Заметь, что TAKENTAI выглядет иначе, нежели боевка, которая показана тобой на скрине.
А TAKENTAI ACE ты можешь скачать вот тут: КЛАЦ ПО СЦЫЛКЕ.
Заметь, что TAKENTAI выглядет иначе, нежели боевка, которая показана тобой на скрине.
А TAKENTAI ACE ты можешь скачать вот тут: КЛАЦ ПО СЦЫЛКЕ.
Спасибо большое. Всё работает. Осталось только врагов перерисовать.
Последний раз редактировалось Onlyjoy; 08.08.2012 в 12:32.
Это хорошо, рады помочь.
Как то с одним человеком,я решал проблему со скриптом Dinamyc Bestiary,но так до конца,до ума её и не довели.
Дело вот в чём:
Вот сам скрипт:У монстров по умолчанию показывают выпавшие предметы.Хотелось бы чтоб на их месте изначально стояло "????????" -вот это,а уж когда предмет выпадет,то уже будет отображатся.Код:#====================================================================# # #*****************# Dinamic bestiary V 1 Falcao script # # #*** By Falcao ***# Permite mostrar un albun de cada # # #*****************# mostruo que derrotas V 1.5 # # RMVX # # makerpalace.onlinegoo.com Date: 10/29/2009 # #====================================================================# #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Instructions # # Solo copiar y pegar el script encima de main luego llamarlo con # tecla 'A' puesta por defecto. Editar el modulo de abajo a su gusto # # Place the script above main, then call it with key 'A' by deafault # Edit the module below as you prefer. # # License: Puede ser usado en juegos comerciales o no comerciales # This script can be used in comercial or non-comercial games #--------------------------------------------------------------------- module Falcao # Descripcion Para cada enemigo / Enemy desciption # A = Id del enemigo / Enemy ID # B = Description Description = { 1=> 'Дикий зверь.Обитает в лесах.Опасен для человека.', 2=> 'Se mata facilmente con un ataque normal, es devil al elemento agua', 3=> 'Habita en el bosque shulton, devil al elemento fuego', 4=> 'Ponsoñosa araña que habita dentro de cuevas, si pica tomar antidoto', 5=> 'Rata escurridiza, suele dejar buena experiencia', 21=> 'Habita alrededor del castillo tridan, devil a luz', } # Tecla que llama el script / Key to call script # Puesdes elejir entre las siguientes / choose between the followings keys # Z, A, S, D, Q, W, ALT TeclaBestiary = 'A' # Interruptor que desabilita llamar el script con la tecla especificada # Disable script call by input key KeyDisable_Switch = 100 # Tocar musica / play music (true o false) PlayMusic = true # Declaracion de arrays / Arrays declaration $derrotados = [] $enemy_counter = [] EnemyLevel = [] # Vocabulario / Vocabulary FalVocab = ['-Нет Данных-', # No datos / No data 'Предмет 1', # Tesoro 1 / Treasure 1 'Предмет 2', # tesoro 2 / Treasure 2 'Нет', # Sin tesoro / No treasure '????', # Enemigo no derrotado / Enemy no defeated 'Книга Монсторв', # Titulo / Title 'Уничтожено', # Derrotado / defeated 'Класс', # Clase de enemigo / enemy class 'Сила', # Energia maxima / Power 'Кол-во:', # Veces derrotado / times defeated 'Найдено'] # Progreso / Progress # Clases de enemigos / enemy classes # Calculos basados en parametros / Values based on parameters(Def, atk, etc.) EnemyLevel[1] = "Слабак" EnemyLevel[2] = "Amateaur" EnemyLevel[3] = "King master" EnemyLevel[4] = "Boss fighter" EnemyLevel[5] = "Master boss" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cuando un enemigo es derrotado es automaticamente agregado al invetario pero # puedes administrarlos manualmente con los siguientes comandos # When you defeat an enemy automaticly is added, but you can add or remove # enemies manualy with the following comands # Falcao.add_enemy(X) Agrega enemigo X, en ves de X poner ID de enemigo # Add enemy X, instead X put enemy ID # # Falcao.remove_enemy(X) remueve enemigo X, En ves de X poner ID de enemigo # Remove Enemy X, Instead X put enemy ID # # Falcao.fill_bestiary Agrega todos los monstruos al bestiario # Fill bestiary # # Para llamar el script manualmente llamarlo directamente asi # To call the script manually call it # # $scene = Scene_Monsters.new # # * Creditos: # # Script creado por Falcao, puede ser publicado en cualquier foro siempre # y cuando los creditos sean mencionados #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.fill_bestiary for enemy in $data_enemies next if enemy == nil unless $derrotados.include?