_obj.each {|i| @complete_objectives.maqj_insert_sort(i) }
        quest_status_changed unless valid_obj.empty?
        # If just completed
        if status?(:complete) && !was_complete
          $game_party.quests.add_to_sort_array(:complete, @id)
      def uncomplete_objective(*obj)
        quest_status_changed unless (obj & @complete_objectives).empty?
        obj.each { |obj_id| @complete_objectives.delete(obj_id) }
      # * Fail/Unfail Objective
      def fail_objective(*obj)
        valid_obj = obj.select {|x| x < objectives.size && !@failed_objectives.include?(x) }
        was_failed = status?(:failed)
        valid_obj.each {|i| @failed_objectives.maqj_insert_sort(i) }
        quest_status_changed unless valid_obj.empty?
        $game_party.quests.add_to_sort_array(:failed, @id) if status?(:failed) && !was_failed
      def unfail_objective(*obj)
        quest_status_changed unless (obj & @failed_objectives).empty?
        obj.each { |obj_id| @failed_objectives.delete(obj_id) }
      # * Updates when the quest status has been changed
      def quest_status_changed
        $game_party.quests.add_to_sort_array(:change, @id) 
        $game_system.last_quest_id = @id if QuestData::OPEN_TO_LAST_CHANGED_QUEST
      # * Objective Status?
      def objective_status?(status_check, *obj)
        return false if obj.empty?
        case status_check
        when :failed   then !(obj & @failed_objectives).empty?
        when :complete then obj.size == (obj & @complete_objectives).size
        when :revealed then obj.size == (obj & @revealed_objectives).size
        when :active then objective_status?(:revealed, *obj) && 
          !objective_status?(:complete, *obj) && !objective_status?(:failed, *obj)
      # * Status?
      def status?(status_check)
        case status_check
        when :failed  
          @prime_objectives.empty? ? @manual_status == :failed : 
            !(@failed_objectives & @prime_objectives).empty?
        when :complete
          @prime_objectives.empty? ? @manual_status == :complete : !status?(:failed) && 
            ((@prime_objectives & @complete_objectives) == @prime_objectives)
        when :active then !concealed && !status?(:complete) && !status?(:failed)
        when :reward then @reward_given
      # * Set Name
      def name=(new_name)
        @name = new_name
        $game_party.quests.add_to_sort_array(:alphabet, @id) if $game_party && 
      # * Set Level
      def level=(new_lvl)
        @level = new_lvl
        $game_party.quests.add_to_sort_array(:level, @id) if $game_party && 
    # ** Game_Quests 
    #  This is a wrapper for an array holding Game_Quest objects
    class Game_Quests
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize
        @data = {}
        @sort_arrays = {
          reveal: [], change: [], complete: [], failed: [],
          id:       [].send(:extend, MAQJ_SortedArray),
          alphabet: [].send(:extend, MAQJ_SortedArray),
          level:    [].send(:extend, MAQJ_SortedArray)
      # * Get Quest
      def [](quest_id)
        reset_quest(quest_id) if !@data[quest_id]
      # * Set Quest <- Not sure when this would ever be useful.
      def []=(quest_id, value)
        @data[quest_id] = value
      # * List
      #    list_type : the type of list to return
      def list(list_type = :all, sort_type = $game_system.quest_sort_type[list_type])
        sort_type_s = sort_type.to_s
        reverse = !(sort_type_s.sub!(/_r$/, "")).nil?
        sort_type = sort_type_s.to_sym
        list = @sort_arrays[sort_type].select { |quest_id| include?(quest_id, list_type) }
        list.reverse! if reverse
        list.collect { |quest_id| @data[quest_id] }
      # * Include?
      #    determines whether to include a particular quest depending on list type
      def include?(quest_id, list_type = :all)
        return false if !revealed?(quest_id)
        case list_type
        when :all then true
        when :complete, :failed, :active then @data[quest_id].status?(list_type)
      # * Revealed? 
      def revealed?(quest_id)
        (!@data[quest_id].nil? && !@data[quest_id].concealed)
      # * Setup Quest
      def setup_quest(quest_id)
        return if @data[quest_id]
        @data[quest_id] = Game_Quest.new(quest_id)
        # Open to this quest next time the QJ is opened
        $game_system.last_quest_id = quest_id if QuestData::OPEN_TO_LAST_REVEALED_QUEST
        # Save sorting order in separate arrays to avoid re-sorting every time
        @sort_arrays.keys.each { |sym| add_to_sort_array(sym, quest_id) }
      # * Delete Quest
      def delete_quest(quest_id)
        @sort_arrays.values.each { |ary| ary.delete(quest_id) }
      # * Reset Quest
      def reset_quest(quest_id)
      # * Add to Sorted Array
      #    sort_type : array to alter
      #    quest_id  : ID of the quest to add.
      def add_to_sort_array(sort_type, quest_id)
        @sort_arrays[sort_type].delete(quest_id) # Make sure always unique
        case sort_type
        when :reveal, :change, :complete, :failed
        when :id
        when :alphabet 
          @sort_arrays[sort_type].maqj_insert_sort(quest_id) { |a, b| @data[a].name.downcase <=> @data[b].name.downcase }
        when :level
          @sort_arrays[sort_type].maqj_insert_sort(quest_id) { |a, b| @data[a].level <=> self[b].level }
      # * Find Location
      def find_location(quest_id, cat = nil)
        if revealed?(quest_id)
          categories = $game_system.quest_categories.dup
          # If cat specified, check in that category first.
          if cat && categories.include?(cat)
          for category in categories # Check all categories
            index = list(category).index(@data[quest_id])
            return category, index if index != nil
        return nil, nil
      # * Clear
      def clear
    # ** Game System
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    new attr_accessor - quest_menu_access; quest_map_access; quest_sort_type;
    #      quest_bg_picture; quest_bg_opacity; quest_windowskin; 
    #      quest_window_opacity; quest_access_disabled; last_quest_cat; 
    #      last_quest_id
    #    aliased methods - initialize
    #    new methods - init_maqj_data
    class Game_System
      # * Public Instance Variables
      attr_reader   :quest_menu_access     # Whether the scene is called from menu
      attr_accessor :quest_map_access      # Whether the scene is called from map
      attr_accessor :quest_sort_type       # The sort types for each category
      attr_accessor :quest_bg_picture      # The filename of the background picture
      attr_accessor :quest_bg_opacity      # The opacity of the background picture
      attr_accessor :quest_bg_blend_type   # The blend type of the background pic
      attr_accessor :quest_windowskin      # The windowskin used for the scene
      attr_accessor :quest_window_tone     # The tone of windows in the scene
      attr_accessor :quest_window_opacity  # The opacity of windows in the scene
      attr_accessor :quest_access_disabled # Whether access to Quests is disabled
      attr_accessor :quest_categories      # The categories to show in the scene
      attr_accessor :quest_scene_label     # The label to show in the scene
      attr_accessor :last_quest_cat        # The category to open to
      attr_accessor :last_quest_id         # The ID to open to
      # * Object Initialization
      alias maqj_initialze_2cy9 initialize
      def initialize(*args, &block)
        maqj_initialze_2cy9(*args, &block)
      # * Initialize Quest Data