(enemy.id) $derrotados.push(enemy.id) $enemy_counter.push(enemy.id) end end end def self.add_enemy(id) unless $derrotados.include?(id) $derrotados.push(id) $enemy_counter.push(id) end end def self.remove_enemy(id) if $derrotados.include?(id) $derrotados.delete(id) $enemy_counter.push(id) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Crear informacion general y parametros enemigos #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Moster_Info < Window_Base include Falcao def initialize(x, y) super(x, y, 385, 380) self.opacity = 0 end def refresh(enemy_id) self.contents.clear @enemigo = $data_enemies[enemy_id] if $derrotados.include?(@enemigo.id) contents.font.size = 20 draw_enemy_hp(0, 205) draw_enemy_mp(0, 230) enemy_parametros draw_drop_item(true) draw_drop_item(false) else contents.font.size = 30 contents.draw_text(100, 100, 500, 92, FalVocab[0]) end end def enemy_parametros y1 = 0; y2 = 0; y3 = 0; y4 = 0 terms = $data_system.terms param1={1=>@enemigo.maxhp,2=>@enemigo.maxmp,3=>@enemigo.spi,4=>@enemigo.exp} name1 = {1=> terms.hp, 2=> terms.mp, 3=> terms.spi, 4=> "Exp"} param2={1=>@enemigo.atk,2=>@enemigo.def,3=>@enemigo.agi,4=> @enemigo.gold} name2 = {1=> terms.atk, 2=> terms.def, 3=> terms.agi, 4=> terms.gold} param1.sort.each do |keys, values| y1 += 25 contents.draw_text(100, y1 + 134, 92, 92, values) end param2.sort.each do |keys, values| y2 += 25 contents.draw_text(300, y2 + 134, 92, 92, values) end name1.sort.each do |keys, values| y3 += 25 contents.draw_text(0, y3 + 134, 102, 92, values) end name2.sort.each do |keys, values| y4 += 25 contents.draw_text(200, y4 + 134, 102, 92, values) end end def draw_drop_item(first) item = (first ? @enemigo.drop_item1 : @enemigo.drop_item2) contents.draw_text((first ? 35 : 226), 260, 92, 92, FalVocab[1]) if item.kind == 0 contents.draw_text((first ? 0 : 200), 284, 92, 92, FalVocab[3]) return end case item.kind when 1; drop_item = $data_items[item.item_id] when 2; drop_item = $data_weapons[item.weapon_id] when 3; drop_item = $data_armors[item.armor_id] end draw_icon(drop_item.icon_index,(first ? 94 : 300), 318) contents.draw_text((first ? 0 : 200), 284, 92, 92, drop_item.name) end def draw_enemy_hp(x, y) self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, 102, 10, Color.new(0,0,0)) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+1, 100*@enemigo.maxhp/@enemigo.maxhp, 4, Color.new(205,255,205)) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+5, 100*@enemigo.maxhp/@enemigo.maxhp, 4, Color.new(10,220,45)) end def draw_enemy_mp(x, y) if @enemigo.maxmp != 0 self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, 102, 10, Color.new(0,0,0)) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+1, 100*@enemigo.maxmp/@enemigo.maxmp, 4, Color.new(180,225,245)) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+5, 100*@enemigo.maxmp/@enemigo.maxmp, 4, Color.new(20,160,225)) else self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, 102, 10, Color.new(0,0,0)) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Objeto creador de las descripciones y el progreso en porcentaje #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Moster_Description < Window_Base include Falcao def initialize(x, y, ancho = 544, alto = 56) super(x, y, ancho, alto) @tiempo = 0 @scroll = 0 end def set_texto(texto) self.contents.clear self.contents.draw_text(0, -4, 92, 32, texto) for i in 0...$derrotados.size number = i + 1 end texto2 = "#{FalVocab[10]} #{number * 100/$all_mosnters}%" rescue texto2 = "#{FalVocab[10]} 0 %" self.contents.draw_text(0, 24, self.width, 32, texto2) end def refresh(enemy_id) self.contents.clear @enemigo = $data_enemies[enemy_id] if $derrotados.include?