      def init_maqj_data
        # Initialize new variables
        self.quest_menu_access = QuestData::MENU_ACCESS
        @quest_map_access = QuestData::MAP_ACCESS
        @quest_sort_type = QuestData::SORT_TYPE
        @quest_bg_picture = QuestData::BG_PICTURE
        @quest_bg_opacity = QuestData::BG_OPACITY
        @quest_bg_blend_type = QuestData::BG_BLEND_TYPE
        @quest_windowskin = QuestData::WINDOWSKIN
        @quest_window_tone = QuestData::WINDOW_TONE
        @quest_window_opacity = QuestData::WINDOW_OPACITY
        @quest_access_disabled = false
        @quest_categories = QuestData::CATEGORIES
        @quest_scene_label = QuestData::VOCAB[:scene_label]
        @last_quest_cat = @quest_categories[0]
        @last_quest_id = 0
      # * Set Quest Menu Access
      def quest_menu_access=(boolean)
        @quest_menu_access = boolean
        maic_inserted_menu_commands.push(:quest_journal) if @quest_menu_access 
    # ** Game_Party
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    new attr_reader - quests
    #    aliased method - initialize
    #    new method - init_maqj_data
    class Game_Party
      # * Public Instance Variables
      attr_reader :quests
      # * Object Initialization
      alias maqj_intiaze_2si9 initialize
      def initialize(*args, &block)
        maqj_intiaze_2si9(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
      # * Initialize Quests
      def init_maqj_data
        @quests = Game_Quests.new # Initialize @quests
    # ** Game_Interpreter
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    new methods - change_quest_access; change_quest_background;
    #      change_quest_windows; setup_quest; delete_quest; reset_quest; quest; 
    #      reveal_quest; conceal_quest; manually_complete_quest;
    #      manually_fail_quest; reveal_objective; conceal_objective; 
    #      complete_objective; uncomplete_objective; fail_objective; 
    #      unfail_objective; quest_revealed?; quest_complete?; quest_active?; 
    #      quest_failed?; objective_complete?; objective_active?; 
    #      objective_failed?; distribute_quest_rewards; distribute_quest_reward;
    #      call_quest_journal
    class Game_Interpreter
      # * Change Quest Access
      #    sym : symbol representing what aspect of access is being changed
      def change_quest_access(sym)
        case sym
        when :enable then $game_system.quest_access_disabled = false
        when :disable then $game_system.quest_access_disabled = true
        when :enable_menu then $game_system.quest_menu_access = true 
        when :disable_menu then $game_system.quest_menu_access = false 
        when :enable_map then $game_system.quest_map_access = true 
        when :disable_map then $game_system.quest_map_access = false 
      # * Change Quest Background
      #    picture : picture to show in the scene's background
      #    opacity : opacity of the picture shown in the scene's background
      def change_quest_background(picture, opacity = $game_system.quest_bg_opacity,
          blend_type = $game_system.quest_bg_blend_type)
        $game_system.quest_bg_picture = picture
        $game_system.quest_bg_opacity = opacity
        $game_system.quest_bg_blend_type = blend_type
      # * Change Quest Windows
      #    skin    : windowskin name to use in the scene
      #    tone    : tone for the windowskin
      #    opacity : opacity of windows in the scene
      def change_quest_windows(skin, tone = $game_system.quest_window_tone, 
          opacity = $game_system.quest_window_opacity)
        $game_system.quest_windowskin = skin
        $game_system.quest_window_tone = tone
        $game_system.quest_window_opacity = opacity
      # * Setup/Delete/Reset Quest
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest to be setup or deleted or reset
      [:setup_quest, :delete_quest, :reset_quest].each { |method|
        define_method(:"quest_#{method}") do |quest_id| 
          $game_party.quests.send(method, quest_id)
      # * Retrieve Quest
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest to retrieve
      def quest(quest_id);         $game_party.quests[quest_id];      end
      # * Reveal/Conceal Quest 
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest to be revealed or concealed
      def reveal_quest(quest_id);  quest(quest_id).concealed = false; end
      def conceal_quest(quest_id); quest(quest_id).concealed = true;  end
      # * Manually Complete/Fail Quest 
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest to be revealed or concealed
      def manually_complete_quest(quest_id)
        quest(quest_id).manual_status = :complete
      def manually_fail_quest(quest_id)
        quest(quest_id).manual_status = :failed
      def manually_activate_quest(quest_id)
        quest(quest_id).manual_status = :active
      # * Reveal/Complete/Fail/Conceal/Uncomplete/Unfail Objective
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest whose objectives will be modified
      #    *obj     : IDs of objectives to reveal or complete or fail (or opposite)
      [:reveal_objective, :complete_objective, :fail_objective, :conceal_objective,
      :uncomplete_objective, :unfail_objective].each { |method|
        define_method(method) do |quest_id, *obj| 
          quest(quest_id).send(method, *obj)
      # * Quest Revealed?
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest you are checking is revealed
      def quest_revealed?(quest_id)
      [:complete, :failed, :active].each { |method|
        # * Quest Complete/Failed/Active?
        #    quest_id : ID of the quest whose completion status is being checked
        define_method(:"quest_#{method}?") do |quest_id| 
          quest_revealed?(quest_id) && quest(quest_id).status?(method) 
        # * Objective Complete/Failed/Active?
        #    quest_id : ID of the quest whose objectives are being checked
        #    *obj     : IDs of objectives to check completion status
        define_method(:"objective_#{method}?") do |quest_id, *obj| 
          quest_revealed?(quest_id) && quest(quest_id).objective_status?(method, *obj) 
      # * Objective Revealed?
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest you are checking is revealed
      #    *obj     : IDs of objectives to check completion status
      def objective_revealed?(quest_id, *obj)
        quest_revealed?(quest_id) && quest(quest_id).objective_status?(:revealed, *obj) 
      # * Quest Rewarded?
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest you are checking is revealed
      def quest_rewarded?(quest_id)
        quest_revealed?(quest_id) && quest(quest_id).status?(:reward)
      # * Change Reward Status
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest you are checking is revealed
      #    value    : true or false
      def change_reward_status(quest_id, value = true)
        quest(quest_id).reward_given = value
      # * Distribute Rewards
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest whose rewards are to be distributed
      def distribute_quest_rewards(quest_id)
        if quest_revealed?(quest_id) && !quest_rewarded?(quest_id)
          params = @params.dup
          change_reward_status(quest_id, true)
          quest(quest_id).rewards.each { |reward| distribute_quest_reward(reward) }
          @params = params
      # * Distribute Reward
      #    reward : an array identifying the reward
      def distribute_quest_reward(reward)
        @params = [reward[1], 0, 0, (reward[2] ? reward[2] : 1)]
        case reward[0]
        when :item, 0 then   command_126 # Item
        when :weapon, 1 then command_127 # Weapon
        when :armor, 2 then  command_128 # Armor
        when :gold, 3   # Gold
          @params = [0, 0, reward[1] ? reward[1] : 0]
        when :exp, 4    # Exp
          @params = [0, 0, 0, 0, reward[1] ? reward[1] : 0, true]
      # * Call Quest Journal
      #    quest_id : ID of the quest to open the journal to
      def call_quest_journal(quest_id = nil)
        return if $game_party.in_battle
        $game_system.last_quest_id = quest_id if quest_id
    unless $imported[:"MA_ParagraphFormat_1.0"]
    # ** MA_Window_ParagraphFormat
    #  This module inserts into Window_Base and provides a method to format the
    # strings so as to go to the next line if it exceeds a set limit. This is 
    # designed to work with draw_text_ex, and a string formatted by this method 
    # should go through that, not draw_text.
    module MA_Window_ParagraphFormat
      # * Calc Line Width
      def mapf_calc_line_width(line, tw = 0, contents_dummy = false)
        return tw if line.nil?
        line = line.clone
        unless contents_dummy
          real_contents = contents # Preserve Real Contents
          # Create a dummy contents
          self.contents = Bitmap.new(contents_width, 24)
        pos = {x: 0, y: 0, new_x: 0, height: calc_line_height(line)}
        while line[/^(.*?)\e(.*)/]
          tw += text_size($1).width
          line = $2
          # Remove all ancillaries to the code, like parameters
          code = obtain_escape_code(line)
          # If direct setting of x, reset tw.
          tw = 0 if ($imported[:ATS_SpecialMessageCodes] && code.upcase == 'X') ||
            ($imported["YEA-MessageSystem"] && code.upcase == 'PX')
          #  If I need to do something special on the basis that it is testing, 
          # alias process_escape_character and differentiate using @atsf_testing
          process_escape_character(code, line, pos)
        #  Add width of remaining text, as well as the value of pos[:x] under the 
        # assumption that any additions to it are because the special code is 
        # replaced by something which requires space (like icons)
        tw += text_size(line).width + pos[:x]
        unless contents_dummy
          contents.dispose # Dispose dummy contents
          self.contents = real_contents # Restore real contents
        return tw
      # * Format Paragraph
      def mapf_format_paragraph(text, max_width = contents_width)
        text = text.clone
        #  Create a Dummy Contents - I wanted to boost compatibility by using the 
        # default process method for escape codes. It may have the opposite effect, 
        # for some :( 
        real_contents = contents # Preserve Real Contents
        self.contents = Bitmap.new(contents_width, 24)
        paragraph = ""
        while !text.empty?
          oline, nline, tw = mapf_format_by_line(text.clone, max_width)
          # Replace old line with the new one
          text.sub!(/#{Regexp.escape(oline)}/m, nline)
          paragraph += text.slice!(/.*?(\n|$)/)
        contents.dispose # Dispose dummy contents
        self.contents = real_contents # Restore real contents
        return paragraph
      # * Format By Line
      def mapf_format_by_line(text, max_width = contents_width)
        oline, nline, tw = "", "", 0
        loop do
          #  Format each word until reach the width limit
          oline, nline, tw, done = mapf_format_by_word(text, nline, tw, max_width)
          return oline, nline, tw if done
      # * Format By Word
      def mapf_format_by_word(text, line, tw, max_width)
        return line, line, tw, true if text.nil? || text.empty?
        # Extract next word
        if text.sub!(/(\s*)([^\s\n\f]*)([\n\f]?)/, "") != nil
          prespace, word, line_end = $1, $2, $3
          ntw = mapf_calc_line_width(word, tw, true)
          pw = contents.text_size(prespace).width
          if (pw + ntw >= max_width)
            # Insert
            if line.empty?
              # If one word takes entire line
              return prespace + word, word + "\n", ntw, true 
              return line + prespace + word, line + "\n" + word, tw, true
            line += prespace + word
            tw = pw + ntw
            # If the line is force ended, then end 
            return line, line, tw, true if !line_end.empty?
          return line, line, tw, true
        return line, line, tw, false
    class Window_Base
      include MA_Window_ParagraphFormat
    $imported[:"MA_ParagraphFormat_1.0"] = true
    # *** MAQJ Window_QuestBase
    #  This module mixes in with all quest windows
    module MAQJ_Window_QuestBase
      attr_reader :maqj_objective_color
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize(*args, &block)
        super(*args, &block)
        @maqj_default_font = contents.font.dup
        # Change the windowskin, tone if they are set to be changed
        self.windowskin = Cache.system($game_system.quest_windowskin) if $game_system.quest_windowskin
        self.opacity = $game_system.quest_window_opacity if $game_system.quest_window_opacity
      # * Reset Font Settings
      def reset_font_settings(*args, &block)
        super(*args, &block)
        set_data_font(@maqj_font_data_type) if @maqj_font_data_type
      # * Set Data Font
      def set_data_font(data_type)
        @maqj_default_font = contents.font.dup unless @maqj_default_font
        contents.font.name = QuestData::FONTNAMES[data_type] ? 
          QuestData::FONTNAMES[data_type] : @maqj_default_font.name
        contents.font.size = QuestData::FONTSIZES[data_type] ? 
          QuestData::FONTSIZES[data_type] : @maqj_default_font.size
        contents.font.bold = QuestData::FONTBOLDS.keys.include?(data_type) ? 
          QuestData::FONTBOLDS[data_type] : @maqj_default_font.bold
        contents.font.italic = QuestData::FONTITALICS.keys.include?(data_type) ?
          QuestData::FONTITALICS[data_type] : @maqj_default_font.italic
        case data_type
        when :objectives then change_color(@maqj_objective_color) if @maqj_objective_color
        when :name then change_color(quest_name_colour(@quest)) if @quest
          change_color(text_color(QuestData::COLOURS[data_type])) if QuestData::COLOURS.keys.include?(data_type)
      # * Draw Horizontal Line
      def draw_horizontal_line(y, h = 2)
        contents.fill_rect(0, y, contents_width, h, text_color(QuestData::COLOURS[:line]))
        contents.fill_rect(0, y + h, contents_width, [h / 2, 1].max, text_color(QuestData::COLOURS[:line_shadow]))
      # * MA Text Color
      def text_color(param)
          colour = case param
          when Integer then super(param) rescue normal_color
          when Symbol then send(param) rescue normal_color
          when Array then Color.new(*param) rescue normal_color
        colour.is_a?(Color) ? colour : normal_color
      # * Quest Name Colour
      def quest_name_colour(quest = @quest)
        return if !quest
        quest = $game_party.quests[quest] if quest.is_a?(Integer)
        s = [:failed, :complete, :active].find { |status| quest.status?(status) }
      # * Quest Objective Colour
      def quest_objective_colour(quest, obj_id)
        return if !quest
        quest = $game_party.quests[quest] if quest.is_a?(Integer)
        s = [:failed, :complete, :active].find { |status| quest.objective_status?(status, obj_id) }
      # * Update Tone
      def update_tone
        $game_system.quest_window_tone ? 
          self.tone.set(*$game_system.quest_window_tone) : super