(@enemigo.id) draw_descriptions else self.contents.draw_text(-130, -4, 600, 32 , FalVocab[0],1) end end def draw_descriptions if Description.has_key?(@enemigo.id) Description.each do |id, value| if id == @enemigo.id cx = contents.text_size(value).width scroll_text(value) self.contents.draw_text(@scroll, -4, cx + 10, 32 , value) end end else text = [" ", " ", "Description no available ", "Falcao script Bestiary V 1.5 " ] scroll_text(text,false) cx = contents.text_size(text).width self.contents.draw_text(@scroll, -4, cx + 10, 32, text ) end end def scroll_text(texto, result_ok=true) cx = contents.text_size(texto).width if cx > 350 @tiempo += 1 if @tiempo > 60 @scroll -= 1 if @result == nil if @scroll == -cx @result = true end end end if @result result_ok ? @scroll += 10 : @scroll = 0 if @scroll >= 0 @scroll = 0; @tiempo = 0 @result = nil end end if Input.press?(Input::UP) or Input.press?(Input::DOWN) @scroll = 0; @tiempo = 0; @result = nil end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Objeto que dibuja el indice de los enemigos con su nombre #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Monster_indice < Window_Selectable def initialize(y) super(0, y, 160, 334) @column_max = 1 refresh self.index = 0 end def refresh if self.contents != nil self.contents.dispose self.contents = nil end @data = [] for i in 1...$data_enemies.size @data.push($data_enemies[i]) end @item_max = @data.size if @item_max > 0 self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, row_max * 26) for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i) $all_mosnters = i + 1 end end end def draw_item(index) enemy = @data[index] self.contents.font.color = normal_color x, y = 4, index * 24 rect = Rect.new(x, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32) self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0)) opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128 if $derrotados.include?(index+1) contents.draw_text(x, y, 212, 24, enemy.name) else contents.draw_text(x, y, 212, 24, Falcao::FalVocab[4]) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Objeto que dibuja el Power y el conteo de mostruos derrotados #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Adicional_Data < Window_Base include Falcao attr_accessor :number attr_accessor :counter def initialize super(0, 0, 160, 334) @number = 0.0 @counter = 0.0 @color = [Color.new(180,225,245), Color.new(20,160,225)] end def refresh(enemy_id) self.contents.clear @enemigo = $data_enemies[enemy_id] if $derrotados.include?(@enemigo.id) draw_enemy_counter draw_enemy_power(0,186) contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 140, 0) contents.draw_text(30, 0, 212, 24, @enemigo.name) else contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(2, 50, 600, 32 , FalVocab[0]) end end def draw_enemy_counter i = 0 for c in $enemy_counter if c == @enemigo.id i += 1 number = i end end contents.font.color = normal_color contents.draw_text(0, 40, 212, 24, FalVocab[6]) contents.draw_text(80, 70, 212, 24, number.to_s) contents.draw_text(0, 70, 212, 24, FalVocab[9]) end def get_power(enemy) add = 0 number1 = enemy.spi + enemy.agi number2 = enemy.atk + enemy.def case enemy.maxhp when 1...400 add = 60 when 400...1000 add = 100 when 1000...10000 add = 140 when 10000...999999 add = 200 end @number = number1 + number2 + add @counter = @number @number = 1 end def draw_enemy_power(x,y) case @counter when 1...150 value = 150; add = 1; level = EnemyLevel[1] @color = [Color.new(180,225,245), Color.new(20,160,225)] when 150...350 value = 350; add = 3; level = EnemyLevel[2] @color = [Color.new(255, 120, 0), Color.new(255, 80, 50)] when 350...600 value = 600; add = 6; level = EnemyLevel[3] @color = [Color.new(205,255,205), Color.new(10,220,45)] when 600...1000 value = 1000; add = 10; level = EnemyLevel[4] @color = [Color.new(255,255,100), Color.new(255,200,0) ] when 1000...4196 value = 3996; add = 20; level = EnemyLevel[5] @color = [Color.new(255,255,100), Color.new(255,200,0) ] end @number = @counter if @number >= @counter @number += add if @number < @counter contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 140, 0) contents.draw_text(30, 120, 212, 24, FalVocab[7]) contents.font.color = normal_color contents.draw_text(0, 150, 212, 24, level) self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, 128, 14, Color.new(0,0,0)) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+1, 126*@number/value, 6, @color[0]) self.