    unless $imported[:"MA_IconHorzCommand_1.0"]
    # ** Window_MA_IconHorzCommand
    #  This window is a base window to show a horizontal command window populated
    # with icons.
    class Window_MA_IconHorzCommand < Window_HorzCommand
      # * Public Instance Variable
      attr_reader   :observing_procs
      attr_accessor :cursor_hide
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize(*args, &block)
        @observing_procs = {}
        super(*args, &block)
      # * Column Max
      def col_max; [(width - standard_padding) / (24 + spacing), item_max].min; end
      # * Item
      def item
        @list[index] ? @list[index][:symbol] : nil
      # * Enabled? / Current Item Enabled?
      def enable?(index); self.index == index; end
      def current_item_enabled?; !current_data.nil?; end
      # * Draw Item
      def draw_item(index)
        rect = item_rect(index)
        draw_icon(@list[index][:ext], rect.x + ((rect.width - 24) / 2), rect.y, enable?(index))
      # * Set Index
      def index=(index)
        old_index = self.index
      # * Frame Update
      def update
        @observing_procs.values.each { |block| block.call(item) }
      # * Add/Remove Observing Window
      def add_observing_proc(id, &block)
        @observing_procs[id] = block
      def remove_observing_proc(id)     ; @observing_procs.delete(id) ; end
      # * Update Cursor
      def update_cursor
        cursor_rect.empty if @cursor_hide
    $imported[:"MA_IconHorzCommand_1.0"] = true
    # ** Window_QuestCategory
    #  This window allows the player to switch between quest categories.
    class Window_QuestCategory < Window_MA_IconHorzCommand
      include MAQJ_Window_QuestBase
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize(x, y, categories = $game_system.quest_categories)
        @cursor_hide = QuestData::HIDE_CATEGORY_CURSOR
        @categories = categories
        super(x, y)
      # * Window Width
      def window_width; QuestData::LIST_WINDOW_WIDTH; end
      # * Category=
      def category=(category)
        self.index = @categories.index(category) if @categories.include?(category)
      # * Make Command List
      def make_command_list
        @categories.each { |cat| 
          add_command("", cat, false, QuestData::ICONS[cat]) }
    # ** Window QuestLabel
    #  This window simply shows a label for the Quests scene
    class Window_QuestLabel < Window_Base
      include MAQJ_Window_QuestBase
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize(x, y, label = "")
        super(x, y, window_width, window_height)
      # * Reset Font Settings
      def reset_font_settings; set_data_font(:scene_label); end
      # * Window Attributes
      def window_width
        w = ($game_system.quest_categories.size > 1 || QuestData::SHOW_CATEGORY_LABEL) ? 
          Graphics.width - QuestData::LIST_WINDOW_WIDTH : QuestData::LIST_WINDOW_WIDTH
      def window_height; line_height + (standard_padding*2); end
      def line_height(*args)
        line_h = super(*args)
        QuestData::FONTSIZES[:scene_label] ? 
          [QuestData::FONTSIZES[:scene_label], line_h].max : line_h
      # * Refresh
      def refresh(label = @label)
        @label = label.is_a?(String) ? convert_escape_characters(label) : ""
        tw = mapf_calc_line_width(@label)
        draw_text_ex((contents_width - tw) / 2, 0, @label)
    # ** Window QuestLabel
    #  This window simply shows a label for category currently selected
    class Window_QuestCategoryLabel < Window_QuestLabel
      include MAQJ_Window_QuestBase
      # * Reset Font Settings
      def reset_font_settings; set_data_font(:category_label); end
      # * Window Attributes
      def window_width; QuestData::LIST_WINDOW_WIDTH; end
      def line_height(*args)
        line_h = super(*args)
        QuestData::FONTSIZES[:category_label] ? 
          [QuestData::FONTSIZES[:category_label], line_h].max : line_h
      # * Set Category
      def category=(category)
        return if @category == category
        @category = category
    # ** Window_QuestCategoryDummy
    #  This window shows up behind the category and category label window 
    class Window_QuestCategoryDummy < Window_Base
      include MAQJ_Window_QuestBase
    # ** Window_QuestList
    #  This window shows all quests in a selected category.
    class Window_QuestList < Window_Selectable
      include MAQJ_Window_QuestBase
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize(x, y, width, height)
        @data = []
        self.index = 0
      # * Set Category
      def category=(category)
        return if @category == category
        @category = category
        self.index = 0
        update_help if @help_window
      # * Get Quest
      def item; @data && index >= 0 ? @data[index] : nil; end
      # * Column/Item Max
      def col_max; 1; end
      def item_max; @data ? @data.size : 1; end
      # * Whether it should be drawn enabled
      def enable?(item); true; end
      def current_item_enabled?
        (@help_window && @help_window.maqj_visible_height < @help_window.contents_height)
      # * Make Item List
      def make_item_list
        @data = @category ? $game_party.quests.list(@category) : []
      # * Draw Item
      def draw_item(index)
        quest = @data[index]
        if quest
          rect = item_rect_for_text(index)
          if QuestData::SHOW_QUEST_ICONS
            draw_icon(quest.icon_index, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(quest))
            rect.x += 24
            rect.width -= 24
          change_color(quest_name_colour(quest), enable?(quest))
          draw_text(rect, quest.name)
      # * Refresh
      def refresh
      # * Update Help
      def update_help
        @help_window.quest = item
    # ** Window_QuestData 
    #  This window shows all quest data
    class Window_QuestData < Window_Selectable
      include MAQJ_Window_QuestBase
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize(x, y, w, h, layout = QuestData::DATA_LAYOUT)
        @dest_scroll_oy = 0
        super(x, y, w, h)
        @dest_scroll_oy = self.oy
        self.layout = layout
      # * Contents Height
      alias maqj_visible_height contents_height
      def contents_height
        @q_contents_height ? [@q_contents_height, maqj_visible_height].max : maqj_visible_height
      # * Calculate Contents Height
      def calc_contents_height
        @q_contents_height = 0
        @layout.each { |dt| @q_contents_height += data_height(dt) } if @quest
      # * Draw Data?
      def draw_data?(data_type)
        case data_type
        when :line then true
        when :level then @quest.level > 0 
        when :objectives then !@quest.revealed_objectives.empty?
        when Array then (data_type - [:line]).any? { |dt| draw_data?(dt) }
        else !@quest.send(data_type).empty? # :description, :name, etc...
      # * Get Data Height
      #    This method calculates the height required for a specified element of
      #   the current quest. This is to calculate the needed space in contents,
      #   as well as advance the @draw_y variable.
      def data_height(data_type)
        return 0 unless draw_data?(data_type)
        return line_height if QuestData::BASIC_DATA_TYPES.include?(data_type)
        @maqj_font_data_type = data_type
        return case data_type
        when :line, :level, :name then line_height
        when :banner
          bmp = Cache.picture(@quest.banner)
          hght = bmp.rect.height
        when :description
          buff = description_x*2
          paragraph = mapf_format_paragraph(@quest.description, contents_width - buff)
          line_num = paragraph.scan(/\n/).size + 1
          line_num += (QuestData::DESCRIPTION_IN_BOX ? 2 : 
            !QuestData::VOCAB[:description].empty? ? 1 : 0)
        when :objectives
          objectives = @quest.revealed_objectives.collect { |obj_id| 
            @quest.objectives[obj_id] } 
          line_num = QuestData::VOCAB[:objectives].empty? ? 0 : 1
          buff = (objective_x*2) + text_size(QuestData::VOCAB[:objective_bullet]).width
          objectives.each { |obj|
            paragraph = mapf_format_paragraph(obj, contents_width - buff)
            line_num += paragraph.scan(/\n/).size + 1 }
        when :rewards
          line_num = QuestData::VOCAB[:rewards].empty? ? 0 : 1
          (line_num + @quest.rewards.size)*line_height
        when Array then data_height(data_type.max_by { |dt| data_height(dt) })
        else 0
      # * Set Quest
      def quest=(value)
        return if @quest == value
        @quest = value
        @layout = (@quest && @quest.layout) ? @quest.layout : @default_layout
      # * Set Layout
      def layout=(value)
        return if @default_layout == value && @layout == value
        @default_layout = value
        @layout = value
      # * Refresh
      def refresh
        return unless @quest && @layout
        self.oy = 0
        @dest_scroll_oy = 0
        #  The basic idea here is that each draw_ method will rely on and advance 
        # the @draw_y variable. Where they are an array, the elements will be 
        # drawn at the same @draw_y.
        @draw_y = 0
        @layout.each {|dt|
          next unless draw_data?(dt)
          dt.is_a?(Array) ? draw_data_array(dt) : draw_data(dt) 
      # * Draw Data
      #    data_type : the data block to draw next
      def draw_data(data_type)
        @maqj_font_data_type = data_type
        send(:"draw_#{data_type}") if self.class.method_defined?(:"draw_#{data_type}")
        @draw_y += data_height(data_type)
      # * Draw Data Array
      def draw_data_array(layout_array)
        y, max_y = @draw_y, @draw_y
        # Draw each data aspect at the same starting @draw_y
        layout_array.each { |dt|
          @draw_y = y
          max_y = @draw_y if @draw_y > max_y
        @draw_y = max_y
      # * Draw Line
      def draw_line; draw_horizontal_line(@draw_y + (line_height / 2) - 1, 2); end
      # * Draw Name
      def draw_name
        clear_and_draw_text(0, @draw_y, contents_width, line_height, @quest.name, 1)
      # * Draw Level
      def draw_level
        case QuestData::LEVEL_ICON
        when Array then QuestData::LEVEL_ICON.empty? ? draw_level_text : draw_level_array
        when 0 then draw_level_text
      # * Draw Stacked Level
      def draw_level_stacked(icon_index = QuestData::LEVEL_ICON)
        align = QuestData::HEADING_ALIGN[:level]
        es = QuestData::LEVEL_ICONS_SPACE*(@quest.level - 1)
        x = align == 2 ? contents_width - 24 : align == 1 ? 
          (contents_width - 24 - (es)) / 2 : es
        @quest.level.times do
          draw_icon(icon_index, x, @draw_y)
          x -= QuestData::LEVEL_ICONS_SPACE
      # * Draw Array Level
      def draw_level_array(icon_index = QuestData::LEVEL_ICON)
        return if icon_index.empty?
        icon_index = icon_index[@quest.level - 1] ? icon_index[@quest.level - 1] : icon_index[-1]
        align = QuestData::HEADING_ALIGN[:level]
        x = align == 2 ? contents_width - 24 : align == 1 ? (contents_width-24)/2 : 0
        draw_icon(icon_index, x, @draw_y)
      # * Draw Text Level
      def draw_level_text
        level = QuestData::LEVEL_SIGNALS && QuestData::LEVEL_SIGNALS[@quest.level - 1] ? 
          QuestData::LEVEL_SIGNALS[@quest.level - 1] : @quest.level.to_s
        align = QuestData::HEADING_ALIGN[:level]
        tw = text_size(QuestData::VOCAB[:level]).width + 4
        tw2 = text_size(level).width + 2
        space = contents_width - tw - tw2
        x = align == 2 ? space : align == 1 ? space / 2 : 0
        clear_and_draw_text(x, @draw_y, tw, line_height, QuestData::VOCAB[:level])
        clear_and_draw_text(x + tw, @draw_y, tw2, line_height, level, 2)
      # * Draw Banner
      def draw_banner
        bmp = Cache.picture(@quest.banner) # Get Picture
        # Shift the hue if requested
        bmp.hue_change(@quest.banner_hue) unless @quest.banner_hue == 0
        x = (contents_width - bmp.rect.width) / 2
        if x < 0 # Stretch horizontally if the banner is too wide
          dest_rect = bmp.rect.dup
          dest_rect.width = contents_width
          contents.stretch_blt(dest_rect, bmp, bmp.rect)
          contents.blt(x, @draw_y, bmp, bmp.rect)
      # * Draw Description
      def draw_description
        buff = description_x*2
        paragraph = mapf_format_paragraph(@quest.description, contents_width - buff)
        y = @draw_y
        # Draw Rect
        draw_box(paragraph.scan(/\n/).size + 1) if QuestData::DESCRIPTION_IN_BOX
        # Draw Description Label
        draw_heading(:description, y) unless QuestData::VOCAB[:description].empty?
        # Draw Description
        y += line_height if !QuestData::VOCAB[:description].empty? || QuestData::DESCRIPTION_IN_BOX
        draw_text_ex(description_x, y, paragraph)
      # * Draw Objectives
      def draw_objectives
        y = @draw_y
        unless QuestData::VOCAB[:objectives].empty?
          draw_heading(:objectives, y)
          y += line_height
        @quest.revealed_objectives.each { |obj_id| y = draw_objective(obj_id, y) }
      # * Draw Objective
      def draw_objective(obj_id, y)
        bullet = QuestData::VOCAB[:objective_bullet]
        bullet_tw = text_size(bullet).width + 2
        buff = (objective_x*2) + bullet_tw
        paragraph = mapf_format_paragraph(@quest.objectives[obj_id], contents_width - buff)
        line_num = 1 + paragraph.scan(/\n/).size
        # Since draw_text_ex resets the font, set colour here
        @maqj_objective_color = quest_objective_colour(@quest, obj_id)
        draw_text(objective_x, y, bullet_tw, line_height, sprintf(bullet, obj_id + 1))
        draw_text_ex(objective_x + bullet_tw, y, paragraph)
        @maqj_objective_color = false
        y += (line_num*line_height)
      # * Draw Rewards
      def draw_rewards
        y = @draw_y
        unless QuestData::VOCAB[:rewards].empty?
          draw_heading(:rewards, y)
          y += line_height
        for i in 0...@quest.rewards.size do draw_reward(i, y + i*line_height) end
      # * Draw Reward
      def draw_reward(r_id, y)
        reward = @quest.rewards[r_id]
        case reward[0]
        when :item, 0   # Item
          draw_item_reward(y, $data_items[reward[1]], reward[2] ? reward[2] : 1)
        when :weapon, 1 # Weapon
          draw_item_reward(y, $data_weapons[reward[1]], reward[2] ? reward[2] : 1)
        when :armor, 2  # Armor
          draw_item_reward(y, $data_armors[reward[1]], reward[2] ? reward[2] : 1)
        when :gold, 3   # Gold
          draw_basic_data(y, QuestData::ICONS[:reward_gold], 
            QuestData::VOCAB[:reward_gold], (reward[1] ? reward[1] : 0).to_s)
        when :exp, 4    # Exp
          draw_basic_data(y, QuestData::ICONS[:reward_exp], 
            QuestData::VOCAB[:reward_exp], (reward[1] ? reward[1] : 0).to_s)
        when :string, 5 # String
          draw_basic_data(y, reward[1] ? reward[1] : 0, reward[3] ? reward[3].to_s : "", 
            reward[2] ? reward[2].to_s : "")
      # * Draw Item Reward
      def draw_item_reward(y, item, amount = 1)
        w = contents_width