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+7, 126*@number/value, 6, @color[1]) contents.draw_text(0, 210, 212, 24, FalVocab[8]) contents.draw_text(80, 210, 212, 24, @number.to_s) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Clase que agrega los enemigos al bestiario automaticamente #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler alias falcao_collapse perform_collapse def perform_collapse falcao_collapse unless $derrotados.include?(enemy.id) $derrotados.push(enemy.id) end if $game_temp.in_battle and dead? $enemy_counter.push(enemy.id) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Clase que define la fuente del bestiario #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Font alias falcaoBest_font initialize def initialize falcaoBest_font if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Monsters) self.name = "Georgia" self.size = 20 end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Aqui se crea la scene que organiza todo en conjunto #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scene_Monsters < Scene_Base def start super @spriteset = Spriteset_Bestiary.new @mostruos_index = Monster_indice.new(84) @info_mosters = Moster_Info.new(160,56) @help = Moster_Description.new(160,0, 386) @title = Moster_Description.new(0,0, 160, 84) @title.set_texto(Falcao::FalVocab[5]) @info_mosters.refresh(@mostruos_index.index + 1) @help.refresh(@mostruos_index.index + 1) @extra_data = Adicional_Data.new @extra_data.y = 84 @extra_data.visible = false @moster_graphic = Sprite.new @moster_graphic.bitmap = Cache.battler("",0) @moster_graphic.z = 99 @moster_graphic.y = 65 @time = 0 if Falcao::PlayMusic $game_temp.map_bgm = RPG::BGM.last $game_temp.map_bgs = RPG::BGS.last $game_system.battle_bgm.play end create_enemy_graphics end def terminate super @mostruos_index.dispose @info_mosters.dispose @help.dispose @spriteset.dispose @title.dispose @moster_graphic.dispose end def update super @spriteset.update @mostruos_index.update @help.refresh(@mostruos_index.index + 1) animate_graphic if Input.press?(Input::DOWN) or Input.press?(Input::UP) @info_mosters.refresh(@mostruos_index.index + 1) create_enemy_graphics if @extra_data.visible @extra_data.get_power($data_enemies[@mostruos_index.index + 1]) end end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @extra_data.visible == false Sound.play_decision @extra_data.get_power($data_enemies[@mostruos_index.index + 1]) @extra_data.refresh(@mostruos_index.index + 1) @extra_data.visible = true @mostruos_index.y = 600 end if @extra_data.visible if @extra_data.number < @extra_data.counter @extra_data.refresh(@mostruos_index.index + 1) end end if Input.trigger?(Input::B) if @extra_data.visible Sound.play_cancel @extra_data.visible = false @mostruos_index.y = 84 else Sound.play_cancel if Falcao::PlayMusic $game_temp.map_bgm.play $game_temp.map_bgs.play end $scene = Scene_Map.new end end end def create_enemy_graphics enemy = $data_enemies[@mostruos_index.index + 1] if $derrotados.include?