        w = QuestData::BASIC_DATA_WIDTH if QuestData::BASIC_DATA_WIDTH.between?(1, w)
        x = (contents_width - w) / 2
        draw_item_name(item, x, y, true, w - 40)
        if amount > 1
          draw_text(x + w - 40, y, 40, line_height, sprintf(QuestData::VOCAB[:reward_amount], amount), 2)
      # * Draw Basic Data Methods
      QuestData::BASIC_DATA_TYPES.each { |data_type|
        define_method(:"draw_#{data_type}") {
          draw_basic_data(@draw_y, QuestData::ICONS[data_type], 
            QuestData::VOCAB[data_type], @quest.send(data_type))
      # * Draw Basic Data
      def draw_basic_data(y, icon_index, vocab, value)
        w = contents_width
        w = QuestData::BASIC_DATA_WIDTH if QuestData::BASIC_DATA_WIDTH.between?(1, w)
        x = (contents_width - w) / 2
        unless icon_index == 0
          draw_icon(icon_index, x, y)
          x += 24
          w -= 24
        tw = text_size(vocab).width
        draw_text(x, y, tw, line_height, vocab)
        draw_text(x + tw, y, w - tw, line_height, value, 2)
      # * Draw Heading
      def draw_heading(data_type, y)
        clear_and_draw_text(40, y, contents_width - 80, line_height, 
          QuestData::VOCAB[data_type], QuestData::HEADING_ALIGN[data_type])
      # * Clear and Draw Text
      #    Clear the field before drawing the text
      def clear_and_draw_text(*args)
        rect = []
        while !args[0].is_a?(String) do rect.push(args.shift) end
        rect[0].is_a?(Rect) ? rect = rect[0] : rect = Rect.new(*rect)
        align = args[1] ? args[1] : 0
        ts = text_size(args[0])
        ts.width = [ts.width + 4, rect.width].min
        align == 1 ? ts.x = rect.x + ((rect.width - ts.width) / 2) : 
          align == 2 ? ts.x = rect.x + rect.width - ts.width : ts.x = rect.x
        ts.y = rect.y
        ts.x += 2
        draw_text(ts, args[0], align)
      # * Draw Description Box
      def draw_box(line_num)
        return if line_num < 1
        x = (line_height / 2) - 1
        y = @draw_y + (line_height / 2) - 1
        w = contents_width - 2*x
        h = (1 + line_num)*line_height
        draw_rect_outline_with_shadow(x, y, w, h) 
      # * Draw Rect Outline
      def draw_rect_outline(x, y, w, h, colour)
        # Horizontal Lines
        contents.fill_rect(x, y, w, 2, colour)
        contents.fill_rect(x, y + h - 2, w, 2, colour)
        # Vertical Lines
        contents.fill_rect(x, y, 2, h, colour)
        contents.fill_rect(x + w - 2, y, 2, h, colour)
      # * Draw Rect Outline with Shadow
      def draw_rect_outline_with_shadow(x, y, w, h)
        draw_rect_outline(x + 1, y + 1, w, h, text_color(QuestData::COLOURS[:line_shadow]))
        draw_rect_outline(x, y, w, h, text_color(QuestData::COLOURS[:line]))
      # * Objective/Description X
      def objective_x; line_height / 2; end
      def description_x; QuestData::DESCRIPTION_IN_BOX ? line_height : (line_height/2); end
      # * Update
      def update(*args, &block)
        super(*args, &block)
        if open? && active && @dest_scroll_oy == self.oy
          scroll_down if Input.press?(:DOWN)
          scroll_up if Input.press?(:UP)
        if self.oy != @dest_scroll_oy
          mod = (@dest_scroll_oy <=> self.oy)
          self.oy += 3*mod
          self.oy = @dest_scroll_oy if (@dest_scroll_oy <=> self.oy) != mod
      # * Scroll Down
      def scroll_down(*args, &block)
        max_oy = contents_height - maqj_visible_height
        dest = ((@dest_scroll_oy / line_height) + 1)*line_height
        @dest_scroll_oy = [dest, max_oy].min
      # * Scroll Up
      def scroll_up(*args, &block)
        dest = ((@dest_scroll_oy / line_height) - 1)*line_height
        @dest_scroll_oy = [dest, 0].max 
    # ** Scene_Quest
    #  This class handles processing for the Quest scene
    class Scene_Quest < Scene_MenuBase
      # * Start Scene Processing
      def start
        @init_category, @init_quest_index = $game_party.quests.find_location($game_system.last_quest_id, $game_system.last_quest_cat)
        create_maqj_picture unless $game_system.quest_bg_picture.empty?
      # * Terminate Scene
      def terminate
        $game_system.quest_categories = QuestData::CATEGORIES
        $game_system.quest_scene_label = QuestData::VOCAB[:scene_label]
        $game_system.last_quest_id = @quest_list_window.item ? @quest_list_window.item.id : 0
        $game_system.last_quest_cat = @quest_category_window ? 
          @quest_category_window.item : $game_system.quest_categories[0]
      # * Create Background Picture
      def create_maqj_picture
        @maqj_picture_sprite = Sprite.new
        @maqj_picture_sprite.bitmap = Cache.picture($game_system.quest_bg_picture)
        @maqj_picture_sprite.opacity = $game_system.quest_bg_opacity
        @maqj_picture_sprite.blend_type = $game_system.quest_bg_blend_type
        @maqj_picture_sprite.z = @background_sprite.z + 1 if @background_sprite
      # * Create All Windows
      def create_all_windows
        create_quest_label_window unless $game_system.quest_scene_label.empty?
        create_quest_category_window if $game_system.quest_categories.size > 1
        create_quest_category_label_window if QuestData::SHOW_CATEGORY_LABEL
        create_dummy_category_window if QuestData::CATEGORY_LABEL_IN_SAME_WINDOW &&
          @quest_category_window && @quest_category_label_window
      # * Create QuestLabel Window
      #    This window shows the name of the scene
      def create_quest_label_window
        @quest_label_window = Window_QuestLabel.new(0, 0, $game_system.quest_scene_label)
      # * Create QuestCategory Window
      #    This window allows the player to switch categories.
      def create_quest_category_window
        @quest_category_window = Window_QuestCategory.new(0, 0, $game_system.quest_categories)
        @quest_category_window.category = @init_category if @init_category
        @quest_category_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_category_cancel))
        @quest_category_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_category_ok)) 
      # * Create QuestCategoryLabel Window
      def create_quest_category_label_window
        if @quest_category_window
          @quest_category_label_window = Window_QuestCategoryLabel.new(0, @quest_category_window.height)
          @quest_category_window.add_observing_proc(:label) { |category| 
            @quest_category_label_window.category = category }
          @quest_category_label_window = Window_QuestCategoryLabel.new(0, 0)
          @quest_category_label_window.category = $game_system.quest_categories ? $game_system.quest_categories[0] : :all
      # * Create Dummy Category Label Window
      def create_dummy_category_window
        @quest_category_label_window.y -= 12
        @quest_category_label_window.opacity = 0
        @quest_category_window.opacity = 0
        w = [@quest_category_window.width, @quest_category_label_window.width].max
        h = @quest_category_window.height + @quest_category_label_window.height - 12
        @category_dummy_window = Window_QuestCategoryDummy.new(0, 0, w, h)
        @category_dummy_window.z = [@quest_category_window.z, @quest_category_label_window.z].min - 1
        # Draw Horz Line
        @category_dummy_window.draw_horizontal_line(@quest_category_window.height - @quest_category_window.padding - 7, 2)
      # * Create QuestList Window
      def create_quest_list_window
        if @category_dummy_window
          y = @category_dummy_window.height
          y = @quest_category_window ? @quest_category_window.height : 0
          y += @quest_category_label_window ? @quest_category_label_window.height : 0
          y = @quest_label_window.height if y == 0
        @quest_list_window = Window_QuestList.new(0, y, QuestData::LIST_WINDOW_WIDTH, 
          Graphics.height - y)
        @quest_list_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_list_ok))
        @quest_list_window.deactivate if !QuestData::CONCURRENT_ACTIVITY
        if !QuestData::CONCURRENT_ACTIVITY || !@quest_category_window
          @quest_list_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_list_cancel))
        if @quest_category_window
          @quest_category_window.add_observing_proc(:list) { |category| 
            @quest_list_window.category = category }
          @quest_list_window.category = $game_system.quest_categories[0]
        @quest_list_window.index = @init_quest_index if @init_quest_index
      # * Create QuestData Window
      def create_quest_data_window
        x = @quest_list_window.width
        y = (@quest_label_window && (@quest_category_window || 
          @quest_category_label_window)) ? @quest_label_window.height : 0
        @quest_data_window = Window_QuestData.new(x, y, Graphics.width - x, 
          Graphics.height - y)
        @quest_list_window.help_window = @quest_data_window
        @quest_data_window.quest = @quest_list_window.item
        @quest_data_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_data_ok))
        @quest_data_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_data_cancel))
      # * Dispose Background Picture
      def dispose_maqj_picture
        @maqj_picture_sprite.dispose if @maqj_picture_sprite
      # * Adjust Window Positions
      def adjust_window_positions
        if @quest_label_window && (@quest_category_window || @quest_category_label_window)
          @quest_label_window.x = QuestData::LIST_WINDOW_WIDTH 
      # * Category OK
      def on_category_ok; @quest_list_window.activate; end
      # * Category Cancel
      def on_category_cancel; return_scene; end
      # * List OK
      def on_list_ok
        @quest_category_window.deactivate if @quest_category_window
      # * List Cancel
      def on_list_cancel
        @quest_category_window ? @quest_category_window.activate : return_scene
      # * Data OK
      def on_data_ok; on_data_cancel; end
      # * Data Cancel
      def on_data_cancel
        @quest_category_window.activate if @quest_category_window && QuestData::CONCURRENT_ACTIVITY
      # * Update All Windows
      def update_all_windows(*args, &block)
        # To accomodate for concurrent activity, must deactivate category
        @quest_category_window.deactivate if @quest_category_window &&
          QuestData::CONCURRENT_ACTIVITY && @quest_list_window.active && 
        super(*args, &block)
        @quest_category_window.activate if @quest_category_window &&
          QuestData::CONCURRENT_ACTIVITY && @quest_list_window.active
    # ** Scene_Map
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    aliased method - update_scene
    #    new methods - update_call_quest_journal; call_quest_journal
    class Scene_Map
      # * Update Scene
      alias maqj_updascne_9kh4 update_scene
      def update_scene(*args, &block)
        maqj_updascne_9kh4(*args, &block)
        update_call_quest_journal if $game_system.quest_map_access && !scene_changing?
      # * Update Call Quest Journal
      def update_call_quest_journal
        if $game_map.interpreter.running?
          @quest_journal_calling = false
          if Input.trigger?(QuestData::MAP_BUTTON)
            $game_system.quest_access_disabled || $game_party.quests.list.empty? ?
              Sound.play_buzzer : @quest_journal_calling = true
          call_quest_journal if @quest_journal_calling && !$game_player.moving?
      # * Call Quest Journal
      def call_quest_journal
        @quest_journal_calling = false
    # Menu Access
    if !$imported[:MA_InsertCommand]
    # Initialize the Insertion Hash
    MA_InsertableMenuCommand = Struct.new(:name, :index, :enable, :scene, :other)
    # ** Game_System
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    new public instance variable - maic_menu_commands
    #    aliased method - initialize
    class Game_System
      # * Inserted Menu Commands
      def maic_inserted_menu_commands
        # Lazy Instantiation so that old save files are not corrupted
        if !@maic_inserted_menu_commands
          @maic_inserted_menu_commands = MA_COMMAND_INSERTS.keys
          # Sort by index
          @maic_inserted_menu_commands.sort! { |a, b| MA_COMMAND_INSERTS[a].index <=> MA_COMMAND_INSERTS[b].index }
    # ** Window_MenuCommand
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    aliased method - make_command_list; maic_insert_command
    class Window_MenuCommand
      # * Make Command List
      #  I alias this method instead of add_original_commands because I need to
      # have all commands created before I can insert at the correct index
      alias maic_mkcmmndl_6yd2 make_command_list
      def make_command_list(*args, &block)
        maic_mkcmmndl_6yd2(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
        # Insert new commands
        $game_system.maic_inserted_menu_commands.each { |sym| maic_insert_command(sym) }
      # * Insert Command
      def maic_insert_command(symbol)
        command = MA_COMMAND_INSERTS[symbol]
        # Get the command name
        name = command.name.is_a?(Symbol) ? eval(command.name.to_s) : command.name
        # Check whether enabled
        enabled = case command.enable
        when Integer then command.enable == 0 ? true : $game_switches[command.enable]
        when String then eval(command.enable)
        when Symbol then self.send(command.enable)
          enabled = true
        # Add the command to the list
        add_command(name, symbol, enabled)
        added = @list.pop
        @list.insert([command.index, @list.size].min, added) # Insert at specific index
    # ** Scene_Menu
    #  Summary of Changes:
    #    aliased method - create_command_window; on_personal_ok
    #    new methods - maic_set_insert_handler; maic_command_insert
    class Scene_Menu
      # * Create Command Window
      alias maic_createcndwin_3ey7 create_command_window
      def create_command_window(*args, &block)
        maic_createcndwin_3ey7(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
        # Add handlers for all custom commands
        $game_system.maic_inserted_menu_commands.each { |symbol| maic_set_insert_handler(symbol) }
      # * Set Inserted Handler
      def maic_set_insert_handler(symbol)
        other = MA_COMMAND_INSERTS[symbol].other
        handler = case other
        when Symbol then method(other)
        when String then lambda { eval(other) }
        when TrueClass then method(:command_personal)
          handler = method(:maic_command_insert)
        @command_window.set_handler(symbol, handler)
      # * Custom Command
      def maic_command_insert
      # * Personal OK
      alias maic_onpok_3ek9 on_personal_ok
      def on_personal_ok(*args, &block)
        if $game_system.maic_inserted_menu_commands.include?(@command_window.current_symbol)
          maic_onpok_3ek9(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
    $imported[:MA_InsertCommand] = true
    MA_COMMAND_INSERTS[:quest_journal] = 
      MA_InsertableMenuCommand.new(QuestData::VOCAB[:menu_label], QuestData::MENU_INDEX, 
      "!$game_system.quest_access_disabled && !$game_party.quests.list.empty?", 
      :Scene_Quest, false)