(enemy.id) @moster_graphic.bitmap = Cache.battler(enemy.battler_name, enemy.battler_hue) cw = @moster_graphic.width @moster_graphic.x = 360 - cw / 2 @moster_graphic.visible = true else @moster_graphic.visible = false end end def animate_graphic if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) or Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) @moster_graphic.zoom_x = 1 @moster_graphic.zoom_y = 1 @time = 0 end h = 240; @time += 1 if @time < 40 if @moster_graphic.height <= h @moster_graphic.zoom_x += 0.002 @moster_graphic.zoom_y += 0.002 elsif @moster_graphic.height > h @moster_graphic.zoom_x += 0.001 @moster_graphic.zoom_y += 0.001 end elsif @time > 40 if @moster_graphic.height <= h @moster_graphic.zoom_x -= 0.002 @moster_graphic.zoom_y -= 0.002 elsif @moster_graphic.height > h @moster_graphic.zoom_x -= 0.001 @moster_graphic.zoom_y -= 0.001 end if @time == 80 @moster_graphic.zoom_x = 1 @moster_graphic.zoom_y = 1 @time = 0 end end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Objeto que define la tecla para acceder al bestiario #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scene_Map alias falcao_bestiary_update update def update falcao_bestiary_update update_finput end def update_finput return if $game_switches[Falcao::KeyDisable_Switch] case Falcao::TeclaBestiary when 'Z'; key = Input::C #C when 'A'; key = Input::X #X when 'S'; key = Input::Y #Y when 'D'; key = Input::Z #Z when 'Q'; key = Input::L #L when 'W'; key = Input::R #R when 'ALT'; key = Input::ALT #alt end if Input.trigger?(key) $scene = Scene_Monsters.new end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Guardar variables de enemigos derrotados #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scene_File < Scene_Base alias falcaosave_data write_save_data def write_save_data(file) falcaosave_data(file) Marshal.dump($derrotados, file) Marshal.dump($enemy_counter, file) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Cargar variables de enemigos derrotados #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scene_File < Scene_Base alias falcaoload_data read_save_data def read_save_data(file) falcaoload_data(file) $derrotados = Marshal.load(file) $enemy_counter = Marshal.load(file) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Objeto que crea el fondo animado usando el mapa #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Spriteset_Bestiary def initialize create_battleback update end def create_battleback @viewport1 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 544, 416) source = $game_temp.background_bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.new(640, 480) bitmap.stretch_blt(bitmap.rect, source, source.rect) bitmap.radial_blur(90, 12) @battleback_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1) @battleback_sprite.bitmap = bitmap @battleback_sprite.ox = 320 @battleback_sprite.oy = 240 @battleback_sprite.x = 272 @battleback_sprite.y = 176 @battleback_sprite.wave_amp = 8 @battleback_sprite.wave_length = 240 @battleback_sprite.wave_speed = 120 end def dispose @battleback_sprite.bitmap.dispose @battleback_sprite.dispose @viewport1.dispose end def update @battleback_sprite.update @viewport1.update end end
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Привет всем.
Возникла такая проблема.
Скачал демо с этого сайта - http://www.atelier-rgss.com/RGSS/System/ACE_SYS05.html
Сам скрипт в демке называется - MOG_PICKUP_and_THROW.
Там сказано нужен ещё один чарсет,(но не обязателен). Я нарисовал.
В общем делаю так как сказано, создать объект > прописать <throwX>, но при активации его (т.е поднимаю) выскакивает вот такая ошибка...
Указывает вот на эту строчку -
Хотя в самой демке прекрасно работает это скрипт.
Установленные скрипты:
- Blasphemia ABS
- GameOver +
- Quest Journal [VXA]
- MOG - Anti Animation Lag (v1.0)
- MOG - Simple Anti Lag (V1.0)
- MOG - Animated Cursor (V1.1)
- MOG - Chain Commands (v1.4)
- MOG - Event Sensor Range (v1.0)
- MOG - Weather EX (v1.3)
- MOG - Active Timer (v1.2)
- MOG - Debug Mode + Ver 1.1 (For Scripters)
Последний раз редактировалось Bartoz; 30.08.2012 в 15:21.
Да нет там траблы. Видел демку, ковырялся с ней, но с базой данных всё в порядке. Какой-то косяк со скриптом, но какой - непонятно.Все скиллы и навыки берутся из БД. С боёвками (кроме анимации) они ничего общего не имеют. Ищи траблу в БД
Dropbox — бесплатное хранилище файлов с прямыми ссылками.
Humble Bundle — игры, подборки и наборы со скидками.
Эту тему просматривают: 2 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 2)
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