  6. #1156
    Администратор Аватар для Пётр
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 132 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от TheDoodler Посмотреть сообщение
    Помогите пожалуйста!
    Нужно добавить в XaiL System - Icon Menu вкладку квесты из Quest Journal
    Не нравится мне такое меню.... Ну ок.
    Хм... Получилось...
    За возможные глюки не отвечаю. Не скриптер.
    Поковырял немного оба кода. Порядок скриптов именно такой. Иначе работать не будет.

    И вот еще... А так и должно быть, что в меню нет кнопки "Статус"?

  7. #1157
    Новичок Аватар для TheDoodler
    Информация о пользователе
    Репутация: 0 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от peter8031983 Посмотреть сообщение
    Не нравится мне такое меню.... Ну ок.
    Хм... Получилось...
    За возможные глюки не отвечаю. Не скриптер.
    Поковырял немного оба кода. Порядок скриптов именно такой. Иначе работать не будет.

    И вот еще... А так и должно быть, что в меню нет кнопки "Статус"?
    Да, статус я убрал.

  8. #1158

    По умолчанию

    Так. Прошу прощения за просьбу, которую наверняка многие до меня озвучивали. По сути мне нужна смена дней, но скрипты, которые я находила, чересчур сложны. Там есть разделение на месяцы, дни недели, приравнивание игровых минут к часу, и выудить нужное мне сложновато. Я составила свою системку, удобную в моей конкретной игре, но:

    1) Мне нужно, чтобы в верхнем углу экрана постоянно отображалось значение некой переменной(дни).

    2) Мне нужно, чтобы у персонажа не было "жизни", "манны", TP MN ATK и прочих, а была бы только "сила".

    3) Мне нужно, чтобы в другом верхнем углу была шкала, разделённая на n частей. "Заполнение" этой шкалы должно зависеть от некой переменной(часы).

    Желательно, чтобы я могла это всё красиво оформить (если для этого требуются определённые картинки - отлично).
    Пока всё.

    Заранее спасибо.

  9. #1159
    Администратор Аватар для Пётр
    Информация о пользователе
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 132 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Да здравствует Царство! Посмотреть сообщение
    Так. Прошу прощения за просьбу, которую наверняка многие до меня озвучивали. По сути мне нужна смена дней, но скрипты, которые я находила, чересчур сложны. Там есть разделение на месяцы, дни недели, приравнивание игровых минут к часу, и выудить нужное мне сложновато. Я составила свою системку, удобную в моей конкретной игре, но:

    1) Мне нужно, чтобы в верхнем углу экрана постоянно отображалось значение некой переменной(дни).

    2) Мне нужно, чтобы у персонажа не было "жизни", "манны", TP MN ATK и прочих, а была бы только "сила".

    3) Мне нужно, чтобы в другом верхнем углу была шкала, разделённая на n частей. "Заполнение" этой шкалы должно зависеть от некой переменной(часы).

    Желательно, чтобы я могла это всё красиво оформить (если для этого требуются определённые картинки - отлично).
    Пока всё.

    Заранее спасибо.
    1. Есть набор графики Rural Farm Tiles Resource Pack. Там есть демка. В ней очень простая система смены дня и ночи. Практически без скриптов.

    2. Не совсем понял, что нужно, но.... Наверно это поможет.

    3. Ответ ищи там же, что и на первый вопрос.

  10. #1160
    Маститый Аватар для Seibur
    Информация о пользователе
    Изумрудный город
    Записей в дневнике
    Репутация: 58 Добавить или отнять репутацию

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Да здравствует Царство! Посмотреть сообщение
    Так. Прошу прощения за просьбу, которую наверняка многие до меня озвучивали. По сути мне нужна смена дней, но скрипты, которые я находила, чересчур сложны. Там есть разделение на месяцы, дни недели, приравнивание игровых минут к часу, и выудить нужное мне сложновато. Я составила свою системку, удобную в моей конкретной игре, но:

    1) Мне нужно, чтобы в верхнем углу экрана постоянно отображалось значение некой переменной(дни).

    2) Мне нужно, чтобы у персонажа не было "жизни", "манны", TP MN ATK и прочих, а была бы только "сила".

    3) Мне нужно, чтобы в другом верхнем углу была шкала, разделённая на n частей. "Заполнение" этой шкалы должно зависеть от некой переменной(часы).

    Желательно, чтобы я могла это всё красиво оформить (если для этого требуются определённые картинки - отлично).
    Пока всё.

    Заранее спасибо.
    По порядку
    1) http://rpg-maker.info/forum/649-uluc...ak-vxace#74873
    2) Убрать эти пункты можно в самом редакторе скриптов.
    Просто ставишь решетку напротив не нужного пункта меню в скрипте и он исчезает.

    К примеру #:item
    Полоску сила можешь присобачить в меню героя благодаря этому скрипту http://www.rpgmakervxace.net/topic/1...rvival-system/
    3) Тут можно и на ивентах. Делаешь картинки шкалы, в разной степени заполнения, выводишь на экран и меняешь в зависимости от значения переменной.
    Последний раз редактировалось Seibur; 30.07.2015 в 13:15.
    Прохлада и спокойствие мне вполне по душе

    Спойлер :

    き っ と 、 女 の 子 は お 砂 糖 と ス パ イ ス と 素 敵 な 何 か で で き て い る。

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